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As of 01.11.2022

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Linguistic ecology, which is aimed at the determination of the principles and rules that are common for social systems and for the development of language to a larger extent, primarily presents a relevant methodology and approaches for the research in the topic of the project. The modern challenges of society related to the threat of the loss of national and cultural identity of the Russian citizens present scientists with the task of solving a range of problems of a wide social and humanitarian nature. The preservation of languages and culture contributes to the preservation of the national integrity, the national identity, the vital energy of any nation. Unfortunately, nowadays many languages of nations of the North are presently at the brink of extinction. Some of the factors affecting the language shift are migrations, urbanisation and the industrialisation of Northern territories. Indigenous peoples that maintain bonds with the traditional lifestyle demonstrate a higher level of language preservation both in terms of its transmission to the next generations and preservation of various language domains.

Name of the project: The preservation of the linguistic and cultural diversity and sustainable development of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions of the Russian Federation

Goals and objectives
The goal of the project is the creation of the Laboratory of linguistic ecology of the Arctic aimed at solving the following problems:

  1. The integration of leading professionals in the domain of linguistic and cultural diversity studies, the exchange of experience and the development of a methodology and technique for its investigation;
  2. The study of linguistic ecology, social and cultural landscape of the Arctic and the Sub-Arctic regions of Russia (by the example of the Republic of Sakha - Yakutia and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)
  3. The engagement of young scientists into research work in the field of modern language processes through their participation in research and writing scientific articles. The creation of the Laboratory of the Arctic will lay the foundation for the scientific school of linguistic ecology – comprehensive research of languages, culture and social environment as one of the important indicators of the sustainable development of the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation and the adjacent (Sub-Arctic) regions and as the basis of the well-being of a single ethnic group and the Russian society as a whole.
The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

Within the project, we conducted research of the volume of the social functions of the Yakut language, the intensity of its functioning in various areas of communication, special attention was paid to the domain of education. We determined languages that are the functional dominant in one domain or another, on the one side, and languages co-functioning with them, analyzed the current language problems of indigenous peoples of the Arctic zone of Russia on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Changes in the environment, the industrialization of the region, the implementation of information technologies, migration processes, urbanization also influence the languages and cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic and the sub-Arctic region, the dynamics of language contacts and language shifts. Due to this, it is necessary to find a connection between the viability of a language and the well-being of a nation.

The functioning of any language, both in unregulated and regulated areas of communication, affects its vitality. The latter affect the language more significantly in the long term, since the official status of the language and its unhindered use in paperwork, legal proceedings, media and education helps to increase its prestige in the eyes of the population and ensures its functioning in other domains.

We studied the functioning of the Yakut language – the mother tongue of the majority of the inhabitants of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – as one of the most important indicators of the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of Russia. We focused on the domain of education that, being one of the key areas crucial for the preservation and sustainable development of the language, registers the current language situation in the region, determines the risks and threats to the existence of one or another language.

The Laboratory reviewed corresponding provisions of federal and republican legislation, including the laws «On education in the Russian Federation», «On the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation», the Constitution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), law «On the languages of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)», as well as the Federal state education standards. The practical part of the conducted research was presented in the results of a survey conducted in 2021 among politicians, linguists and activists as key groups forming the language policies of the region.

Our researchers conclude that almost all the languages of the ethnic minorities of Russia are at various stages of language shift, this was affected by social and economic transformations of the Russian society – migration, urbanization, active development of information and communication technologies, as well as the significantly altered educational context after the adoption of the law «On education in the Russian Federation» and the phased introduction of  Federal state education standards. A negative dynamic is observed, manifesting itself in a moderate, though steady, decrease in language competence among the native speakers of the Yakut language, which allows to forecast a further, possibly sharp, decline in competence among the younger generation, accelerated by the influence of the rapidly developing information and communication technologies.

The analysis was conducted within the scenario method, which can be used for the purposes of strategic and innovative language development in the country as a whole and in individual ethnic groups in particular, for language planning at the federal and regional levels. We also analyzed narratives of the informants, which allowed to receive an advantage in gathering a synchronous cross-section of the language situation.

