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Laboratory for Composite and Ceramic Materials for Arctic Transportation Systems (LCCM)

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 15.02.2021

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Creating the Laboratory of Composite and Ceramic Materials (LCCM)

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а, е

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Study of applicability of composite materials and porous ceramics for usage in transportation and technological complexes of Arctic regions that are characterized by a combination of three unfavorable factors: low temperature, high mechanical stress from ice masses and aggressive impact of the environment

Project objective: Creating a world-class laboratory in composite and ceramic materials for vehicles and structures working under the conditions of the Arctic including low temperature, aggressive impact of sea water and high mechanical stress.

The practical value of the study

1. Our researchers have developed a description of significant features of the shapes of micro-cracks with zigzag geometries; a method has been developed to compute geometrical irregularities and complex geometries of micro-structures.

2. We have obtained descriptions of a model and results of a research of the inter-diffuse process of moisture accumulation for homogeneous media as well as for inhomogeneous media with a micro-structure.

We have obtained a description of a model and results of a research of the impact of moisture content concentration on the physical and mechanical characteristics of components of a composite and and a composite material as a whole taking into account the structure of the composite material.

Our researchers have accumulated results of a modelling of the impact of phase transitions on the features of deformation considering the level of moisture concentration as well as results of a modelling of the level of intrinsic deformation and the damage related to that on the features of deformation, including in the context of the effects of repeated transition «through zero».

3. Our researchers have studied the radiation and chemical anti-friction nano-functionalisation of materials and products, including with the involvement of other organisations;

  • We have developed efficient modes of application of ionising radiation in chemical and radiation volume (3D) functionalisation of raw materials and products made of composite ceramics.
  • Our researchers have analysed the industrial regulations for the production of «dry» sliding bearing bushes made of ceramics. The used materials were analysed to determine potential «real integration points» of the technology of radiation and chemical volume (3D) anti-friction functionalisation into the industrial process.

Result: the Laboratory has developed descriptions of efficient modes of application of ionising radiation in chemical and radiation volume (3D) functionalisation of raw materials and products made of composite ceramics.  

Our researchers have determined the most efficient mode of application of ionising radiation in chemical and radiation volume (3D) functionalisation of raw materials and products made of composite ceramics [ZrO2 (5% Y2O3)] to achieve specified anti-friction characteristics on three possible stages of the implementation of the technology (pre-processing, in situ processing, post-processing).

  • The absorbed doses (for powder materials and the surfaces of manufactured products).
  • The type of ionising radiation (gamma, accelerated electron radiation).

Our researchers have conducted experiments in radiation chemical synthesis in reverse micelles («micro-reactors») of control samples of low-frequency metals (or oxides, or bi-metals) with a mean particle size of ~2.5-10.0 nm that are able to ensure the enhancement of the anti-friction qualities of the surface layer of slide bearing bushes made of ceramics based on ZrO2 (5% Y2O3) by means of nano-technological components to determine the optimal composition, the structure of metal-containing nano-composite functional (anti-friction) components of a composite material (or a coating) based on composite ceramics and polymer composites:

  • «shell-core», alloy, layer.
  • nano-structures based on wolfram, molybdenum, and their combinations, including auxiliary metals (for example, iron, rhenium) or silicon and zirconium dioxides etc.
  • the assessment of the practicability of the application of graphene nano-flakes in anti-friction composites.

Implemented results of research:

Our researchers have obtained results of an analysis of the industrial regulations for the production of «dry» sliding bearing bushes made of ceramics for nuclear industry enterprises.

Education and career development:

2017: an internship of staff members at the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the following topics: «‎Reliability, dynamics, strength, and durability of machines», «‎Materials and technologies for mechanical engineering» (2 interns).

2018: a member of the academic staff has defended a Candidate of Sciences dissertation. To enhance the qualifications, 13 staff members participated in the seminar «Laser technologies in the industry», the all-Russian festival of youth innovations «InnoFest», the Open University of Skolkovo programme «Innovation Workshop».

Our team have developed courses and provided training on the topics «‎Mathematical modelling of physical and engineering problems», «‎Introduction to materials mechanics».

2019: 21 employees of the Laboratory have completed additional training.

The Laboratory developed courses and provided training on the topics: «Micro-mechanics of materials», «Materials resistant to the impact of temperature and corrosive working environments», «Technology and equipment for the welding of special steels and plastics», «Special types of welding, soldering, and gas plasma processing».

Organizational and structural changes:

Within the implementation of the project, we have created the Climatic chamber. In this chamber, we have conducted tests of civil and military equipment at low temperatures (up to -40 degrees).

The Laboratory is furnished with modern scientific research equipment (an automatic laser bench, a hardness testing machine for micro- and macro-loads for the Vickers, the Knoop. And the Brinell scales, equipment for the preparation of samples of composite materials, equipment for climatic testing, a 3D scanner etc.) and software (Comsol Multiphysics).


Collaborative testing in the interest of the nuclear industry in collaboration with the A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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S.Lurie, D.Volkov-Bogorodskiy, Y.Solyaev, A.Koshurina, M.Krasheninnikov

2020. Impact behavior of a stiffened shell structure with optimized GFRP сorrugated sandwich panel skins, Composite Structures, v. 248, 112479. DOI:10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112479 (Impact Factor: 5.318, Q1)

Malikan, M., Uglov, N. S., & Eremeyev, V. A.

(2020). On instabilities and post-buckling of piezomagnetic and
flexomagnetic nanostructures. International Journal of Engineering Science, 157, 103395. DOI:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103395 (Impact Factor: 9.219, Q1)

S.A. Lurie, Yu.O. Solyaev, A.A. Koshurina, V.F. Formalev, V.D. Dobryanskiy, M.L. Kachanov.

2017. Design of the corrugated-core sandwich panel with external active cooling syste, Composite Structures, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.12.082 (Impact Factor: 4,094,

S.Lurie, Y.Solyaev

Influence of mean distance between fibers on the effective gas thermal  conductivity in highly porous fibrous materials, International Journal  of Heat and Mass Transfer, (Impact Factor: 3,626, Q1)

Y. Pronina, A. Maksimov, M. Kachanov

2020. Crack approaching a domain having the same elastic properties but different fracture toughness: Crack deflection vs penetration. International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 156, November 2020, 103374. DOI:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103374 (Impact Factor: 9.219, Q1)

M. Martyniuk, M. Kachanov

2019. Elastic compliances and stress intensity factors of multi-link zig-zag cracks, International Journal of Engineering Science, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103225

M. Martyniuk, M. Kachanov

2019. On elastic compliances and stress intensity factors of “zig-zag” cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, doi.org/10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.106777

Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials»

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Li Baoqiang



Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS

Mechanics and machinery

St. Petersburg

Fridman Emilia Moiseevna

Israel, Russia


Research Laboratory for the Mechanics of Bio-compatible Materials and Devices

Perm National Research Polytechnic University - (PNRPU)

Mechanics and machinery


Silberschmidt Vadim Vladimirovich

United Kingdom, Russia
