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Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Modelling, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Leicester (UK)

General information

Leading scientist's research interests: computer and Information sciences, biophysics, mathematical and computational biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical technology, thermodynamics, interdisciplinary research.

Quote by the head of the laboratory: "Artificial intellect and machine learning are successful when we need to form skills that can't be easily formalized. Errors of such systems are inevitable. This is the price of robustness, universality, intuition in the same way that the famous «human factor» is. A recurring problem is: how to process these errors and correct them without radically re-training the system, without destroying existing skills and as fast as possible. We need to do this more efficient than human training. We are developing such a technology. Theoretical justification and testing research software is almost complete. Now we start testing a new technology on practical problems of real complexity".

Scientific recognition
Awards and achievements:

2017 - The honorary title “Pioneer of Russian Neuroinformatics” for “extraordinary contribution into theory and applications of artificial neural networks.” The award was made at the XIX International Conference "Neuroinformatics-2017" (Russia).

2015 - Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the research field of (bio)chemical kinetics, MaCKIE-2015, Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering, Ghent (Belgium).

2010 - Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Fellowship (Cambridge, UK).

2000 - Clay Scholar, (Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, USA).

2003 - Prigogine Medal (Russia).

Research grants:

2021 - CoI, An analysis of diabetes mortality and morbidity risk, IFoA (Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK), £60,000, 2021-2022 (UK).

2020 - PI, Reliable and logically transparent artificial intelligence: technology, verification and application in socially significant and infectious diseases, Russian Federal Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement number 075-15-2020-808, RUB 300M (£3.1M), 2020-2022 (Russia).

2020 - CoI, Arch-I Scan: Image recognition (Automated recording and machine learning for collating Roman ceramic tablewares and investigating eating and drinking practices), Arts and Humanities Research Council 2020-2023, £999,906 (UK).

2020 - CoI, Predictive modelling of Major Trauma PROMs using machine learning, Insight Research Programme, The Health Foundation, 2020-2023 £444,333 (UK).

2018 - PI “Scalable Artificial Intelligence Networks for Data Analysis in Growing Dimensions”, Russian Federal Ministry of Science and Education Megagrant, (Project No. 14.Y26.31.0022), 2018-2020, RUB 90M (£1.1M), (Russia).

2016 - Lead academic in KTP 010522 between Visual Management Systems Ltd and University of Leicester (Visual Intelligence), 2016-2019, £189K (UK).

2014 - Lead academic in KTP 009890 between Apical Ltd and the University of Leicester (Visual Intelligence), 2015-2018, £179K (UK).

2016 - PI, International Research Workshop: Hilbert’s Sixth Problem, LMS&EPSRC (UK).

2013 - PI, Data Mining for Geological Information, NERC, 07.2013 10.2013 (UK).

2012 - PI, Data Mining for Lymphoma Differential Diagnosis, European Regional Development Fund, 2012 (UK).

2007 - CoI, Mathematical Modelling of Adaptation and Decision-Making in  Neural Systems, The Royal Society, UK: International Joint UK-Japan Project, 2007-2009 (UK).

2007 - PI, Modularity, Abstraction and Robustness of Network Models in Molecular Biology, Alliance: Franco-British Research Partnership Programme, 2007 - 2008 (UK).

2005 - PI, EPSRC and LMS grants for the International Workshop “Model Reduction and Coarse-Graining Approaches for Multiscale Phenomena,” Leicester, UK August 24-26 2005 (UK).

1998-2002 - PI, Russian Federal Grant of the “Integration” program, 4 times (1998-2003), (Russia).

1999 - PI, Grant of Russian Federal subprogram “New Information Processing Technology” (1999), (Russia).

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Laboratory for Microwave Photonics and Magnonics named after B. A. Kalinikos

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» - (ETU LETI)


St. Petersburg

Kostylev Mikhail Pavlovich

Australia, Russia