An interim analysis of sociolinguistic surveys in regions of the republic demonstrated that overall, the main indicators of ethnic identity are stable.

On the basis of an analysis of corresponding legislative acts and results of surveys of residents of Yakutia in 2021, we conducted a comparative analysis of the position of the Yakut languages de jure and de facto. An analysis of the functioning of the Yakut language — the native language of the majority of the inhabitants of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in education, one of the key areas necessary for the preservation and sustainable development of the language, determined the current language situation in the region, as well as the risks and threats to the existence of one or another language, which is especially relevant in the light of International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.

At the modern stage of functioning of the Yakut language, the media undergoes some transformation, in the first place, under the influence of clichés of the Russian press. Texts of journalistic and conversational style in the media were studied. We noted a decrease in the general level of speech literacy, in Yakut-language news messages it is possible to observe violations of the standard word order in sentences. The influence of the business style of the Russian language is clear. The SOV word order, which is characteristic of Turkic languages is replaced with SVO, as well as transformations of simple sentences into complex ones by adding a subordinate clause etc. We found a frequent use of a large number of words from the Russian language in speech, where words having equivalents in the native language can also be replaced. In the colloquial Yakut language filler words form Russian are observed more frequently.

Studies of the language situation in the Eveno-Bytantaysky National District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a region of compact residence of Tugyasir Evens, where both Russian an Yakut are in everyday use. The Even language is considered a cultural heritage language. Research of western dialects of the Even language – Tugyasir, indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Russian Arctic, are of special academic interest, since this dialect is not adequately covered in terms of descriptions of dialects and for classification in academic literature. In this research we used the interview method aimed at studying the linguistic biographies of informants, determining their language skill levels and the language situation in the studied region. 129 respondents from three villages – Sakkyryr, Dzhargalah, and Kusgur, took part in interviews. The panel of respondents was divided into four age groups of men and women: G1 – school-age respondents, G2 – youth aged from 20 to 35, G3 – middle generation aged 36 to 50, and G4 – senior generation from 51 and older. As of 01 January 2021, 2879 people resided in the Eveno-Bytantaysky National District, which were divided into three naslegs: Tugyasir (Batagai-Alyta Village), population 1897; Lower Bytantai (Kusgur Village) – 733 inhabitants; Upper Bytantai (Dzhargalah Village) – 249 inhabitants. According to the 2010 general census, Evens comprised 53,05% of the population of the Eveno-Bytantaysky National District, Yakuts accounted for 44,37%, Russians comprised – 0,87%, Evenks – 0,56%, others – 0,94%. Preliminary results of the research demonstrated that the Even language is undergoing a language shift due to the assimilation of the Even language with the Yakut language. While the self-identification indicator is high, the Evens do not speak the ethnic language but have a high indicator of motivation to study the titular language. Similar results have also been obtained in an expedition to Olenyoksiy ulus, a region of compact residence of Evenks.

The official status granted to the nasleg generates positive ethnosocial processes. For instance, the study of the functioning of the Evenki language in the Sadyn national Evenki nasleg of Mirninsky Rayon of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) that is represented by Syuldyukar Village. From the standpoint of determining the mechanism of reverse language shift in Syuldyukar, we analyzed the work of a kindergarten, a middle school, a village culture center, which are actors of the national and language policy in the village. It was discovered that this triad of cultural and educational institutions feasibly contribute to reviving the Evenki language long lost by the Sadyn Evenks. Relying on the gathered field material we found the areas of use of the Evenki language in the village: the Evenki language functions in elementary school, in the sociocultural space of the village and partially in the linguistic landscape. The results of the research demonstrates that the official status granted to the nasleg fuels positive ethnosocial processes. Activities in the field of reviving the Evenki language in the village positively affect the population: the ethnic identity of Sadyn Evenks is supported. A sociolinguistic survey demonstrated that the conducted work truly is effectively reflected in the self-consciousness of of the Syuldyukarians and raises lively interest and desire in them to contribute to the development of the Evenki language in their village. It was determined that attempts to revitalize the Evenki language in Syuldyukar  Village have a positive trend, the dynamic of which should be reviewed in a comparative analysis later.

