As of 01.12.2023
Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
Name of the project:
Engineering of states of light for quantum computations and sensoric
Research directions: Physics and astronomy
Goals of project:
- Generating new knowledge, creating world-class infrastructure and obtaining new results in the field of quantum information technologies on the basis of this infrastructure in collaboration with leading research centers of Russia and foreign countries;
- Opening a master’s degree program “Quantum optical technologies”, within which we are planning to develop educational courses for bachelor’s and master’s degree students of the South Ural State University in the domains of modern quantum technologies and quantum metrology, including the creation of a research and education complex for conducting work in quantum optics and quantum informatics;
- Training world-class specialists in the field of quantum technologies and quantum computations, primarily for the needs of the economy of the Chelyabinsk region;
- Dissemination of knowledge, commercialization of fundamental results produced during the implementation of the project;
- Organizing international seminars, schools for young researchers, conferences in the domain of modern quantum technologies with the engagement of leading Russian and foreign scientists.
Project objective:
- Researching hybrid quantum states of light in problems of quantum data processing;
- Developing algorithms and protocols based on quantum states of light for quantum lossless computation operations;
- Modeling and experimentally implementing optimal quantum-optical schemes with non-Gaussian states of light in the field of quantum computations and metrology.
Kuts D.A., Podoshvedov M.S., Ba An Nguyen, Podoshvedov S.A.
Realistic conversion of single-mode squeezed vacuum state to large-amplitude high-fidelity Schrödinger cat states by inefficient photon number resolving detection //Physica Scripta – 2022 – Volume 97, Number 11. DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ac955f
Podoshvedov M.S., Podoshvedov S.A., Kulik S.P.
Algorithm of quantum engineering of large-amplitude high-fidelity cat states in setup with k beam splitters and with inefficient photon number resolving detection // Scientific Reports - 2023 - Volume 13, Article number: 3965. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-30218-6
E.R. Zinatullin, S.B. Korolev, T.Yu. Golubeva.
Teleportation protocols with non-Gaussian operations: Conditional photon subtraction versus cubic phase gate // PHYSICAL REVIEW A – 2023 – Volume 107. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.022422
D.A. Kuts, V.L. Ushakov, E.V. Mikheev and B.A. Nguyen
Expanding possibilities for quantum state engineering // Laser Physics Letters – 2023 – Volume 20, Number 9. DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/ace0ae
E.N. Bashmakova, S.B. Korolev, T.Yu. Golubeva.
Effect of entanglement in the generalized photon subtraction scheme // Laser Physics Letters – 2023 – Volume 20, Number 11. DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/acf921
D. Tsarev, S. Osipov, Ray-Kuang Lee, S. Kulik, A. Alodjants.
Quantum sensor network metrology with bright solitons // PHYSICAL REVIEW A – 2023 – Volume 108. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.062612
N.V. Maletin, V.V. Dremov, I.I. Klebanov.
On the possibility of using quantum annealers to solve problems of computational materials science // Laser Physics Letters – 2023 – Volume 20, Number 11. DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/acfd8e
R. Abramov, L. Fedichkin, D. Tsarev · A. Alodjants.
High-dimensional graphs convolution for quantum walks photonic applications // Quantum Information Processing. Volume 23, article number 175, (2024).
A.P. Alodjants, D.V. Tsarev, D.A. Kuts, S.A. Podoshvedov, S.P. Kulik
Quantum optical metrology // Physics-Uspekhi: Issue 6, 2024.
S.B. Korolev, E.N. Bashmakova, A.K. Tagantsev, T.Yu. Golubeva.
Generation of squeezed Fock states by measurement // PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, 2024. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.052428
Computer program №2023662130 "Simulator of the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry experiment"
Authors: Tsarev Dmitry Vladimirovich; Alojants Alexander Pavlovich; Kutz Dmitry Anatolyevich; Podosvedov Sergey Anatolyevich; Ushakov Vladimir Leonidovich. Priority date: 30.05.2023
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of topological quantum phenomena in superconducting systems of the Center for advanced mesoscience and nanotechnology (10)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) |
Physics |
Dolgoprudniy |
Golubov Alexandr Avraamovich
Netherlands |
2024-2028 |
Laboratory for Crystal Photonics
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Physics |
St. Petersburg |
Stoumpos Constantinos
Greece |
2022-2024 |
Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors
Tomsk State University - (TSU) |
Physics |
Tomsk |
Shekhtman Lev Isayevich
Russia |
2022-2024 |