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Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Fundamental principles of new combustion technologies with mass and heat recirculation

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: б

Goals and objectives

Research directions:

Fundamental theoretical and experimental research of combustion waves in systems with heat recirculation and combustion products; research connected with microcombustion and combustion of gases in porous environments; research of limits of gas combustion, experiments in the presence of microgravity; research of structure of gas phase flames and developing reduced chemical kinetics; enhancing technologies to create new SHS materials for radiation burners

Project objective: Developing methods of ecologically friendly and efficient combustion of hydrocarbon fuel to produce energy and materials, developing new kinetic models of gas combustion and methods of computing dynamic behavior of combustion waves

The practical value of the study

  • Analytical methods and efficient computation algorithms to describe flame dynamics in microchannels and porous environments.
  • Microreactors to diagnose structure of flames and verify kinetic models of chemical reactions.
  • We have proposed new models of initiation and propagation of flame in turbulent flows.
  • New experimental data on the structure and limits of existence of flame of extremely poor gas mixtures in the presence of microgravity
  • A unified theory of «sporadic flames», cellular flames and «flame balls».
  • We have produced metalloceramic porous SHS materials with controlled porousness to create efficient radiation burners.

Implemented results of research:

  • 11 intellectual property objects have been patented

Education and career development:

  • Internships at the Tohoku University (Japan) for students of the Department of Heat Power Engineering of the Far Eastern Federal University.
  • 6 doctoral dissertations and 2 candidate dissertations have been defended.
  • 6 education courses for bachelors and masters, 2 textbooks.
  • 7 employees of the Laboratory have enrolled to the postgraduate school of the Far Eastern Federal University.

Organizational and structural changes:

A unique network laboratory has been created with the center in the Far Eastern Federal University that has top-notch professionals in combustion from all over the world.

Other results:

We have organized:

  • International seminar on dynamics and structure of combustion waves (Russia, 2014);
  • School and seminar for young professionals «Dynamics and structure of combustion 2017» (Russia, 2017);
  • Modern Combustion Technologies – in collaboration with the «Dynamics and Structure of Combustion Waves» conference at ICFD 2015 (Japan, 2015);
  • International seminar on combustion technologies at ICFD 2016 (Japan, 2016);
  • International seminar on combustion technologies at ICFD 2017 (Japan, 2017);
  • International seminar on combustion technologies at ICFD 2018 (Japan, 2018).


  • Tohoky University (Japan): joint research, student exchanges, joint scientific events
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India), University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany): joint research
  • Tomsk Research Center of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan): joint research, joint scientific event

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Fursenko R., Mokrin S., Minaev S., Maruta K.
Diffusive-Thermal Instability of Stretched Low-Lewis-Number Flames of Slot-Jet Counterflow Burners. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1):1613–1620 (2017).
Fursenko R., Maznoy A., Odintsov E., Kirdyashkin A., Minaev S., Sudarshan K.
Temperature and Radiative Characteristics of Cylindrical Porous Ni–Al Burners. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 98: 277–284 (2016).
Fursenko R., Minaev S., Nakamura H., Tezuka T., Hasegawa S., Kobayashi T., Takase K., Katsuta M., Kikuchi M., Maruta K.
Near-Lean Limit Combustion Regimes of Low-Lewis-Number Stretched Premixed Flames. Combustion And Flame 162(5): 1712–1718 (2014).
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Multiphase Precision Systems (10)

Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of RAS - (IT SB RAS)

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Sazhin Sergei Stepanovich

United Kingdom


Laboratory of Metal-hydride-based Power Engineering Technologies

Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the RAS

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Lototskiy Mikhail Vladimirovich

, South Africa


Laboratory of Solid-fuel Power Waste Recycling

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov - (SURPU (NPI))

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Chaudhary Sandeep

