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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

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General information

Name of the project: Magnetic nanooptics devices with controllable loss and noise working at microwave frequencies

Goals and objectives
Research directions:
  • The research of excitation, propagation and interaction of spin waves in magnetic micro- and nanostructures;
  • Magnetic nanostructures: technologies of synthesis, physical properties, and applications in spintronics;
  • Spin transport in electrically conducting magnetics and nanoheterostructures based on them;
  • Neutron and X-ray diagnostics of the nuclear and magnetic structure of planar nanosystems.
Project objectives:

  • The synthesis of multilayer nanomaterials using magnetron sputtering and molecular beam epitaxy methods;
  • The creation of laterally confined microobjects of arbitrary shape by optical and electron lithography;
  • The creation of prototypes of magnetic sensors;
  • The development of functional magnetically sensitive materials and magnetoelectronic devices in the interest of industrial enterprises;
  • The research of high-frequency optical properties of magnetic nanostructures;
  • The development of prototypes of spintronic devices for the transmission, generation, and detection of radio-frequency and microwave fields and signals;
  • The research of the structural and magnetic properties of multilayer nanostructures based on rare-earth and transition metals with the use of «‎mega-science» facilities at Russian and international research centres.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. For the first time at room temperature we were able to observe magnonic second noise or wave energy transfer and spin angular momentum in a quasi-equilibrium magnon gas that undergo Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) in a ferrite film.
  2. We have proposed a method for exciting quasi-linear and nonlinear auto-oscillation magnetization modes by direct current in a nano-slot spin Hall nano-oscillator that uses a geometry with a widened gap. It has been demonstrated that the quasi-linear mode is stable at low excitation currents, while the non-linear mode is excited additionally at high currents and becomes more dominant as the current increases.
  3. The Laboratory has developed a technology for magnetron deposition of multi-layer metallic nano-structures with a perfect structure of layers and interfaces and produced [Co90Fe10/Cu]n  exchange-coupled super-lattices with a record value of magnetic resistance: 83% at room temperature and over 160% at helium temperatures. The obtained values of magnetic resistance set records for this composition of nano-lattices.
  4. Giant microwave magnetoresistance in [CoFe/Cu]n nanostructures has been researched in the millimeter wavelength range. The measurements were performed for super-latiices with maximum magnetoresistivity effect. We determined new field dependencies of the transmittance and reflection coefficients. We achieved a record-high change in the transmittance coefficient (up to 80%).
  5.  We have built a quantum theory of electron spin transfer in conducting magnetics that describes a whole range of new galvanomagnetic phenomena caused by the impact conductivity electrons on the spin that is created by spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields and (or) the internal magnetic fields of a quantum exchange origin. We provided a description of two new spin transport effects in conducting chiral helimagnetics: the «electric magnetochiral Stern–Gerlach effect» and the «kinetic magnetochiral Stern–Gerlach effect». Our researchers have determined the conditions of the experimental observation of the phenomenon of resonance amplification of new effects that was named «magnetochiral kinetic resonance». 

Implemented results of research:

  1. We have developed Ta/NiFeCr/[CoFeNi/CuIn]n/Ta magnetic super-lattices with the effect of giant magnetic resistance (GMR) and unique properties: a high magnetic resistance, a low hysteresis, a high linearity of the characteristic, low magnetic saturation fields, a high sensitivity and temperature stability. In this class of magnetically sensitive nanomaterials the developed GMR super-lattices surpass foreign counterparts in terms of their functional characteristics. A batch of plates with sprayed GMR super-lattices has been manufactured and are currently produced by employees of the Laboratory in the interest of the Research and Production Complex «Technology center» (Zelenograd). GMR super-lattices are designed for creating innovative magnetoelectronic devices.
  2. In the interest of the Research and Production Association of Automatics (Yekaterinburg) we developed magnetic super-lattices with required functional characteristics. The produced magnetically sensitive materials have been used for the development of integrated detectors of high currents in electric transmission lines.

Education and career development:

  • Employees of the Laboratory have taught lecture courses at the Ural Federal University on the topics: «Additional chapters of physics», «Electrodynamics and mechanics of continuous media», «Physical kinetics», «Quantum transport in nanostructures».
  • One Candidate of Sciences and one Doctor of Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.
  • We have developed education courses for Russian universities, primarily for the Ural Federal University.
  • On the grounds of the Laboratory students of the Ural Federal University have prepared 4 bachelor’s degree and 2 master’s degree thesis.