Studying Yukaghir language material (the tundra dialect), we investigated relations between polylinguism, language contacts and language shift in the context of language documentation. Throughout their whole history, the Yukaghirs underwent persistent cultural and language influence from other peoples, were subjected to reassimilation, mixed with them in marriages and ran households, hunted and fished together [Yokhelson 2005, Tugolukov 1979, Kolesov 1991]. The most interesting region from the areal standpoint is the Kolyma-Alazei tundra in northern Yakutia. Research from previous years shows a distinct polyethnicity and multilingualism, constant interaction and mutual influence of languages and cultures starting from the 19th century [Yokhelson 2005, Gurvich 1951, Vakhtin 2001, 2016, Pupyrina et al. 2021].

The most pronounced multilingualism is observed in the settlements of Kolymskoye (Khalerchinskiy nasleg) and Andryushkino (Olyorinskiy Suktul). According to latest research, both villages have a prevalence of quadrilinguals and pentalinguals speaking Yukaghir, Chukchi, Even, Yakut and Russian [Poupynina et al. 2021]. The Tundra Yukaghirs show the highest level of their language among their people, they are also good at Russian compared to other languages of the region, as well as Even, Yakut and Chukchi to some extent. In Kolymskoye, there is a prevalence of Chukchi people, since the village is the center of the Khalarchinskiy Chukchi national nasleg. Due to this, the local Yukaghirs are much better at the Chukchi language than Even and Yakut. In Andryushkino, Yukaghirs are good in the language of their nation, they are also good at Even and Yakut, but a low level of Chukchi is naturally observed, as the village is far removed from the Chukotka territory and lies closer to Yakut uluses. Yukaghirs in Andryushkino are less prone to influence from Chukchi than Yukaghirs in Kolymskoye, while when it comes to the Yakut language the situation is completely the opposite.

The status of languages in polylinguals varies depending on whether they were born in mixed marriages, on their ethnic self-identification, the statuses of the languages. While in the mid-20th century a strengthening was observed (due to the policy of merging villages and creating boarding schools), but by the late 20th century the population started to lose their pentalingualism (18 pentalinguals in Andryushkino in 1993; see Vakhtin 2016), however, the multilingualism still prevails over monolingualism. Nevertheless, cases of language shifts were still noted (for instance, a complete transition of several groups of Yukaghirs to Evenki, Yakut, and Russian) [Yokhelson 2005, Vakhtin 2016].

The modern situation concerning the Yukaghir language in the village of Andryushkino is a longitudinal research and is based on materials gathered by Nikolay Vakhtin in 1987, in comparison with materials collected by Maria Pupynina in 2022. Such longitudinal studies of the language situation are very rare in the world. Such research will significantly contribute not only to describing the language situation but to the language shift theory.

In the early 2022, we conducted scientific expeditions to the Tattinskiy and Olenyovskiy districts to collect linguistic material on the Yakut and Evenki languages. From results of field work, we surveyed more than 60 informants, their average age ranging from 70 to 75. Special attention was paid to materials on dialects, in particular, names of objects of living nature and traditional household activities of native peoples of the North. As a result of the expeditions, more than 150 dialectic lexemes were collected that had not been recorded previously in linguistic sources. The executors of the project analyzed the affixal formation of dialectic names of objects of living nature in the Yakut language: the most productive means of enriching and extending the dialect system of the Yakut language is the morphological method, in which lexical units are formed using affixes – more than 19% of dialectic bases are formed by the affixal method.

Morphological analysis of dialectic names of objects of living nature allowed to determine the influence of Tungus-Manchurian languages on the formation of names of living nature objects related to the exploration of the northern nature by the Yakuts. Particularly, names of plants growing in the forest tundra zone and names of animals inhabiting the tundra zone of Yakutia.

