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Invited researcher

Pevzner Pavel Arkadiyevich

Year of birth
Academic degree
Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences

Director of the bioinformatics and systems biology of the University of California (USA)

Director of the Center for Computational Mass-Spectrometry (USA)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: Bioinformatics, computational biology, system biology

Quote by the head of the laboratory: Russia suddenly became a bioinformatics leader in one of the most rapidly developing areas of genomics and I am proud that very young guys for my laboratory successfully compete (and cooperate!) with leading genomics centers.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2011 – Honorary doctor of the Simon Fraser University (Canada).

2010 – Association for Computing Machinery Fellow (USA).

2007 – Prize from the the University of California, San Diego for research achievements (USA).

2006 – Award from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for implementing modern education methods (USA).

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Time span of the project
Centre for Isotope Bio-geochemistry

Tyumen State University - (UTMN)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Kuzyakov Yakov Viktorovich


Grain Quality Assessment Laboratory

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin - (Omsk SAU)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Koksel Hamit



Laboratory for Forest Genomics

Siberian federal University - (SibFU)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Krutovsky Konstantin Valeriyevich

Russia, USA
