As of 01.12.2023
Goals of project:
The objective of the research is the creation of a scientific basis for the development of new classes of products for patient-oriented medicine relying on bio-compatible materials with optimal physical, mechanical, and biological characteristics produced using additive technologies.
Project objective:
Among the goals of the projects we envision:
- The development of methods and approaches for the description of the physical and mechanical behaviour and the assessment of properties of bio-materials with controllable micro-structure created by means of additive technologies;
- The development of methods of solving problems of optimisation of the topological structure, mechanical, transportation, and biological properties of bio-materials with consideration to bio-compatibility requirements, parameters of loading, and the environment;
- The study of the processes of biodegradation of materials and the growth of tissues in a biological environment;
- The creation of models of the mechanical behaviour of living tissues, the processes of the interaction between living and non-living matter during the integration of biomaterials and devices based on them with the human body;
- The creation of methods for monitoring of the mechanical state of bio-materials and devices based on them.
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Лаборатория инновационных технологий и механики разрушения |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Кашаев Николай Сергеевич
Russia |
2024-2028 |
Laboratory «Dynamics and extreme characteristics of advanced nanostructured materials»
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Li Baoqiang
China |
2022-2024 |
Laboratory for Digitalisation, Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Mechanical Systems, Networks and Environments
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS |
Mechanics and machinery |
St. Petersburg |
Fridman Emilia Moiseevna
Israel, Russia Plotnikov Sergey AlexandrovichRussia |
2021-2023 |