One of the productive morphemes by virtue of which dialectic names of objects of living nature are formed is the -каан affix, which is considered a common Altaic affix for creating diminutives and functions in all the Mongolian and Tungus-Manchurian languages. Under conditions of language contacts, numerous Evenkisms penetrated the Yakut language, among which were Evenki words with the diminutive affixes -каан, -чаан, which raised a potential feasibility of similar affixes already existing in the Yakut language, as a result of which in northern dialects it is possible to observe an extremely high frequency of use of the indicated affixes of emotional assessment, which created an illusory perception of the affixes -каан, -чаан, as borrowed by Yakut only from Even and Evenki [Ivanov, 2017, 68]: һылгыпчаан «сылгы чыычааҕа (white wagtail)», тайахчаан «dropwort», мыычаан «dark-gray long-tailed mouse», чаарыачаан «red-necked phalarope» (in Yakuts of the Yana River region), накачаан «perch», чукучан «horse, fish», тукачаан «common sucker (Catostomus commersonii)», саһарҕачаана «diminutive of sunrise» (саһарҕа «sunrise»), кутурукчаана «short-tailed blue (Cupido argiades)» (кутурук «tail»), чаачаан «white worm», харачаана «gith» (хара «black»), оҕусчаан «little bull» (оҕус «bull»), кычычаан «two-year-old female deer», мулкаанчаан «one-year-old buck», чычырыычаан «one-year-old female deer», бабычаан «false brome», мулкаанчаан «one-year old buck», сыалыкаан «middle-sized burbot», харчаана «gith».

In the area of phytonymic lexicon, such lexemes were also recorded: баабычаан «false brome», тайахчаан «dropwort», төрут кынатчаан «bracken», алептика тараахчаана «common aven», тиисчээн «bittercresses», бэгэйчээн «chamaerhodos», чаарыачаан «curlew». In the area of floronyms the following names of plants were produced: сатыыкаан «cowberry», тууйакаан «Alyssum», Лена тууйакаана «Alyssum lenense», икки сиэмэлээх туйакаан «Alyssum biovulatum», чаакаан «bulrush» and тууйакаан «Alyssum», кутуйахаан «bristlegrass», луукан «name of some plant», чыпчыхаан «Parus», чыпчыыхаан «Parus palustris», нуукаан «hare», муойкачаан «young fawn» etc.

The second position in terms of productivity is occupied by by the Turkic affix -ка: бырчыкы «juvenile crucian carp», быччыкы «crucian carp», «juvenile crucian carp», мыччыкы «small crucian carp», where the generating base is the Yakut lexeme «to roll out (about eyes)», дааҕыска (dial.) «foal (from the first autumn to one year)», даабыска «foal in the first winter», эбэкээ «bear», эчээкэ «bear» etc.

Turkic diminutive affixes are preserved in the Yakut language and are present within more than 20 (2%) zoonyms: -ас (-эс): аныгас «newborn bear cub», аһынас «cub of a large predator – bear, wolf», чыккыйаас «bear», чыккыйаас «bear», атас «male sable», аҕас «Arctic fox», кырынаас «stoat», арыалыас «mallard», чуорпас «partridge», какаас «common loon», хаҥалас «vulture goose», куоҕас «bittern», устугас «river broad whitefish», баллас «burbot», лахас «a species of fish», үөҥэс үөҕэс үөҕэс кыыл «three-year-old wild animal», үөҥэс үөҕэс кыыл «three-year-old wild animal», үөнэс «three-year-old male moose», үѳҥэс «three-year-old male moose», бэрдьигэс «ide», сүлүгэс «Siberian taimen», сүлдьүгэс «Siberian taimen», лэкэс «ruffe», элэмэс «midge», күйүгэс «Haematopota pluvialis», күүгэс «botfly», үөҥэс «young and tall, three-year old deer».

