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Nanocatalysts and Functional Materials Laboratory

Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Development of physical and chemical basics for a technology of production of principally new nanocatalysts based on non-noble meta

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а, г, д

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Principally new metallic materials in the form of particle (including pentagonal ones) layers and coatings made of them; catalysts and photocatalysts for industrial and ecological applications; technology, materials and equipment for deep purification of air and water from toxic contamination

Project objective: Creating principally new catalytically active materials based on metals

The practical value of the study

  • Our researchers have developed physico-chemical basics of the technology of production of new catalytically active based on metals.
  • The Laboratory has created and researched a brand new class of functional metallic materials based on pentagonal crystals consisting of nano- and microcrystals (with sizes ranging from 0,05 to 50 mkm) with fivefold symmetry that contain high-energy defects of the dislocational type and demonstrate unique qualities.
  • We have created and analyzed samples of efficient catalysts for industrial and ecological applications (for synthesis of aniline, destruction of organic contaminations in water, purification of air from toxic admixtures, hydrocarbon conversion). These samples were created on the basis of pentagonal crystals possessing the maximum possible catalytic activity. We have developed, studied and tested solid metal catalysts from pentagonal copped pyramids possessing high strength, adhesion and heat conductivity, as well as high catalytic activity and selectivity in catalytic agents for nitrobenzol recovery, nitrobenzene reduction to aniline. We have developed, researched and tested in the laboratory environments catalysts based on icosahedronal microparticles limited only by catalytically active atomic planes.
  • For the first time in the world we have produced copper catalysts in the form of truncated icosahedrons that meet all the requirements for catalysts developed using modern «pseudo-liquefiedl layer» technologies, i. e. specific size (15-20 mkm), spherical shape, high heat conductivity, durability and catalytic activity.
  • Technological regulations have been developed for producing catalysts from copper crystals with defects for synthesis synthesis from aniline nitrobenzene and researched researched samples of catalysts.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have filed 10 applications for patents for inventions and obtained 6 patents.
  • The technology for producing brand new materials consisting of pentagonal particles and crystals has been implemented at the technological sector of the Togliatti State University and «Nanotechnologies for ecology» LLC.
  • According to a license agreement with «NPO Aqua» LLC we have transferred a technology for producing photocatalysts that are active in the visible light range and are aimed at destruction of organic contaminants in water for usage in the real sector of economy. The Laboratory also transferred 4 patents.
  • We have signed a license agreement and a project co-funding agreement with «Water supply purification systems» LLC to transfer patents patents and pilot equipment relying on the membrane-photocatalytic technology designed for sewage water purification coming from the country's airport and containing toxic ethanol glycol.
  • Commercial agreements have been signed with «Ecolos» LLC and «Sanenviro» LLC to complete the project «Nanotechnologies for purification of hypertoxic sewage waters forming at municipal solid waste polygons».
  • A device for deep cleaning of hypertoxic sewage waters forming at municipal solid waste polygons» has been developed and is currently being manufactured. The manufacturing is done by «Senenvipro» LLC, the project is implemented on request of the government of Samara Oblast.
  • We have developed a technology and created equipment for purification of sewage waters from «KuybyshevAzot» PJSC up to prescribed indicators.
  • We have designed and manufactured a pilot unit for photocatalytic destruction of phenol in water, in collaboration with the Information Foundation of Samara Oblast.

Education and career development:

  • 3 doctoral dissertations, 7 candidate dissertations, 25 master degree theses have been defended in the Laboratory's research domain.
  • We have organized internships and additional training at Russian and foreign scientific foundations for 8 postgraduates and young researchers working at the Laboratory.
  • 8 monographs and 6 textbooks for bachelor, master and postgraduate degree training have been published.
  • The Laboratory has developed educational courses in the training direction «Materials sciences and technologies of nanomaterials and coatings».
  • We have run the international conference «Physical materials science» with scientific school elements for young scientist in 2013, 2016, and 2017.

Organizational and structural changes: The innovation research infrastructure created at the Togliatti State University includes:

  • 5 modern research laboratories (Research Laboratory «Surface Physics of New Materials», Research Laboratory «Specific nanobjects and functional materials», Research Laboratory «Spectroscopy of matter», Research Laboratory «Nanocatalysts and catalytic systems», Research and Analytics Center «Analysis of water, soil and municipal solid waste»);
  • Center for Nanoproducts Compliance;
  • Sector for Production of Samples of Pilot and Innovative Products;
  • Research and education laboratories (atomic force microscopy; research of physical and mechanical qualities of nanomaterials; modeling physical processes).

Other results: We have laid scientific and technological groundwork for new major projects in the following research domains: physical and chemical basics of growing ready-made microdevices from metallic pentagonal nanoobjects; development, research and testing of efficient catalysts for synthesis of aniline from nitrobenzol.


  • French National Centre for Scientific Research – CNRS (France), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Tartu Institute of Physics Nanolab (Estonia):joint research, scientific publications
  • Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences: joint research, scientific publications, commercial agreements
  • Belgorod State University: joint research, scientific publications, grants
  • Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Russia), International Research Center for Functional Materials and Optoelectronic Devices and Electronics (Russia): joint research, scientific publications, grants, agreements and implementation of collaborative projects


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Vikarchuk A.A., Dorogov M.V.
Features of the Evolution of the Structure and Morphology of the Surface of Icosahedral Copper Particles in the Annealing Process. JETP Letters 97(10): 594–598 (2013).
Vikarchuk A., Gryznova N., Dovzhenko O., Dorogov M., Romanov A.
Structural Phase Transformations and Morphological Changes of Icosahedral Small Copper Particles in Temperature Fields and Reactive Media. Advanced Materials Research 1013: 205–210 (2014).
Gutkin M.Yu., Kolesnikova A.L., Krasnitckii S.A., Dorogin L.M., Serebryakova V.S., Vikarchuk A.A., Romanov A.E.
Stress Relaxation in Icosahedral Small Particles Via Generation of Circular Prismatic Dislocation Loops. Scripta Materialia 105 (1): 10–13 (2015).
Dorogov M.V., Priezzheva A.N., Vlassov S., Kink I., Shulga E., Dorogin L.M., Lõhmus R.C, Tyurkov M.N., Vikarchuk A.A., Romanov A.E.
Phase and Structural Transformations in Annealed Copper Coatings in Relation to Oxide Whisker Growth. Applied Surface Science 346(1): 423–427 (2015).
Gutkin M.Yu., Kolesnikova A.L., Yasnikov I.S., Vikarchuk A.A., Aifantis E.C., Romanov A.E.
Stresses and Fracture in Hollow Decahedral Small Particles. European Journal of Mechanics A 68(1): 133–139 (2017).
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
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National University of Science and Technology MISIS - (NUST MISIS)

Material Technology


Кузнецов Андрей Юрьевич



Laboratory for Ion-selective membranes

M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU)

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Ameduri Bruno Michel



Neuroelectronics and Memristive Nanomaterials Research Laboratory (NEUROMENA)

Southern Federal University - (SFedU)

Material Technology


Park‬ Bae Ho