Organizational and structural changes:

  • The Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment «Department of Technologies and Diagnostics of Nanostructures» has been created on the basis of the Laboratory. It was incorporated into the Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment «Testing Center for Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials». The «Department of Technologies and Diagnostics of Nanostructures» possesses unique spraying, lithography and research equipment necessary for conducting works in the domain of nanotechnologies.
  • Some units of the Laboratory’s equipment became part of the Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment «Physics and Technology Infrastructure Complex» of the Institute of Metals Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which performs works for structural divisions of the Institute of Metals Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, other science and education organizations, industrial enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and other entities conducting research in the area of the development of new materials and modern technologies.

Other results:

Results of the work of employees of the Laboratory and executors of the mega-grant have on several occasions been marked with the first award at the annual session of presentations of best achievements of the Institute of Metals Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 


Joint research, preparing academic articles and works pursuant to commercial agreements has been conducted in collaboration with the following organizations:

  • Institute for Applied Physics and Center for Nanotechnology, University of Muenster, Germany;
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Germany;
  • Radboud University, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Netherlands;
  • Department of Physics, Emory University, USA;
  • L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
  • Kurchatov Institute, Russia;
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia;
  • Institute for Physics of Microstructures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
  • Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
  • A. V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
  • Siberian Federal University, Russia;
  • MIREA — Russian Technological University, Russia;
  • Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Russia;
  • Central Research Technological Institute, Russia.
  • Institute of Thermal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
  • Research and Production Association of Automatics named after Academician  Nikolay A. Semikhatov, Russia;
  • Research and Production Complex «Technology center», Russia.

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s.о. demokritov, a.b. rinkevich
Spectral linewidth of spincurrent nano-oscillators driven by nonlocal spin injection. – Applied Physics Letters, 2015, v. 107.
a.v. telegin, s.о. demokritov
Excitation of coherent propagating spin waves by pure spin currents. – Nature Communications, 2016, v. 7.
v.e. demidov, s. urazhdin, b. divinskiy, v.d. bessonov, a.b. rinkevich, v.v. ustinov, s.o. demokritov
Chemical potential of quasiequilibrium magnon gas driven by pure spin current. – Nature Communications, 2017, v. 8.
m. evelt, c. safranski, mohammed aldosary, v.e. demidov, i. barsukov, a.p. nosov, a.b. rinkevich, k. sobotkiewich, xiaoqin li, jing shi, i.n. krivorotov, s.o. demokritov
Spin Hall-induced auto-oscillations in ultrathin YIG grown on Pt. – Scientific Reports (Nature), 2018, v. 8.
m. evelt, l. soumah, a.b. rinkevich, s.o. demokritov, a. anane, v. cros, jamal ben youssef, g. de loubens, o. klein, p. bortolotti, v.e. demidov
Emission of Coherent Propagating Magnons by Insulator-Based Spin-Orbit-Torque Oscillators. – Physical Review Applied, 2018, v. 10, № 4.
a.b. rinkevich, c.o. dimokritov
Excitation of coherent second sound waves in a dense magnon gas. – Scientific Reports, 2019, v. 9.
d.v. perov, a.b. rinkevich.
Ferromagnetic Resonance and Antiresonance in Composite Medium with Flakes of Finemet-Like Alloy. – Nanomaterials, 2021, v. 11.
m.a. milyaev, n.s. bannikova, l.i. naumova, v.v. proglyado, e.i. patrakov, n.p. glazunov, v.v. ustinov.
Effective Co-rich ternary CoFeNi alloys for spintronics application. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, v. 854.
m.a. milyaev, l.i. naumova, v.v. proglyado, a.yu. pavlova, m.v. makarova, e.i. patrakov, n.p. glazunov, v.v. ustinov
Advantages of using Cu1-хInх alloys as spacers in GMR multilayers. – Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, v. 917.
a.b. rinkevich, d.v. perov, e.a. tolmacheva, e.a. kuznetsov, o.v. nemytova, m.a. uimin.
Magnetic and Microwave Properties of Nanocomposites Containing Iron Particles Encapsulated in Carbon. – Materials, 2022, v. 15.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Advanced functional materials for digital and quantum electronics

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT)




Laboratory for Crystal Photonics

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Stoumpos Constantinos



Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Tomsk State University - (TSU)



Shekhtman Lev Isayevich

