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High Energy Physics Data Analysis Laboratory

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Experimental research of fundamental symmetries in the Standard model using the Large Hadron Collider

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level:  а

Goals and objectives

Research directions:

- Experimental search for Higgs boson decays into fermons using machine learning and deep neuron networks and research of qualities of the Higgs boson using the Large Hadron Collider

- Experimental research of electroweak symmetry in gauge boson scattering at the Large Hadron Collider

- Development and enhancement of devices and facilities for the Large Hadron Collider operations in the high luminosity mode

- Modernizing methods to reconstruct and analyze data in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider

Project objective:

- Creation a laboratory (center) for analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider in the Tomsk State University equipped with modern computer resources and development of specialized software accounting or requirements of Large Hadron Collider experiments

- Research of fundamental symmetries in the Standard model of elementary particles in head-on proton collisions including detecting Higgs boson decays into fermons, gauge boson scattering, as well as search for a new physics that goes beyond describing the Standard model

The practical value of the study

  • The Laboratory has collected, reconstructed, and final analysis of detector data from the Large Hadron Collider.
  • We have have found a Higgs boson in the main channel of decay two bottom quarks. The discovery of this decay channel has great importance for proving the Standard model of elementary particle and gives a significant impulse for continuing investigation.
  • Our team has conducted research to search for a channel of Higgs boson decay into two muons. This channel has very low relative width of decay and is not available for observation due to small statistical data sample. Nevertheless, the found upper bound of scattering cross section multiplied by decay rate reaches the value predicted by the Standard model.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have created electronics for testing VMM3 chips and developed methods for their complex testing for new detectors. Apart from that, a group in the ATLAS experiment is responsible for operations of cathode strip detectors of the ATLAS.
  • Our team has developed specialized software that ensures stable and fault-free of gauge constants of all the channels of VMM into databases including necessary tools for validation and analysis of saved data.
  • We have developed a graphical interface and a web interface simultaneously ensuring security of network resources. Obtained results and accumulated experience can be used in modern microelectronics for creating and tasting new electronic systems.
  • Algorithms and methods for analysis of big data developed on the grounds of the Laboratory are in high demand in high tech applied research fields such as materials science, modern engineering analysis (CAD/CAE systems) for supporting R&D and information systems operating on big data and super big data.

Education and career development:

  • 3 students and 3 postgraduates have been hired by the Laboratory to conduct their dissertations on the topic of the project under the auspices of the leading scientist and members of the scientific team of the Laboratory.
  • We have opened the «Elementary particle physics» masters program. The goal of the program is to train professionals for working at major world class research projects, including experiments of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia). Masters students will learn to analyze data obtained in complex physical experiments.
  • The Laboratory has conducted a series of lectures in experimental high energy physics as a part of training for students, postgraduates, young employees for analyzing ATLAS data imitating processes accompanying passage of charged particles in the ATLAS detector and their visualizations by studying technologies of detecting ionizing radiation in ATLAS at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
  • We have conducted scientific seminars with participation of invited scientists as well as employees of scientific and educational foundations of Tomsk.

Organizational and structural changes:

  • We have developed a concept of a computation cluster in a configuration that meets the requirements concerning amount of data generated by the ATLAS experiment in head-on proton collisions, speed of its processing as well as generating data using the Monte Carlo method. According to the developed computation cluster concept in 2018 we installed and launched the first lot of computational equipment comprising 30% of projected capacity. As a caching system we have configured the Squid software package that acts as a proxy server for HTTP, FTP, HTTPS protocols. This package ensures compatibility with the majority of the most important Internet protocols as well as with the majority of widely used operating systems.
  • The Tomsk State University grants access to the SKIF-Cyberia computer cluster connected with the Kurchatov Institute and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The Laboratory has direct connection to resources of the Tomsk State University through the University's local network with 40 Gbit/sec bandwidth.
  • In the coming years computational capabilities of the Laboratory will increase, the engineering infrastructure is now ready for accommodating up to 10 PB of storage space and 100 teraflops of operational performance.

Other results:

  • We have modernized algorithms of research of characteristics of the Higgs boson. The proposed new approach that uses the Docker container technologies allows to ensure replicability of results obtained on the basis of machine learning algorithms. On the recommendation of the ATLAS machine learning forum, developed materials have received the official Tutorials status and they can be currently be accessed freely to engage physicists in using state-of-the-art data processing tools. Tutorials introduce ATLAS physicists to implementation of the TMVA algorithm based on the AdaBoost algorithm from the popular SCIKIT_LEARN machine learning library, as well as to applications of the more modern and productive XGBoost algorithm. We have demonstrated the potential of newest machine learning methods for increasing importance of discovery of Higgs decays.


  • Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA): joint research and scientific publications
  • High Energy Accelerator Research Organization – KEK (Japan): joint research, scientific events, scientific publications
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia): joint research, scientific events, joint education research, academic exchanges, scientific publications

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Khodinov A., Parida B., Tsybychev D., Vaniachine A. et al.
Combination of the Searches for Pair-Produced Vectorlike Partners of the Third-Generation Quarks at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review Letters 121(21): 211801 (2018).
Khodinov A., Tsybychev D., Vaniachine A. et al.
Search for Resonant and Nonresonant Higgs Boson Pair Production in the b b τ+τ- Decay Channel in pp Collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review Letters 121(19): 191801 (2018).
Khodinov A., Parida B., Tsybychev D., Vaniachine A. et al.
Observation of Higgs Boson Production in Association with a Top Quark Pair at the LHC with the ATLAS Detector. Physics Letters B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 784: 173–191 (2018).
Khodinov A., Parida B., Tsybychev D., Vaniachine A. et al.
Measurements of Gluon–Gluon Fusion and Vector-Boson Fusion Higgs Boson Production Cross-Sections in the H → WW⁎ → eνμν Decay Channel in pp Collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physics Letters B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 789: 508–529 (2019).
Khodinov A., Parida B., Tsybychev D., Vaniachine A. et al.
Combination of Searches for Heavy Resonances Decaying into Bosonic and Leptonic Final States Using 36 fb-1 of Proton-Proton Collision Data at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review D 98(5): 052008 (2018).
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of topological quantum phenomena in superconducting systems of the Center for advanced mesoscience and nanotechnology (10)

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT)




Laboratory for Crystal Photonics

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Stoumpos Constantinos



Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Tomsk State University - (TSU)



Shekhtman Lev Isayevich

