As of 01.11.2022
Name of the project: Evaluation and improvement of social, economic and emotional well-being of elderly people. Institutes of fulfilment of the resource potential of the older generation. Development of a complex system for assessment of inequality of the elderly people and design of tools for their viability.
Research directions:
- Developing conceptual understanding pf nature and components of evaluating economic, social and emotional well-being
- Developing a system for complex assessment of social, economic and emotional wellbeing of elderly people
- Developing practical recommendations and solutions to enhance wellbeing of elderly people by forming model of favorable space
- Justifying necessity, possibility and practicability of substitution of the sustained stereotype of «lonely old age» for well-being of old age persons as a result of active social and economic engineering
- Development of a concept of engagement of people of the older generation into the regional community
- Development of a new complex system for assessment of inequality among the elderly people
- Development of efficient institutes for implementation of the resource potential of the older generation in the economy of ageing.
Project objective: Establishing methods and directions of implementing state policies improving well-being of elderly people.
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Interdiciplinary Research and Educaiton in Technological and Economic Challenges of the Energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)»
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University - (SPbPU) |
Economics and Business |
St. Petersburg |
Devezas Tessaleno Campos |
2022-2024 |
Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions (CSDSI)
New Economic School - (NES) |
Economics and Business |
Moscow |
Weber Shlomo
USA, Israel |
2013-2017 |
Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics
National Research University Higher School of Economics - (HSE University) |
Economics and Business |
Moscow, St. Petersburg |
Thisse Jacques-François
Belgium Behrens KristianCanada |
2011-2015 |