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Name of the project:

Macromolecular design of polymeric materials for medical and technical purposes

Goals and objectives

Goals of project:

The goal of this project is to develop fundamentally new, environmentally friendly approaches for carrying out cationic polymerization of vinyl monomers, as well as in situ transformation of cationic polymerization into radical polymerization for the precision synthesis of functional polymers and more complex macromolecular structures for medical and technical purposes.

Project objective: 

  1. Design and synthesis of new reversible chain transfer agents for chemo- and photoinitiated cationic polymerization of isobutylene using the reversible chain transfer mechanism.
  2. Development of environmentally friendly methods for the production of mono-, di- and multifunctional polyisobutylenes with different end groups.
  3. Creation of chemically resistant, gas-tight, self-healing protective coatings based on polyisobutylene for use in optoelectronics.
  4. Synthesis of a number of unique block copolymers based on polyisobutylene by transformation of cationic polymerization into radical polymerization.
  5. Assessment of the biocompatibility of block copolymers and their potential for use in medicine (coating of coronary stents, production of artificial heart valve, ophthalmic implants and vascular grafts).
  6. Development of methods for the synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers based on polyisobutylene to create smart systems for targeted drug delivery.
  7. Entering technical testing of developed medical products (coronary stents, heart valve).

The practical value of the study

Planned project results:

During the project, a team of scientists capable of taking a leading position in the world in the field of cationic polymerization will be created. This team will be also capable to improve existing technologies for cationic polymerization processes and create new materials and new technologies. One of the important results of the project will be the combination of cationic polymerization with other methods in order to obtain new unique materials for medical and technical purposes, not yet developed in the world.

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Geochemistry of Natural Waters (10)

M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Konoplev Aleksei Vladimirovich



Laboratory «Soil Health»

Southern Federal University - (SFedU)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Wong Ming Hung

, United Kingdom


Laboratory of Nonlinear Hydrophysics and Natural Disasters

V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of RAS - (POI FEB RAS)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Pelinovsky Efim Naumovich

