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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

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General information

Name of the project: Interactions of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the surface of the Earth: physical mechanisms, methods of monitoring and control of planetary boundary layers and quality of environment.

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Physics of the atmosphere and the ocean, remote methods of research of the Earth

Project objective: Development of concepts, theoretical and numerical models, algorithms for processing and interpretation of experimental data for the purpose of enhancement of methods and means of remote diagnostics and parametrization processes in planetary boundary layers of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere of the Earth.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. We have developed new theoretical models describing self-organization of turbulence, coherent structures and turbulent entrainment in the planetary boundary layer in the context of free and forced convection. The models were confirmed by field data  and computational experiments.
  2. The Laboratory has developed a method of computing emissions from fires on the basis of satellite observations, accounting for the weakening of the intensity of infrared radiation by smoke aerosol. The method was implemented within the chemical transport model. The record-high accuracy of the proposed method is achieved by the model absorbing data of field monitoring of atmosphere pollution. The efficiency of the method was demonstrated during a research of episodes of abnormal pollution of the atmosphere in the region of the Moscow metropolis.
  3. Our researchers have developed and implemented a method for measuring the velocity fields of air flow that is based on high-speed video recording of marker particles introduced into the flow and illuminated by a continuous-emission laser. On the basis of measurements of the near-water wind speed using this method, we proposed an explanation of the abnormally low aerodynamic resistance of the surface of the ocean under hurricane wind.
  4. Using high-speed video recording, we found the dominant mechanism of spray generation under strong wind. It was demonstrated that it is related to the phenomenon of splitting of the «parachute» type, in which near the crests of surface waves on the surface of water object form and develop that appear to be thin-wall «membranes» fanned by air flow that later «explode» forming large volumes of droplets. The obtained result changes the contemporary understanding of the mechanism of spray generation during storms. We built a numerical model of this phenomenon, within which it is possible to develop  physically substantiated models of energy transfer between the ocean and the atmosphere during storms, which are required to forecast them. In particular, this phenomenon allows to explain unusual features of energy exchange in the atmosphere and the ocean during hurricane winds.
  5. In laboratory conditions we researched the dependence on wind speed and turbulent strain of the inverse scattering cross-section of microwave radiation of the X-range in direct and cross-polarization. We have experimentally the influence of foam on the surface of water and rain on the scattering of microwave radiation. On the basis of this   research we proposed a new efficient algorithm for determining hurricane wind speed from radiolocation probing data.
  6. The Laboratory has developed a microwave spectroradiometer for the probing of the thermal structure of the troposphere with record-high characteristics in terms of the height range (0–12 km), sensitivity and accuracy, which were achieved by optimizing the number and location of spectral channels and the use of an original algorithm of temperature profile reconstruction.
  7. The proposed unique methods of monitoring of convection in the atmosphere on the basis of observations of variations of electric field both in thunderstorms (from electromagnetic radiation of lightning discharges in the range of ultra-long waves), and in fair weather (from the parameters of aeroelectric structures observed in the boundary layer of the atmosphere).

Implemented results of research:

  • The Laboratory has developed and patented a multi-position network system for meteorological radiolocation that uses small meteorological radiolocators equipped with innovative phased array antennas relying on arrays of controlled scatterers. The system is aimed at monitoring local weather conditions to support weather-sensitive activities: flights of drones, performing agricultural and construction works, staging sporting competitions and other open air mass events etc.
  • We have developed complex complrehensive that unite new measurement technologies with their software support to enhance fast remote diagnostics and forecasting hazardous  rapid-onset natural phenomena.

Education and career development:

  • Two Doctor of Sciences and 5 Candidate of Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.
  • The Laboratory has developed and delivered 39 lecture courses: «Modern problems of geophysics», «Basics of geophysical hydrodynamics», «Ecology: physical foundations» and others. 

Organizational and structural changes: 

In Lobachevsky Nizhniy Novgorod State University we organized the Deprtment of the Physics of the Environment and Geoinformation Technologies (2016). 

Other results:

Within the European Commission program ERASMUS+ we implemented a project  (supervised by Professor Sergey S. Zilitinkevich) «Adaptive learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate (ECOIMPACT)» 2015-2018. 


Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Helsinki (Finland), Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (Norway), Ben-Gurion University (Israel), University of Central Europe in Skalica (Slovakia), Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Russia): joint research and publications.

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Druzhinin O.A., Troitskaya Yu.I., Zilitinkevich S.S.
Direct Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent Wind over a Wavy Water Surface. Journal of Geophysical Research 117: C00J05-1–C00J05-16 (2012).
Troitskaya Y.I., Sergeev D.A., Kandaurov A.A., Baidakov G.A., Vdovin M.A., Kazakov V.I.
Laboratory and Theoretical Modeling of Air-Sea Momentum Transfer under Severe Wind Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research 117: C00J21-1– C00J21-13 (2012).
Anisimov S.V., Mareev E.A., Shikhova N.M., Shatalina M.V., Galichenko S.V., Zilitinkevich S.S.
Aeroelectric Structures and Turbulence in Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 20: 819–824 (2013).
Druzhinin O.A., Troitskaya Yu.I., Zilitinkevich S.S.
Stably Stratified Air-flow over a Waved Water Surface. Part 1: Stationary Turbulence Regime. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142(695): 759–772 (2016).
Druzhinin O.A., Troitskaya Yu.I., Zilitinkevich S.S.
Stably Stratified Air-flow over a Waved Water Surface. Part 2: Wave-Induced Pre-Turbulent Motions. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142(695): 773–780 (2016).
troitskaya y., kandaurov a., ermakova o., kozlov d., sergeev d., zilitinkevich s.
The “bag breakup” spume droplet generation mechanism at high winds. Part I. Spray generation function // Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2018. V. 48. P. 2167–2188.
troitskaya yu., abramov v., baidakov g., ermakova o., zuikova e., sergeev d., ermoshkin a., kazakov v., kandaurov a., rusakov n., poplavsky e., vdovin m.
Cross-polarization GMF for high wind speed and surface stress retrieval // Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2018. V. 123. P. 5842–5855.
troitskaya yu., d. sergeev, a. kandaurov, m. vdovin, s. zilitinkevich
The effect of foam on waves and the aerodynamic roughness of the water surface at high winds // Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2019. V. 49. P. 959–981.
harrison r.g., nicoll k.a., mareev e.a., slyunyaev n.n., rycroft m.j.
Extensive layer clouds in the global electric circuit: their effects on vertical charge distribution and storage // Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2020. V. 476. P. 20190758.
klimenko v.v., lubyako l.v., mareev e.a., shatalina m.v.
Ground-based measurements of microwave brightness temperature and electric field fluctuations for clouds with a different level of electrical activity // Atmospheric Research. 2022. V. 266. P. 105937.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Geochemistry of Natural Waters (10)

M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Konoplev Aleksei Vladimirovich



Laboratory of Macromolecular Design (10)

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University - (Sechenov University)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Kostjuk Sergei Viktorovich



Laboratory «Soil Health»

Southern Federal University - (SFedU)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Wong Ming Hung

, United Kingdom
