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Head of the laboratory

Komissarov Alexander Alexandrovich

Year of birth
Academic degree
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Field of studies

Head of the research Laboratory «Hybrid Nanostructured Materials», assistant professor of the Department of Materials Science and Strength Physics at the National University of Science and Technology «MISIS» (Russia)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: Strength and plasticity physics, mechanical qualities of metals and alloys, characterization of defect structures of materials, physical metal technology of steels, construction materials, destruction mechanics, destroying quality control.

Quote by the head of the laboratory: Hybrid materials are mostly construction materials that will be potentially be in demand in construction, automotive and aircraft industry, aerospace devices, all in all, everywhere where we talk about any mobile objects that need lighter but at the same time more destruction resistant materials.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2021 – Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education «For significant contribution to the development of education and many years of dedicated work» (Russia).

2019 – Diploma «Best lecturer-researcher» of NUST MISIS (Russia).

2019 – Laureate of the «Young researchers» competition for the research work «Creating rolled coils with improved cold and corrosion resistance for next-generation oil and gas pipes» («Metal-Expo», Russia).

2018 – Silver Badge of Distinction of NUST MISIS (Russia).

2018 – Laureate of the award «Metallurgist of the year 2018».

2016 – Diploma in the nomination «Best supporting role: for teamwork skills, brilliant organizational abilities and high level of reliability» (NUST MISIS, Russia).

2010 – Winner in the research and engineering domain of the «UMNIK on START» program.

2010 – Diploma for participation in the the Zvorykin project «Innovations and technological creativity».

2010 – A certificate on effective participation in the creation and successful demonstration of a scientific and technological project.

2009 – Winner of the «UMNIK–2009» program.

2009 –2nd degree diploma at the All-Russian competition of research works for postgraduate students and young scientists in the nomination «Devices and methods of nanostructures research» (NUST MISIS, Russia).

2009 – Scholarship program of the program for engineering education of the Alcoa Foundation.

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