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Year of birth
Academic degree
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Field of studies

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Research School of Chemical and Biomedical Technologies, Professor; International Research Laboratory “Noncovalent interactions in the chemistry of materials”, head of the laboratory

General information


  • Organic chemistry,
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, Polymers, Environmental engineering,
  • Analytical chemistry, Physical chemistry,
  • Electrochemistry

Scientific recognition


As of May 2024, 180 articles with >3200 citations and 16 patents have been published.


Editor of Chemistry Africa magazine

Reviewer for J. Mat. Chem. A., J. Mat. Chem. C., Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, Langmuir, Sensors, Surfaces, ACS Sensors, Nature Comm., Chem. Sci., AJOC, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Separation and Purification Technologies, Chem. Eng. J., Langmuir. Member of the board of reviewers of the journal Nanomaterials

Member of the section “Physical chemistry of nano- and supramolecular systems” of the RAS Scientific Council on Physical Chemistry.

Expert of the Russian Science Foundation, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Organization of conferences – International Symposium “Noncovalent interactions in synthesis, catalysis and crystal chemical design” (2020, 2022, 2024), conference “Chemistry and Chemical Technology - XXI Century” (2018-2024), Siberian Chemical Symposium (2023).


Guest Researcher:

University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, USA (2014, 2015, 2016); ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain (2017, 2018); IQAC-CSIC, Barcelona, ​​Spain (2019); University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic (2017-2024); Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023); University of Lille (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan (2023).


12/31/2006 Winner of the competition for the Tomsk Region Prize in the field of education, science, healthcare and culture

06/18/2007 Bronze medal "For services to TPU" and diploma

09/03/2012 Laureate of the competition for the Tomsk Region Prize in the field of education, science, healthcare and culture

02/07/2013 Diploma of the winner of the All-Russian competition "Engineer of the Year"

04/10/2013 TPU Gallery of Honor

04/22/2013 Title "Teacher of the Year"

03/15/2016 Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

04/05/2018 TPU Gallery of Honor

11/13/2018 Winner of the “Made in Russia - 2018” award (Project “Snob” The award is awarded for achievements in the field of literature, cinema and theater, as well as business, museums, science and technology, charity

03/05/2020 Gratitude from the Administration of the Tomsk Region

04/14/2020 TPU Gallery of Honor

12/10/2020 Winner of the competition for the Tomsk Region Prize in the field of education, science, healthcare and culture

12/28/2021 Badge "Young Scientist"

02/04/2022 Certificate of Honor from TPU (TPI)

04/18/2022 TPU Gallery of Honor

01/25/2023 Letter of gratitude from the Administration of Tomsk

11/20/2023 Second degree medal "For participation in the development of TPU" and diploma

12/20/2023 Winner of the competition for the Tomsk Region Administration “Professor of the Year” award

04/09/2024 TPU Gallery of Honor

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Time span of the project
Centre for Isotope Bio-geochemistry

Tyumen State University - (UTMN)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Kuzyakov Yakov Viktorovich


Grain Quality Assessment Laboratory

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin - (Omsk SAU)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Koksel Hamit



Laboratory for Forest Genomics

Siberian federal University - (SibFU)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Krutovsky Konstantin Valeriyevich

Russia, USA
