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Name of the project:

Multiphase precision technologies

Goals and objectives

Goals of project:

The project is aimed at solving the current problems of multiphase hydro-gas dynamics and thermophysics of multiphase systems that correspond to the world level and involve large-scale fundamental research for creating new technologies:

  • technology for thermal purification of contaminated industrial and waste water in a high-temperature gas-air environment using proprietary domestic multiphase precision spray systems and secondary pulverization of droplets in sprays;
  • effective methods for cooling heat-stressed surfaces with two-phase gas-droplet sprays and wall curtains using precision laser processing and chemical functionalization to modify surfaces of the promising micro- and macro-heat exchangers;
  • development of modern highly efficient cooling systems for heat-stressed surfaces with boiling dielectric liquids in application to power and microelectronics;
  • development of precision multiphase technologies to improve the efficiency of additive technologies, processes of organic fuel dispersion and mixture formation, drug delivery systems based on active matter (micro/nanomotors), creation of manganese-based catalytic micromotors for wastewater treatment from organic dyes.

Project objective: 

  1. Creation of experimental setups with the possibility of spraying (at the milli-, micro, and nano-levels) the purified liquid with a content of solid and liquid soluble and insoluble impurities (for example, solutions, emulsions and suspensions) with different injection schemes and under the conditions close to flow chambers and closed systems.
  2. Development of physical and mathematical models of single drops, small groups, their large aggregate, with further transition to sprays and aerosols in order to take into account synergistic (collective, cascading) effects. Application of copyright codes, commercial packages, combined models based on numerical and analytical solutions.
  3. Development of a generalized scientific theory of interrelated physical and chemical processes, taking into account phase transformations for predicting conditions for intensive thermal purification of water from impurities. Mathematical processing of experimental results. Their generalization using dimensional and dimensionless complexes.
  4. Development of recommendations for the practical application of research results, preparation of models of spraying devices, mixing reactors, evaporation complexes, technology concepts, patenting of technical solutions for the methods and devices, and registration of computer programs with key program codes.
  5. Creation of elements (nozzles, mixing devices, additional crushers, software and hardware modules) adaptive multiphase precision spray systems for contaminated liquids in the form of solutions, emulsions and suspensions.
  6. Experimental and theoretical studies of the behavior of a jet-droplet flow when propagating to the surface from single and multi-nozzle sources; experimental and theoretical studies of the interaction processes between a jet-droplet flow and the heated smooth and modified surfaces, which determine the maximum heat transfer; search, including the use of artificial intelligence based on neural networks, for the optimal structure of a micro- and macro-modified layer on a heat-loaded surface in order to increase the critical heat flux.
  7. Creation of effective cooling systems based on jet-spray irrigation of heat-loaded models of technological surfaces to maintain normal operating conditions and prevent accidents in industrial systems containing elements that generate excess heat.
  8. Development of effective methods for cooling heat-stressed surfaces using gas-droplets, untwisted and vortex wall jets (gas-droplet curtains).
  9. Comprehensive study of heat transfer processes, crisis phenomena during boiling and evaporation of promising dielectric liquids on microstructured heat-releasing surfaces made by using selective laser melting/sintering (SLM/SLS), more commonly known as a 3D printing method, and on heat transfer surfaces with mesh coatings.
  10. The problem of describing the processes of secondary dispersion of liquid. Complexity of secondary dispersion processes is explained by the variety of phenomena that manifest themselves under conditions of velocity and/or thermal nonequilibrium of a drop with a gas flow, such as droplet deformation, internal fluid movement, viscous and capillary effects.
  11. Determination of critical operating parameters of multiphase flows formed during joint spraying of immiscible liquids based on non-contact optical methods for diagnosing velocity components of dispersed and carrier phases, size, shape and position of individual particles; distribution of particles in the flow.
  12. Development of the methods for controlling active matter, including magnetic active materials. Analysis of collective phenomena when droplets move in an emulsion on smooth and porous surfaces, including those during chemical reactions. 
  13. Creation of manganese-based catalytic micromotors for wastewater purification from organic dyes.

The practical value of the study

Planned project results:

  1. Predictive mathematical models of heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics of liquids with complex composition (solutions, suspensions, emulsions, including those with bacteriological impurities).
  2. Dimensional and dimensionless maps of behavior modes of liquid droplets with complex composition in the form of solutions, suspensions, emulsions, including those with bacteriological impurities.
  3. Elements (for example, nozzles, mixing devices, crushers, software modules) of adaptive multiphase precision spray systems for contaminated liquids in the form of solutions, emulsions and suspensions.
  4. An adaptive system for selecting the most effective method of purifying water from impurities will be developed, taking into account multi-criteria analysis for all main categories (for example, economics, energy, technological efficiency, duration).
  5. Optimized technology for thermal purification of liquids: evaporative and thermal-oxidative ones (evaporation and oxidation in a flame or flow of heated gases with the required component composition to intensify certain reactions that allow the separation of mineralized impurities and bacteria), by varying the parameters of atomization, heat exchange, and hydrodynamics.
  6. Optimal regimes of pulsed single-phase and two-phase cooling of large surfaces using heat transfer intensification, such as the use of mixtures and various additives in the base liquid as the working fluids, surface modification using pulsed laser radiation.
  7. Fundamental results on organizing effective cooling of heat-loaded surfaces of power-generating machines and devices with the help of gas-droplet wall curtains using the swirling effect.
  8. Final recommendations for the effective use of microstructured capillary-porous coatings created by 3D printing and mesh coatings (including those with additional micromodification of their surface) to intensify heat transfer and increase the critical heat flux during boiling and evaporation of promising dielectric liquids in horizontal layers with different parameters of layer thickness and reduced pressure values.
  9. Scientific basis for describing the patterns of active matter movement, including analysis of the collective and transport properties of an active emulsion during chemical reactions occurring in a system, the movement of magnetic nanoparticles through the liquid-liquid interface, active objects that include paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials, methods for the synthesis of manganese-based micromotors using the plasma-arc method.
  10. Promising technology for co-spraying of immiscible liquids. Unique experimental data will be obtained on the spatial distribution of dispersed phase velocity depending on the operating parameters of a gas-liquid turbulent flow, the type and composition of immiscible liquids, and the size distribution of multicomponent droplets.
  11. Software modules and applications for modeling the processes of heating, evaporation, atomization, and secondary pulverization of purified water containing impurities.
  12. Educational program on thermal cleaning of liquids.
  13. Test benches for studying various methods of thermal purification of liquids.

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Other laboratories and scientists
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Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the RAS

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Laboratory of Solid-fuel Power Waste Recycling

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov - (SURPU (NPI))

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Laboratory for Heat Exchange Control in Phase and Chemical Transformations

Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of RAS - (IT SB RAS)

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Sunden Bengt Aake

