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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

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scientific publications
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General information

Name of the project:   Biotechnology of new materials

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Synthesis and study of biomaterials, developing products for biomedicine

Project objective: Creating a scientific basis for application of biodestructible polymers of set structure in biomedical technologies and experimental justification of their application

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

We have developed products for medicine on the basis of biodegradable polymer materials of natural origin. A comprehensive research of the physical and chemical properties of biopolymers belonging to the class of polyhydroxyalkanoates Cupriavidus necator B-10646 has been conducted. The bacterial cellulose Komagataeibacter xylinus В-12068 was also researched. Both substances are synthesized by the Laboratory for the use in biomedical engineering. We have researched various aspects of the biological safety and biocompatibility of materials of various compositions, trends of biodegradation in various biological systems, including when introduced to the organism with various localizations of implantation. A comprehensive assessment of the functional properties of experimental samples of biodegradable polymer products for various applications in medicine has been conducted. The trends of reactions of cells of various types upon direct contact with samples of medical products of various types have been stilted. Our researchers have demonstrated the possibility of depositing various compounds with good indicators in terms of the efficiency of inclusion, yields as well as size distributions and zeta potentials of carrier particles into a polymer matrix; we have characterized  the biological, physical and mechanical properties of film, electrostatic formation, granulate, porous blocks, and other 3D samples.   

Implemented results of research:

The use of wound dressings based on the bacterial cellulose Komagataeibacter xylinus В-12068 for the treatment of chronic wounds against the background of chronic venous insufficiency in the form of limited clinical testing on the basis of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor Valentin F. Voyno-Yasenetskiy. 

Education and career development:

  • The following education courses have been developed:

  1. 020400.62.08 «Biochemistry» (training profile), direction of training: 020400.62 Biology; principal education program; bachelor course; Siberian Federal University, Department of Medical Biology.
  2. 020400.68.05 «Reconstructive bioengineering» (training program), direction of training: 020400.68 Biology; principal education program; master's degree; Siberian Federal University, base departmen:t Biotechnologies.
  3. 011200.68.08 «Management of medico-biological systems and complexes» (training program), direction of training: 011200.68 Physics; principal education program; master's degree; Siberian Federal University, base department: Biotechnologies.
  4. 011200.68.16 Big biochemical practicum (training program); direction of training: 020400.62 Biology; principal education program; bachelor's degree; Siberian Federal University, Department of Medical Biology.
  • The following training materials have been  produced:
  1. Modern biotechnological preparations and technologies for agriculture. A training material, published in Krasnoyarsk, 2019 –ISBN 978-5-906740-14 115 co-authors, 40 p., Yekaterina I. Shishatskaya, Tatyana G. Volova, Svetlana V. Prudnikova, Natalya G. Menzyanova.
  2. Materials for medicine, cell and tissue engineering. An educational-methodical manual for independent work. Printed in Krasnoyarsk-2019 – 48 co-authors, 16 p, Yekaterina I. Shishatskaya, Tatyana G. Volova, Lyudmila A. Frank.
  3. Methods of isolation, cultivation and assessment of functional activity monocytes-macrophages. A training material, printed in Krasnoyarsk-2019 32 p./ Yekaterina I. Shishatskaya, Natalya G. Menzyanova, Svetlana A. Pyatina, Albina Yu. Nikolayeva, Galina A. Ryl’tseva.
  4. Detecting the physical and mechanical characteristics of materials and products for medical purposes. A training material. Krasnoyarsk-2020, Siberian Federal University: Institute of Basic Biology and Biotechnology, ISBN 978-5-6045274-0-5 103 co-authors 35с, Yekaterina I. Shishatskaya, Alexey G. Sukovatiy, Tatyana V. Volova.
  • One Doctor of Science and  7 Candidate of Science dissertations have been prepared and defended..
  • Three international conferences with youth schools «Biotechnologies of new materials and the environment» (2011), «Biotechnology of new materials – environment – quality of life» (2016, 2017). 


  • Tsinghua University, Centre of synthetic and system biology (China PR); College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan; Laboratory of metabolic engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (USA): joint research.
  • International & Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi University (India): joint research, joint scientific events. 

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Volova T., Kiselev E., Shishatskaya E., Zhila N., Boyandin A., Syrvacheva D., Vinogradova O., Kalacheva G., Vasiliev A., Peterson I.
Cell growth and PHA accumulation from CO2 and H2 of a hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, Cupriavidus eutrophus В-10646. Bioresource Technology 146: 215–222 (2013)
Volova T., Zhila N., Kalacheva G., Brigham C., Sinskey A. J.
The effects of the intracellular poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) reserves on physiological-biochemical properties and growth of Ralstonia eutropha. Research in Microbiology 164 (2): 164–171 (2013)
Boyandin A.N., Prudnikova S.V., Karpov V.A., Ivonin V.N., Đỗ Ngọc Lanh, Nguyễn Thị Hoài, Lê Thị Mỹ Hiệp, Filipenko M.L., Volova T.G., Gitelson I.I.
Microbial degradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates in tropical soils. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 83: 77–84 (2013)
Murueva A.V., Shishatskaya E.I., Kuzmina A.M., Volova T.G., Sinskey A.J.
Microparticles prepared from biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates as matrix for encapsulation of cytostatic drug. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 24(8): 1905–1915 (2013)
Volova T.G., Kiselev E.G., Vinogradova O.N., Nikolaeva E.D., Chistyakov A.A., Sukovatyi A.G., Shishatskaya E.I.
A glucose-utilizing strain, Сupriavidus eutrophus В-10646: growth kinetics, characterization and synthesis of multicomponent PHAs. PLoS ONE 9(2): 1–15 (2014)
Other laboratories and scientists
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Field of studies
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Time span of the project
Сell Physiology and Pathology Laboratory of Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics (10)

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev - (Orel State University)

Medical biotechnologies


Abramov Andrey Yuriyevich

Russia, United Kingdom


Laboratory for Super-elastic Bio-interfaces

Tomsk State University - (TSU)

Medical biotechnologies


Volinsky Alexei Aleksandrovich

USA, Russia

Marchenko Ekaterina Sergeevna



Laboratory for Omics Technologies and big data for Personalized Medicine and Health

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - (Skoltech)

Medical biotechnologies


Borchers Christoph Hermann
