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Laboratory for Prospective Research in Millimeter and Terahertz Radiation

Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project:   Research of new schemes of generation of electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter and the submillimeter range by high-power relativistic beams of electrons in vacuum and plasma devices and applications of powerful microwaves for purposes of research of thermonuclear synthesis and impact on materials

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а, д

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Generation, transformation and applications of electromagnetic radiation in millimeter and submillimeter wave lengths.

Project objective: Research of new mechanisms of generation terahertz radiation in plasma and new methods of particle-selective registration of millimeter and terahertz radiation and visualization of radiation flow density in this spectral range as well as conducting research in various directions of usage of ultra-high frequency waves and radiation flows within implementation physical processes and chemical transformations

The practical value of the study

  • A method has been found for efficient generation of electromagnetic radiation of electromagnetic radiation from plasma in the setting of collective relaxation of a beam of relativistic electrons with a current on the scale of tens of Amperes. We have produced strong flows of radiation for the region of frequencies between 100 and 800 GHz, determined details of mechanisms of generation of radiation flows. We have produced a flow of submillimeter radiation with unprecedented parameters: megawatt power and microsecond duration of pulses.
  • We have conducted theoretical and experimental research in simultaneous generation of two strip relativistic electron beam in vacuum slot channels at various leading magnetics with an undulatory component. We have experimentally demonstrated possibility of phase synchronization of oscillations at the frequency of 75 GHz in two such parallel channels working using the maser principle on free electrons with beam currents of several kiloamperes. This opens opportunities for two-layer generation of terahertz radiation using strip beams.
  • Our researchers have created computer software and technological solutions for creation of various multi-layer structures of microstructured frequency-selective surfaces used for production of band-pass filters,   adsorbents, polarizers and other devices in the range of frequencies between between 0.1 and 1.5 THz. These subwave particle-selective surfaces are used as additional structures in radiation detectors produced by the Novosibirsk semiconductor devices plant.
  • We have perfected the system of electron cyclotron resonance heating during experiments on a gas-dynamic trap device, optimized the mode of operation of gyrotron, demonstrated reliable operation of the system. We have achieved the temperature pf electrons of about 1 keV which opened prospects for creating a powerful source of thermonuclear neutrons for secure hybrid reactor and for disposal of radioactive waste from working nuclear reactor.
  • We have refined the procedures of agglomeration of nanocomposite materials (made of perovskite and fluorite) with mixed mixed ion-electron conductivity using powerful microwave radiation. Such materials can be used as functional structured cathode layers of Thin film solid oxide fuel cells.
  • The Laboratory has experimentally and theoretically researched generation of terahertz radiation with high power during collective deceleration of relativistic electrons with kiloampere current in a plasma beam. We have produced a beam of terahertz radiation that can is characterized by record parameters – megawatt power at microsecond pulse duration.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have developed a new method of generation of millimeter and submillimeter radiation based on transformation of plasma waves pumped by a kiloampere beam of relativistic electrons. This provides an opportunity to generate flows in the submillimeter range with power of up to gigawatts with microsecond duration of pulses which cannot be achieved by other methods.
  • Results of research in electron cyclotron heating of plasma in axially symmetric magnetic trap allows to transition to development of a hybrid nuclear-thermonuclear reactor using thorium fuel.
  • The Laboratory has developed a methodology of computer-aided computations and a technology of production of frequency selective structures for the millimeter and the submillimeter ranges. Such a method allows to create conceptually new compact quasi-optical devices for these ranges.
  • We have created a system for visualization of obstructed objects by registration of images of submillimeter radiation reflected by them. This method can be of interest for creation of security screening systems and systems for controlling technological processes.
  • Developed subwave particle selective structures are used as additional components in matrix radiation detectors produced by the Novosibirsk semiconductor devices plant.
  • Materials produced by microwave synthesis can be used as cathodes in fuel cells, as well as ionic conductivity membranes which can be of great interest for development of hydrogen power generation.

Education and career development: Over the period of implementation of the project every year 17-18 postgraduates and over 30 students participate in research conducted by the Laboratory.

Organizational and structural changes: In 2018 the Laboratory was incorporated into the Analytical and Technological Research Center of the Faculty of Physics of the Novosibirsk State University

Other results: We have established collaboration with research and production teams in development and manufacturing of frequency-selective devices and appliances.

Collaborations: Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Collective Devices Utilization Center «High technologies and nanosystems analytics of the Novosibirsk State University» (Russia), Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Novosibirsk semiconductor devices plant. (Russia), Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Russia), Public University of Navarre (Spain), University of Birmingham (United Kingdom): joint research, collaborative research and development and scientific publications

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Arzhannikov A.V., Burdakov A.V., … and Thumm M.
Dynamics and Spectral Composition of Subterahertz Emission From Plasma Column Due to Two-Stream Instability of Strong Relativistic Electron Beam. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 6(2): 245–252 (2016).
A.V. Arzhannikov, V.V. Annenkov, … and E.P. Volchok
High power THz-range Wave generation based on Transformation of Plasma Waves Pumped by High-current Relativistic Electron Beam. EPJ Web of Conferences 195, 01002 (2018), TERA-2018. https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201819501002
Arzhannikov A. V., Ginzburg N. S., … Thumm M., ZaslavskyV.Yu.
Using Two-Dimensional Distributed Feedback for Synchronization of Radiation from Two Parallel-Sheet Electron Beams in a Free-Electron Maser. Physical Review Letters, 117(11): 114801 (2016)
Bagryansky P.A., Shalashov A.G., Gospodchikov E.D. et al.
Threefold Increase of the Bulk Electron Temperature of Plasma Discharges in a Magnetic Mirror Device. Physical Review Letters114(20): 205001 (2015)
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of topological quantum phenomena in superconducting systems of the Center for advanced mesoscience and nanotechnology (10)

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT)




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Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Stoumpos Constantinos



Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Tomsk State University - (TSU)



Shekhtman Lev Isayevich