The word-forming affix -чах in many Turkic languages is one of the productive affixes to make diminutive forms, and in the Yakut language this formant is determined as a lost diminutive affix and probably the displaced Tungus affix -чаан [Adamova, Prokopiyeva, 2016]: туутчах «small nelma» (туут «nelma») and its different variations – турчах «small nelma» (туут «nelma»). Also using this affix other zoonyms are formed: муҥурчах «diminutive of weasel» (муҥур «weasel»), муҥучаах (муҥур «weasel»), көтчөх «young autumn duck, already flying», көччөх «young autumn duck, already flying», чаҥычах «green peas» (чаҥ «bell-flower»), быырчах «thin-stemmed, small branchless growing osier-bed», быырчах «thin-stemmed small branchless growing osier-bed», быыччах «thin-stemmed, small branchless growing osier-bed», быыччах «thin-stemmed, small branchless growing osier-bed», ииччэх «willow». The -чах affix also participates in the formation of more than 20 names of plants and animals in the Yakut language. In same dialectic names of plants in the Yakut languages the most ancient affixes forming nominative stems can be noted. Yevdokiya I. Korkina classifies the -ча affix as the most ancient diminutive affix [Korkina, 1992, 46]: мутучча «needles of a conifer» and мучучча «needles of a conifer» (мутук «snag», «snags»), бутучча «needles of a conifer» (мутук «snag», «snags»), кыычча «two-year-old female deer», оҕучча «little bull», кычыча «two-year-old female moose», кыысча «two-year old female moose», наргыча «bear cub», тумусча «true weevil», оҕууча «young bull», оҕучаа «little bull», оҕучаа «little bull», оҕууча «little bull», тумусча «true weevil», тэҥэчэ «Arctic cisco», тэҥэччэ «grayling», мөөмүсэ «bear», мөөмүчэ «bear», мээмичэ «bear», мээмэчэ «bear».

The functioning of the affix that formed more than 1,7% of zoonyms and phytonyms is found in the Kolyma dialect of the Yakut language, where it is noted that the -ча form is considered unknown in the literary language.

In our research we also detected another nominative affix -ыйа that is used for emotional evaluation, that has a significantly weakened diminutive (hypocorism) meaning [Grammar of the Modern Literary Yakut Language, 1982, 112], which, according to Otto von Böhtlingk, belongs to frozen affixes: харыйа «fir», бакаарыйа «cowherb», лыглыйа «greater white-fronted goose» (from лыглык «black goose»), саахтыйа «duck that looks like mallard», хаптаанньыйа «bedbug», харгыйа «raven».

Among the affixes of the Yakut language that are less productive in forming names of objects pf living nature it is worth noting -чай (-чыай), -ый and -ик. These morphemes function as parts of the names of the wagtail, the dragonfly, the weasel, the hare, and a small forest: сылгычыай «wagtail», сылгычай «dragonfly», муҥучай «weasel», атахый «hare», титирик «small forest». One of the polyfunctional affixes in the Yakut language is the affix -лаах, which performs both the word-altering and word-forming functions.

By processing data on the Yukaghir language on the LingvoDoc platform. we obtained data on the etymology of the thematic group of words in the language of tundra (TY) and forest Yukaghirs (FY). On the basis of data loaded and analyzed by the LingvoDoc platform, over a hundred of geographical terms denoting positive landscape (44 lexemes) and water objects (57 lexemes), we obtained the following results:

