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Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences
Field of studies

Head of the department of aeroacoustics at Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: Aeroacoustics, vortex dynamics dynamics, hydrodynamic stability, turbulence

Quote by the head of the laboratory: Understanding qualities of turbulent flows can serve as a basis for development of new ideas for reducing noise from engines. At the Perm National Research Polytechnic University we have created a new experimental ground for analysis of noise not only from model sources in a anechoic chamber and from full-scale structures and real aircraft engines on a test rig. Here we've been doing everything to support young scientists and university science at the highest level.

Scientific recognition

Awards and achievements:

2018 - Prize named after academician G.I. Petrova аor outstanding work in the field of the theory of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence (Russia).

2016 - Honorary Badge of the Union of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia (Russia).

2008 - MAIK / Science Prize for the best publication in RAS journals (Russia).

2006 - Prize named after academician L.I. Sedov and the Gold Medal for outstanding achievements in liquid and gas mechanics and general foundations of continuum mechanics, Russia.

2002 - Incentive Prize named after Academician G.I. Petrov for outstanding work in the field of the theory of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence (Russia).

1998 - First prize and gold medal at the competition named after N.E. Zhukovsky for the study of the mechanisms of sound generation in localized vortices (Russia).

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Other laboratories and scientists
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