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Contract number
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Invited researcher

As of 01.12.2023

Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information

Name of the project: Cluster algebras and moduli spaces of flat and holomorphic connections

Goals and objectives

Project objective:

The main objective of this project is the expansion of methods applicable for the computation of the canonical characteristic classes in moduli spaces of complex curves over spaces of flat connections. The modern approach to the computation of integrals of canonical classes is based on topological recursion that allows to recurrently express integrals of characteristic classes. The initial state of the proposed project is the formation of a cluster theory for moduli spaces of curves and the study of their applications in the computation of integrals of canonical classes.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

For a given spectral curve, a family of symplectic dual spectral curves is constructed, for this family an explicit formula which expresses the corresponding n-pointed functions in terms of the n-point functions of the original curve. As a corollary, topological recursion for generating functions enumerating generalized totally simple maps is proved. Dependence of topological recursion on the initial data is studied, in particular, for the case of extending the recursion to the degenerate initial data.

Weight systems for permutations taking values in the universal enveloping algebras of the classical Lie algebras are developed.

Closed explicit formulas for primary potentials in genus 0 of 3-dimensional Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theories for simple elliptic singularities with non maximal symmetry group are found.

An explicit resolution of the symplectic groupoid conditions is constructed by means of Fock-Goncharov-Shen cluster coordinates. Several examples of explicit resolution of the symplectic groupoid conditions for higher genera are constructed.

Baxter operators for the quantum hyperbolic Ruijsenaars system are constructed. It is proven that these operators form a commuting system of integral operators commuting with McDonald operators.

Education and personnel occupational retraining:

In 2021-24 four research assistants completed successfully their PhD studies and defended their theses.

In 2023, two members of the Lab defended Doctor of Science theses.

More than 100 students and PhD students took part in season schools organized by the Lab.

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L.Chekhov, M.Shapiro
“Log-Canonical Coordinates for Symplectic Groupoid and Cluster Algebras” 2023, June, Volume 2023 Issue 11 Page 9565-9652
Bychkov B., Dunin-Barkowski P., Kazarian M., Shadrin S.
Generalised Ordinary vs Fully Simple Duality for n-Point Functions and a Proof of the Borot–Garcia-Failde Conjecture // Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 402, pages 665–694, (2023)
Boris Bychkov; Petr Dunin-Barkowski; Maxim Kazarian; Sergey Shadrin
Explicit closed algebraic formulas for Orlov–Scherbin -point functions // Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, Volume 9 (2022), pp. 1121-1158.
Alexandrov A., Basalaev A.A., Buryak A.
Construction of Open Descendant Potentials in All Genera International Mathematics Research Notices . Volume 2023, Issue 17, August 2023
M.Kazarian, S.Lando
Weight systems and invariants of graphs and embedded graphs, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2022, vol. 77,
Belousov N., Derkachov S., Khoroshkin S., Kharchev S.
Baxter Operators in Ruijsenaars Hyperbolic System I: Commutativity of Q-Operators // Annales Henri Poincare. 2023
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory «Probability techniques in analysis» (10)

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Hedenmalm Haakan Per



Laboratory «Nonlinear and nonlocal equations and their applications»

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - (RUDN University)



Kuksin Sergei Borisovich

Russia, France


Probabilistic Methods in Analysis

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Hedenmalm Haakan Per

