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Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Contract number
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General information

Name of the project:

Developing the fundamentals of physics and technology for radiation-resistant semiconductor structures and creating multielement detectors based on them for the fourth-plus-generation synchrotron SKIF and other mega-science projects in Russia

Goals and objectives

Goals of project: 

Forming a laboratory of synchrotron radiation detectors within the structure of the Tomsk State University under the supervision of a leading scientists to perform forward-looking   research for the development of the fundamentals of the physics of the radiation hardness of semiconductor materials and structures with complex compositions based on gallium arsenide modified with admixtures with deep levels and the development of the fundamentals of a technology of producing radiation-resistant semiconductor materials, multielement sensors, digital electronics and detectors for the fourth-plus-generation synchrotron center SKIF and other mega-sceince projects in Russia.

Project objective: 

  1. Performing fundamental research of the radiation resistance of semiconductor materials and structures with complex compositions based on gallium arsenide modified with admixtures with deep levels in the process of epitaxy and diffusion.
  2. Developing the fundamental basics of the technology of the production of radiation-resistant materials and semiconductor structures based on original HR-GaAs:Cr diffusional and epitaxial layers and doped metal-oxide compounds.
  3. Developing the fundamentals of technologies of radiation-resistant multielement sensors capable of registering the coordinates and energies of single quants of synchrotron radiation with a low latency and a high spatial resolution.
  4. Researching the laws of the radiation hardness of detector structures and multichannel detectors based on neutrons and a beam of charged particles.
  5. Developing a design and a technology for Russian fast digital application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) for channel-by-channel conversion of the energy of quants to digital code, processing data from a multichannel radiation-resistant sensor with a distribution between specified subranges of the energies of the registered quants of synchrotron radiation.
  6. Developing a technology for forming contact bumps with a high heterogeneity in terms of height and a technology for channel-by-channel «flip-chip» assembly of a multichannel sensor with ASIC sensory chips.
  7. Developing the fundamentals of the physics of interaction between detector structures, matrix and microstrip detectors and synchrotron radiation, substantiation of the use of achieved results in various domains of science., medicine and industry.
  8. Researching the limits of the radiation resistance of multichannel HR-GaAs:Cr detectors.
  9. Testing multichannel detectors in ion beams to determine the spatio-temporal characteristics and the spectral characteristics of the detectors.
  10. Developing the fundamentals of the digital imaging of various objects and dynamic processes with a high spatial resolution.
  11. Developing the fundamentals of the physics of interaction between multielement detectors and synchrotron radiation at the Russian fourth-plus generation facility SKIF attaining a micro- and nanoscopic structure of images of the real object.
  12. Researching the fundamentals of physics and creating a technology of radiation-resistant coordinate detectors for physical experiments at the International Linear Collider (ILC), the charm-tau factory (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), СЕРС (China PR), FCC (CERN).
Research directions: Physics and astronomy

The practical value of the study
Planned project results:

Fundamentals of the design of Russian radiation-resistant digital detectors of high-frequency synchrotron radiation in a wide spectral range with energy resolution, including: 
    1. Physical models of transport and accumulation of nonequillibrium charge carriers in the ionization track of the material compensated by deep nanoclusters; optimal structures of HR-GaAs:Cr semiconductor structures that allow to achieve a value of radiation hardness of at least 2 MGy. 
    2. The laws of the high-temperature doping of VGF-GaAs (Vertical Gradient Freeze) with admixture nanoclusters with deep levels and ensuring the optimal conditions for doping to achieve the desired design of the structures. 
    3. A laboratory design and a technology (will be protected as a «know-how») of HR-GaAs:Cr structures with a diameter of 4 inches and detector quality: - specific resistance, at least 1 giga-Ohm*cm; - electron drift length, at least 0,1 cm; - radiation hardness of structures, at least 2 MGy. 
    4. The optimal structure of the matrix sensor that has a large (4 inches) area, the design of the pixel and the unified technology of the formation of contact pads and contact bumps on matrix sensors (the technology will be protected as a «know-how») for «flip-chip» assembly on VGF-GaAs structures with diameters of 4 inches; developing a methodology and a technology for testing and grading of matrix sensors with large surface areas. 
    5. The laws of the main characteristics of prototypes of multielement detectors, made of HR-GaAs:Cr structures in the counting mode and the distribution between subranges of the energies of the quants: - charge transport and accumulation, fast response, dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, radiation hardness; - a program and methodologies of output control in VGF HR-GaAs:Cr structures. 
    6. A set of laboratory regulations (will be protected as a «know-how») for the design of matrix sensors and a technology (that can be selected according to a specific system task during the development) for monolithic integrated circuits (MIC) for matrix HR-GaAs:Cr sensors with diameters of 4 inches with characteristics exceeding the world-class level: - number of elements in a single sensor, up to 1,6 million pixels (at a pixel size of up to 55*55 μm*μm); - number of broken channels, not exceeding 0,01 per cent; - density of dark current running through a single pixel at an operational voltage of 100 V, not exceeding 1 nA/mm2; - efficiency of charge accumulation of a single pixel of the sensor, not less 0,5 at an electric field directionality of 2 kV/cm. 
    7. A set of laboratory regulations (will be protected as a «know-how») for the design and a technology for contact pads on the surfaces of MICs with diameters of 4 inches of HR-GaAs:Cr sensors with the following characteristicи: - dispersion of the heights of formed contact pads, not exceeding 3 μm; - number of damaged contact bumps, not exceeding 0,01 per cent. 
    8. A set of laboratory regulations (will be protected as a «know-how») for a technology for the «flip-chip» assembly of MICs of multielement HR-GaAs:Cr sensors with application-specific integral circuits (ASIC). A design of a detector assembly and a material for contact pads relying on the absorption of registered ionizing radiation in the operational volume of the sensor, the contacts and the pads will be able to ensure the absence of radiation-induced damage to ASICs located under the sensors. /li>
  1. Developing prototypes and pilot samples of Russian specialized mixed-signal integrated circuit (SMSIC).
  2. A set of laboratory regulations for the design of a digital imaging module (DIM) that will be protected as a «know-how» for registering synchrotron, X-ray and gamma-radiation that will include «flip-chip» assembly of matrix censors with SMSIC and an interface for data transfer and     reproduction in the form of a database and an indication on a computer screen, including a specialized algorithm for processing and increasing the spatial resolution.
  3. Creating basic technologies for the processing of large flows of data during physical experiments involving fourth-generation synchrotron sources and particle accelerators with high beam luminosity..
  4. Training highly-qualified professionals and building infrastructure for the production of prototypes of radiation-resistant digital detectors with energy resolution on the grounds of the Center for Research and Development «Prospective technologies for microelectronics» of the Tomsk State University.
  5. Creating an instrumental basis to equip Russian experimental stations created within the Federal Scientific and Technical   Program for High-intensity Fourth-generation Synchrotron Radiation Sources in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 287 of 16 March 2020. The expected results of the project, apart from scientific significance, will also be socially important. Entering the global multipurpose research market for the development of a wide range of next-generation energy dispersion digital radiography devices will be the most important commercial results. The social significance is ensured by the creation of new jobs and new possibilities for the development of sensorics in Russia.

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