  • using the Starling database, we registered native and borrowed words that have fallen into disuse for some reason at some point, which is very important both for the research of language contacts and in terms of historical and cultural studies (for example., TY пэндийэ «creek», лэбээ(н) «swamp», халии «large swamp»; FY бадараан «swamp» (<Tung.), буччэ «swamp» (<Rus.dial.), ниасэ «swamp» (Rus.dial.), чичоо «mountain pass» (<Yakut); native Yukaghir көжэлэбэ «hilly landscape»);
  • refined and amended meanings of some words (for example, in FY the word көлгиэл has the meaning «ravine», while the LingvoDoc search system indicates another meaning «hill covered with forest» (TY xali:- «big swamp» (EDAL 750)); the FY word ньороль «puddle; swamp» also found a third meaning «pond (as a small body of water)»; moreover, some discrepancies in meanings are observed (for example, the word орпубэ is present in both Yukaghir languages, but in TY it is used to denote some kind of a button in the form of a plate, a part of a deer halter, while in FY орпубэ means «mountain pass»);
  • as a result of an etymologization, in all terms for highlands in the Yukaghir language we found a pra-Uralic component  (for instance., LY пиэ «mountain» (*pe: K pe, KK pie, KJ bo:je, SD p’e, M peé, MC pala, MO pea, B pe:a, ME pead») < PU pije «stone» (НенТ pe, НенЛ pē, Нган. pe, ЭнецТ pu); )); among terms for water objects there are pra-Uralic, pra-Tungus-Manchurian, pra-Turkic and pra-Chukchi traces (for instance., TY ньориль, FY ньороль (*ńoro-: K, KK, ńorol», KJ ńorol, T, TK ńoril», RS norol) < PU *nár «swamp» (FIN noro, EST nōru, nōrg, UDM ńur, MAN ńēr, KOM ńur, NEN ńurka, SLK njăr), TY сэмэ «river bank, lake shore» (*seme: T seme; TD seme) < PC K * em - «shallow water, river island; coast, archipelago» (C U em -sq -n, KOR ém-, em -ĺq -n, PAL ceme-ĺq -n, ALU cam-, am /a-ĺq -n, cama-n, cama-, w n) etc.).

The LingvoDoc platform was also used to research features of the language consciousness and language identity in the situation of active bilingualism.

The creation of areals of associative links in the LingvoDoc platform allowed to determine the frequency of reactions to certain stimulus words across districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It is interesting that the frequency is not always related to a wide areal, since sometimes a reaction is found frequently, but is rather localized geographically, and sometimes a reaction is found not so frequently but encompasses a broader territory. The frequency of reactions indicates – the core, i. e. the values of the culture, and not the frequency – the periphery – changes that occur in the society (culture). From the language standpoint, language shifts, contacts, interferences and other aspects can be observed.

The processing of associative verbal networks using the platform allowed to understand the mechanism of the formation of associations in native speakers. Thanks to LingvoDoc we found out that associations propagate not genetically but across areals of habitat, this is caused by real contacts between people. Associations can be related to extralinguistic features (geographic features, history etc.).

The most frequent reaction «кыһын/winter» is represented across the whole territory of the Republic, since cold winters are felt by all the inhabitants of the Republic. The reaction «тыал/wind» starkly represents a characteristic natural feature – it is represented by native speakers of the Yakut language residing near the sea, from which wind blows constantly.

The anthropological analysis of the relation between the landscape, culture and identity of indigenous  small-numbered peoples of the north of Yakutia within the project is conducted  via the main focus placed on the important marker and resource of identity that accumulates in itself landscapes of the North, its physical, geographical, natural and climatic features, the integrated system of northern occupations and traditional practices – the domesticated northern deer. The multiplicity of the image of the deer in the cultures of the peoples of the North allows to view the deer as a «construction material» that is at the core of the construction of the identity and the building of the life strategy of «deer people». Various texts of the culture, personal and collective narratives of «imagination» and «experiencing» the cold space related to the northern deer, they construct the modern representation of the ethnicity of the native peoples of the North.

In the context of the cultural borderland, special attention was paid to the understanding of the northern shamanism as an ethnocultural phenomenon paired with the general pool of the traditional culture of the peoples of the North. As a result of a comparative analysis, we isolated the key components of the northern shamanism, such as the co-spatialitiy of languages and cultures, the environmental behavior (the relation of the human and the fragile nature of the Far North), the deification of spirits of the area, the flexibility and transparency of the boundary between the behavioral and transcendental worlds, the tolerance to other religions, the level of a shaman’s proficiency in several languages (Yakut, Evenki, Even, Yukaghir). An systemic study of the northern shamanism as an integral part of the environmental thinking uncovered the existence of the original ecosophy of northern peoples related to the adaptation strategies of the mental exploration and experiencing the natural space. A study of items used by Yakut, Dolgan, Evenki, and Even shamans (tambourine as a means of transportation, cane as a walking stick) demonstrated that the shaman complex symbolically reflects the idea of motion and path of a shaman as a mediator between the profane and sacred worlds. The shaman’s costume bore in itself a multi-layer road semantic related to ethnomythological landscape of the northern space.

