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Low-dimensional Quantum Materials Laboratory

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Hybrid state of light and matter in low-dimensional quantum materials with set characteristics

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Quantum transport and strong light matter coupling mode in low-dimensional materials

Project objective: Study of optical and transport characteristics of quasiparticles that are superposition of light and matter, polaritons formed in low-dimensional semiconductor structures in the strong coupling mode

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. The Laboratory has studied the mode structure of a polariton lattice with Lieb symmetry. We experimentally observed the condensation of exciton-polaritons into flat  energy zones.
  2. The Laboratory has researched the phase transition from polariton solitons to a Bose condensate of polaritons in a one-dimensional polariton system.
  3. We have developed and tuned technologies for creating samples of two-dimensional van-der-Waals materials, heterostructures and electrically adjustable devices based on them, as well as technologies for the integration of two-dimensional materials with nanophoton resonators and waveguides.
  4. The Laboratory has studied the effect of point current on the energy shift of exciton resonances in monolayers of dichalcogenide of transition metals.
  5. Our researchers have experimentally and theoretically investigated nonlinear-optical properties of hybrid 2D chip-compatible structures based on monolayers of MoSe2, WSe2 and WS2 in the strong light-matter coupling mode and demonstrated high values of nonlinearity that make it possible to create new type of transistors based on exciton --polaritons in the future.
  6. We have studied the mode structure of exciton-polaritons in a waveguide based on GaN with quantum wells. Our research demonstrate the existence of exciton-polaritons at room temperature.
  7. The Laboratory has studied the nonlinear optical properties of structured nanofilms of organic-inorganic perovskites MAPbI3 and MAPbBr3 in the strong light-matter coupling regime. It has been demonstrated that strong polaron effects modify the exciton properties, which leads to a further strengthening of nonlinearity. We found record-high spectral shifts in the exciton-polariton spectrum of more than 19 meV.
  8. In samples of twisted heterostructures based on alloys of s we have experimentally discovered and researched exciton excitations with long-living spin-valley polarization.
  9. We have theoretically predicted the effects of ultra-fast switching of magnetic domains in two-dimensional CrIferromagnetic materials.
  10. A new experimental methodology has been developed and prototypes of quantum sources of single photons have been created based on locally deformed monolayers of two-dimensional semiconductors relying on flexible polymer substrates. 

Implemented results of research: 

  • We have submitted an application for a useful model: the valley transistor.
  • An application has been submitted and a patent has been obtained for the useful model: «A device and a method for high-precision transfer of layers of atomically-thin materials of any area onto planar substrates».
  • An application has been submitted and a patent has been obtained for a useful model: «A source of individual photons based on a two-dimensional semiconductor with radiation into a nanophotonic waveguide».
  • An application for a useful model has been submitted: «A protective tag».

Education and career development: 

4 Candidate of Sciences dissertations, 4 Doctor of Sciences dissertations, 7 final qualification works have been prepared and defended.

As part of the implementation of the project, at the Faculty of Physics of ITMO University we launched the international master’s degree program «Quantum Materials» (in English). The curriculum of the program includes a number of original courses taught by employees of the Laboratory and based, to a large extent, on the research scope of the project «Physics of low-dimensional materials», «light-matter coupling», «Introduction to many body quantum physics». 


  • University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), Novosibirsk State Technical University (Russia): joint research.
  • Foundation for Research and Technology — Hellas (Greece), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore): student exchanges, joint research.
  • Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): joint research.
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Russia): joint workshops and conferences.

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aniruddha bhattacharya, md zunaid baten, ivan iorsh, thomas frost, alexey kavokin, and pallab bhattacharya
Room-Temperature Spin Polariton Diode Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. August 2017 (119, 067701)
v. k. kozin, v. a. shabashov, a. v. kavokin, and i. a. shelykh
Anomalous Exciton Hall Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. January 2021( 126, 036801)
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of topological quantum phenomena in superconducting systems of the Center for advanced mesoscience and nanotechnology (10)

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT)




Laboratory for Crystal Photonics

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Stoumpos Constantinos



Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Tomsk State University - (TSU)



Shekhtman Lev Isayevich

