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Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

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scientific publications
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General information

Name of the project:   Fiber optic systems for quantum technologies

Goals and objectives

Research directions:

  • Nonlinear optics of single-photon wave packet.
  • Fundamental quantum physics of interactions between super-short light pulses with matter.
  • Nonlinear optics super-weak light fields and single-photon wave packets.
  • Nonlinear optical methods of generation of quantum states of light in optical fiber with actively dispersion and nonlinearity.
  • Fiber optical sources of wide-band quantum states of light.
  • Solid-state quantum materials.
  • Optical fiber quantum sensors.
  • Quantum microspectroscopy and spectrochronography.

Project objective: Fundamental and experimental scientific research in the field of development of waveguide nonlinear-optical methods of production of quantum state of light for applications in quantum optics.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  • The physical principles of fiber-optic quantum sensorics based on diamond microcrystals with color centers were demonstrated.
  • New all-optical methods for diagnostics of ultrafast fundamental quantum phenomena were developed
  • New schemes for the generation of broadband quantum states of light based on four-wave mixing in optical fibers were implemented
  • Methods of fiber-optic quantum biothermometry were demonstrated
  • New methods for quantum microspectroscopy and spectrochronography, as well as methods for optical diagnostics of quantum materials based on diamonds with color centers were developed.

Implemented results of research:

The quantum sensors developed in the project based on the nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond (NV-centers) have found practical application in solving the problem of local high-precision temperature measurement in biological objects. The principle of operation is based on recording the spectrum of the spin resonance of the NV center using a complex waveguide structure that provides simultaneous delivery of optical and microwave radiation.

  • Patent application filed No. 2018147357 "Integrated fiber-optic quantum sensor with microwave delivery channel for thermo- and magnetometry".
  • Patent application filed No. 2019117383 "A device for the transmission of quantum states with compensation for polarization distortions of a quantum channel".
  • Patent application filed No. 2019129692 "Multi-cavity quantum memory".
  • Patent application filed No. 2020143728 "Method for suppressing quantum noise in optical quantum memory based on the protocol for restoring suppressed photon echo in a resonator".

Education and career development:

The organization of a master's program on the topic "Quantum technologies" is being carried out in cooperation with the University of Kaiserlautern (Germany), partly on the basis of research materials.

The course "Quantum optics" was developed and implemented at KNRTU-KAI (Index for the curriculum of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education: B1.V.DV.4.2. Direction of training 04/12/03 Photonics and optoinformatics. Master's program; Physics and technology of quantum systems)

Defense: 2 master's final qualifying works.

Prepared by 3 PHD.

An advanced training course was organized on the topic “Non-classical light fields; generation methods and quantum properties ”for 14 members of the research team.

An internship was carried out under the guidance of a leading scientist in Moscow, LLC "MCKT" from 09.10.2020 to 09.12.2020 two graduate students of the laboratory

International conferences Workshop and School for Young Scientists on Advanced Photonics and Quantum Optics (August 2-5, 2017), XV International Scientific Conference "Optical Technologies in Telecommunications" (November 21-23, 2017), 26th International Conference on laser physics LPHYS'17 (June 16–20, 2017), IV Russian-German-French Symposium on Laser Physics (April 23–27, 2018), "Photonics and Quantum Technologies" (December 16-18, 2018) , "Photonics and Quantum Technologies" (December 15-17, 2019) and "Photonics and Quantum Technologies" (online on December 17-18, 2020).

Experiences exchange trips were organized in the laboratory of Lomonosov Moscow State University for young employees of KNRTU-KAI.

A course of lectures “Non-classical light fields: generation methods and quantum properties” was organized (from April 9 to 13, 2017).

The research involves 3 students and 3 post-graduate students of the KNITU – KAI.

Organizational and structural changes:

Currently, the established quantum optical laboratory is equipped with the most modern optical equipment, which together will serve as a unique infrastructure for fundamental and exploratory research in the development of waveguide nonlinear optical methods for obtaining quantum states of light for applications of quantum optics. This infrastructure is the cornerstone for the entire Quantum Center at the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI, as it will be used by other laboratories of the center to bring their own research focused on the development of new quantum technologies to a new level, including optical quantum communications, quantum memory devices and light sources capable of transferring quantum information.


  • Lomonosov Moscow State University International Educational and Scientific Center (Russia): joint research (theoretical and experimental studies of optical fiber delay lines based on fluorine-containing polymers were carried out).
  • International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies (Russia): joint research (studies of single color centers in a diamond matrix are being carried out).

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S. A. Moiseev, N. S. Perminov, and A. M. Zheltikov
«Multiresonator Quantum Memory with Single Atoms» , JETP Letters, 2022 February, (V. 115, p. 318).
S. A. Moiseev and R. V. Urmancheev
«Photon/spin echo in a Fabry–Perot cavity » Opt. Lett., 2022 July, (V. 47, p. 3812)
A. M. Zheltikov and M. O. Scully
«Photon entanglement for life-science imaging: rethinking the limits of the possible, » Physics-Uspekhi, 2020, July (V. 190, № 7, p. 749
S. Blakley, X. Liu, I. Fedotov, I. Cojocaru, C. Vincent, M. Alkahtani, J. Becker, M. Kieschnick, T. Lühman, J. Meijer, P. Hemmer, A. Akimov, M. Scully, and A. Zheltikov
«Fiber-Optic Quantum Thermometry with Germanium-Vacancy Centers in Diamond,» ACS Photonics 2019 May (V. 6 p. 1690)
V. Fedotov and A. M. Zheltikov
«Background-free two-photon fluorescence readout via a three-photon charge-state modulation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond» Optics Letters 2019 June (V. 44, p. 3737)
N. L. Petrov, A. A. Voronin, A. B. Fedotov, and A. M. Zheltikov,
«Entropy- and purity-tailored broadband entanglement from vectorial four-wave mixing: Insights from pulse modes and classical-field dynamics,» Physical Review A, 2019 September (V. 100, p. 033837)
Fan J.-W., Cojocaru I., Becker J., Fedotov I.V., Alkahtani M.H.A., Alajlan A., Blakley S., Rezaee M., Lyamkina A., Palyanov Y.N., Borzdov Y.M., Yang Y.-P., Zheltikov A.M., Hemmer P. and Akimov A.V.,
«Enhanced-contrast optical readout in ultrafast broadband Raman quantum memories», Scientific Reports 2018 September (V. 8 p.13774)
Zheltikov A.M.
«Germanium-Vacancy Color Center in Diamond as a Temperature Sensor», ACS Photonics 2018 January (V. 5 p. 765)
Zheltikov A.M.
«Thermogenetic neurostimulation with single-cell resolution», Nature Communications 2017 May (V. 8, p. 15362 )
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Advanced functional materials for digital and quantum electronics

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT)




Laboratory for Crystal Photonics

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Stoumpos Constantinos



Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Tomsk State University - (TSU)



Shekhtman Lev Isayevich