Results of large-scale ethnosociological surveys among the youth of the indigenous peoples of the North conducted in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2020–2021 confirm the reality of a dual (complex) ethnic identity in some of the surveyed individuals. For example, among the village youth residing in national settlements (n=528), 10,4% respondents indicated their mixed ethnicity; in Yakutsk (n=134) it was 18%, in the urban-type settlement Belaya Gora of Abyuskiy ulus (n=50) – 11%; among the participants of three cultural events of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, (n=152) 13,2% people indicated their mixed ethnicity. Such self-identification is typical of members of international families, especially in urban environments.

Implemented results of research:

  • The Laboratory has developed and tested a methodology to research the functioning  of the Yakut language and languages of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North and the Arctic.
  • Unique scientific collections have been compiled in the form of databases containing materials on the dialectic lexicon of the Yakut language collected in four expeditions to districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The collections have been implemented into the education process at the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Peoples of the Northeast of North-Eastern Federal University as core material for lectures and practical classes.
  • As a results of our expeditions, we compiled assessments of the functionality and the current state of the Yakut language and languages of the indigenous peoples of the North across districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). These materials were used to develop legislative acts (the Strategy for the Development of Municipalities, the State Program for the Language Policy, the Concept of the Development of Culture and Spirituality etc.) in the domain of language building and cultural and spiritual development of individual territories.

Education and career development:

  • Members of the academic ream of the Laboratory have published:
    1. monographs (chapters in monographs): «Language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): the Yakut language in the context of linguistic inhomogeneity (ethno-socio-phycho-linguistic aspect)» (by Nina I. Ivanova, publishing house «Nauka», 2022, Novosibirsk, ISBN 978-5-02-041499-0); «Russian lexicon in the language of the Tundra Yukaghirs» (by Samona N. Kurilova, publishing house «Nauka», 2022, Novosibirsk, ISBN 978-5-02-041495-2); «Associative dictionary of the Yakut language» (by Lyudmila  S. Zamorschikova, publishing house of Southeastern Federal University, 2022, Yakutsk).
    2. textbooks: methodological instructions «Even literature» (by Antonina A. Vinokurova, publishing house «Dani-Almas», 2021, Yakutsk, ISBN n/a); «Theory and methods of introducing students to literature of peoples of Russia in native literature classes in schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)» (by Antonina A. Vinokurova, publishing house «Dani-Almas», 2021, Yakutsk, ISBN 978–5–91441–335–1); «Саха тыла (бүччүм үлэ матырыйаала)/The Yakut language (practice)» (by Ninel V. Malysheva, published by Yakut Republican Typography named after Yu. A. Gagarin, 2022, Yakutsk, ISBN n/a, «Саха тыла (уус-уран ааҕыы)/The Yakut language (reading)» (by Ninel V. Malysheva, published by Yakut Republican Typography named after Yu. A. Gagarin, 2022, Yakutsk, ISBN n/a).
  • One Doctor of Sciences dissertation, 3 Candidate of Sciences dissertations, one master’s degree thesis, one PhD thesis in Anthropobiology, one bachelor’s degree thesis have been prepared and defended.
  • 8 employees of the Laboratory have completed internships at the Institute «Polar Academy» of Russian State Hydrometeorological University, at Kazan State Power Engineering University, Amur State University, the Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Employees of the Laboratory organized and staged: the summer scientific school «Methodology of sociolinguistic research» (28 June–8 August 2021, Yakutsk), the scientific and methodological seminar «Modern sociolinguistics: concepts, methods, objectives» (24–30 November 2021, Yakutsk), the scientific and methodological seminar «Modern ethnopsycholinguistics: methodologies of research in the context of asymmetric bilingualism» (30 November–3 December 2021, Yakutsk), the summer scientific school «Junior researchers of the Upper Yana» devoted to the 150th anniversary of the Verkhoyansk middle school named after Mikhail L. Novgorodov, the 2nd scientific and methodological school and seminar «Modern sociolinguistics: concepts, methods, objectives» (18–21 September 2022, Yakutsk), the round table «Linguistic and cultural heritage of Northern Siberia and the Far East vs the challenges of the modern world» within the 9th International Siberian Historical Forum (16 September 2022, Yakutsk), the scientific seminar «Linguistic and cultural heritage of peoples of the Arctic» (13–14 October 2022, Anadyr), the scientific and methodological seminar «Field linguistics in the North: theoretical approaches and research methods» (3 March 2022, Yakutsk), the international scientific and practical school «4th Robbek readings (23–24 March 2022, Yakutsk), the international scientific colloquium «The Yhyakh national festival as a unique heritage of the Steppe Arctic (24 June 2022, Yakutsk), the expert  platform «Digitalization of the language diversity and cultural heritage of peoples of Russia: interaction of universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (in collaboration with the Institute of Linguistics and the Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences) within the 2nd All-Russian Forum «Universities and the development of geostrategic territories» (11 June 2022, Yakutsk).
  • Members of the academic team of Laboratory have developed and are implementing: a collaborative project with Paris-Saclay University (France) for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate school (training direction 45.06.01 «Linguistics and literary studies», North-Eastern Federal University); main bachelor’s degree higher professional education program «Pedagogical education» (Mother tongue (Yakut) and literature and tutoring in education); master’s degree program in the training direction «Philology» (North-Eastern Federal University).


