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Contract number
Time span of the project
General information
Name of the project:

Nonlinear hydrophysics with applications to natural disasters in the Far Eastern region.
Goals and objectives
Goals of project:

Studying the physics of nonlinear processes in the hydro- and geosphere with applications to hazardous (catastrophic) phenomena in the Far East region.

Project objective:

  1. Developing a theory of nonlinear wave processes in the development of geospheric disasters and linking it to accumulated experimental data;
  2. Studying the statistics of waves on the sea surface. Analyzing abnormally high outliers. Developing models of the formation of killer waves in the settings of deep and shallow waters and their subsequent verification using collected experimental data;
  3. Studying the nature of infrasonic disturbances created by typhoons during their movement from the moment of their formation until complete dissipation;
  4. Developing a technology for monitoring catastrophic storms for the purpose of minimization of their influence on the environment;
  5. Developing a methodology for the assessment of the main parameters of tsunamis relying on crust deformation disturbances with their remote monitoring;
  6. Researching microseisms of the «voice of the sea» while fine-tuning the methodology of angular position measurement of the zones where they originate;
  7. An experimental, theoretical research and modeling of the laws of the formation and development of abnormal internal marine waves. Experimental research of undular bores on the shelf of the Sea of Japan and the verification of their models. A theoretical and experimental solution of the reverse problem of determining the parameters characterizing the hydrophysical background of shallow water: quadratic nonlinearity, dispersion and phase velocity of linear internal waves. Verifying the methodology over experimental data;
  8. Creating computational atlases of baroclinic Rossby waves and internal waves of the Far Eastern region.
Research directions: Earth studies

The practical value of the study
Planned project results:

  1. Theoretical models of nonlinear wave processes in the development of geospheric disasters.
  2. A verified model of the formation of killer waves in the settings of deep and shallow waters. Statistics of surface waves generated by a random velocity field. Characteristics of the statistical topography of random elevations of the sea surface and its gradient.
  3. The main parameters of linear and nonlinear infrasonic disturbances created by typhoons during their movement from the moment of their formation until complete dissolution.
  4. A technology for the monitoring of catastrophic storms based on their secondary geospheric manifestations.
  5. A methodology for the assessment of the main parameters of tsunamis according to crust deformation disturbances with their remote monitoring (patent).
  6. Results of the experimental and theoretical research and modeling of the physics of the formation of microseisms of the «the voice of the sea».
  7. A technology for remote        direction finding of zones of formation of microseisms of «the voice of the sea» with their mapping to the main energy regions of typhoons.
  8. Computational atlases of internal and baroclinic Rossby waves in the Sea of Japan (a database).
  9. Laws of the formation and development of abnormal internal sea waves. Models of nonlinear internal undular bores for the shell of the Sea of Japan. Statistical characteristics of soliton turbulence for various types of shallow-water equations.
  10. A classification of modes of generation of soliton-like waves and their propagation across a shtlf with a variable profile of the bottom within the Korteweg–De Vries models and the Gardner equation.
  11. An atlas of cinematic parameters of nonlinear waves of the first and second mode (phase velocities, nonlinearity ratios and dispersions) for determining the turning points as well as for the formation of typical phenomenological models of soliton-like waves in the northwestern part of the Peter the Great Gulf.

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