  • University of Chicago (USA): joint research in the field of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), providing scientific consulting to employees of the Laboratory, publishing scientific articles in highly-ranked journals devoted to results of research.
  • Adyghe State University (Russia): providing scientific consulting to employees of the Laboratory.
  • Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous Peoples Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Amur State University, Dorji Banzarov Buryat State University, Scientific Research Institute of Olonkho of North-Eastern Federal University, Siberian Federal University, Katanov Khakassian State University (Russia): joint research =of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  • Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia): joint research of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), conducting scientific seminars and conferences.
  • Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, European University at Saint Petersburg (Russia): joint research of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), providing scientific consulting to employees of the Laboratory.
  • Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies, Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Peoples of North-Eastern Russia, Chukotka branch of North-Eastern Federal University (Russia): joint research of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), conducting scientific seminars and internships for postgraduate students.
  • Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): collaboration in the area of digitalizing languages of peoples of the North on the LingvoDoc platform, training of professionals in the field of the digitalization of languages, providing scientific consulting to employees of the Laboratory.
  • Institute «Polar Academy» of Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Russia): academic internships of postgraduate students.
  • Institute for the development of professional competences and qualifications «Open», Language center of North-Eastern Federal University (Russia): conducting advanced training courses for employees of the Laboratory.
  • Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): joint research of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), conducting scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, providing academic consulting to employees of the Laboratory.
  • Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkammer) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of History of North-Eastern Federal University (Russia): joint research of the language and culture of peoples of the North and the Arctic.
  • International Research Laboratory «Multi-scale Mathematical Modeling and Computer Calculations» of North-Eastern Federal University (Russia): joint research of the language situation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), preparing and publishing scientific articles.

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Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory for Ancient Text Commentary

A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS - (Institute of World Literature of the RAS)

Languages and literature


Olson Stuart Douglas



Laboratory for Siberian and Far Eastern Verbal Cultures

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS - (SB RAS Institute of Philology)

Languages and literature


Dampilova Liudmila Sanzhiboevna



Center for Language and Brain

National Research University Higher School of Economics - (HSE University)

Languages and literature


Bastiaanse Yvonne Roelientje Maria

