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Prospective Technologies for Renewable Organic Raw Materials Processing and Hydrogen Accumulation

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the laboratory: Prospective technologies for processing renewable organic raw materials and accumulating hydrogen

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Thermodynamics and catalysis as a basis for a strategy to create prospective processes of producing fuels from renewable raw materials and technologies of hydrogen accumulation using unsaturated organic compounds.

Project objective: Creating viable processes for obtaining fuels and valuable chemical products from renewable organic raw materials and technologies for hydrogen storage using unsaturated organic compounds

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. We have studied the thermochemical properties of more than 40 potential organic hydrogen carriers; the chemical equilibrium of hydrogenation-dehydrogenation of 17 potential LOHC of the classes of aromatic hydrocarbons and N-heterocycles; Ni, Pt and Pd-containing catalysis of H0-LOHC hydrogenation and Hx-LOHC dehydrogenation; the kinetic characteristics of hydrogenation-dehydrogenation reactions of potential LOHC in the presence of the synthesized catalysts.
  2. The collected experimental data can serve as the basis for the creation of efficient systems for the accumulation and generation of hydrogen with the use of new potential LOHC and catalysts. The Laboratory’s work resulted in 6 Russian Federation patents. 

Implemented results of research:

Patents have been obtained for the implementation of processes of hydrogen accumulation with the use of liquid organic hydrogen carriers:

  • Patent RU 2 714 810 C1. Method for selective hydrogenation of styrene oligomers and still residues of reaction resins (SRRR), use thereof as liquid organic hydrogen carrier and hydrogen cycle based thereon.
  • Patent RU 2 741 301 C1. Diphenylferrocene as liquid organic hydrogen carrier, as well as hydrogen cycle based thereon.
  • Patent RU 2 725 230 C1. Aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures containing C5-C6-cycles as a liquid organic hydrogen carrier and hydrogen cycle based thereon.
  • Patent RU 2 699 629 C1. Liquid organic hydrogen carrier, method for production thereof and hydrogen cycle based thereon.
  • Patent RU 2 773 218 C1 Mixtures of organic nitrogen compounds containing aromatic C5-C6 cycles as liquid organic carrier of hydrogen and hydrogen cycle based on it.
  • Patent RU 2 771 200 C1 Aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures containing C5-C6-cycles as a liquid organic hydrogen carrier and hydrogen cycle based thereon.

Education and career development:

  • The Laboratory has organized internships and training of employees of the Laboratory at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the University of Rostock (Germany), at the University of Lille (France).
  • Every year we are conducting the symposium «Modern challenges in chemistry, petrochemistry and petroleum processing» on the grounds of Samara State Technical University (Russia).
  • We have conducted four schools for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and young researchers «Emerging technologies in the processing of renewable organic raw materials and hydrogen accumulation» on the grounds of Samara State Technical University (Russia).
  • Members of the academic team deliver presentations at Russian and international conferences, congresses and symposiums.
  • Two textbooks on catalysis in chemical technology and processes of petrochemical synthesis in petroleum processing have been published.
  • We have developed complexes of academic and methodological document for the training direction «Chemical technology» (for bachelor’s, master’s degree and postgraduate students).


  • One postgraduate has completed an internship in Rostock (Germany) within a joint grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
  • Two postgraduate students have completed internships within the Erasmus+ international mobility program  with UCCS of the University of Lille  (France).
  • An employee of the Laboratory is currently studying in the postgraduate school of the University of Rostock under the supervision the leading scientist Sergey P. Verevkin.
  • Young researchers of the Laboratory regularly complete internships and training in working with modern devices for determining the physico-chemical of catalysts (Grenoble, Lyon (France), Moscow (Russia)).
  • In September 2019, a young researcher from the University of Rostock (Germany) completed an internship in conformational analysis at the laboratory of Samara State Technical University.

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verevkin, s.p., emel´yanenko,v.n. siewert, r. pimerzin, a.a.
Energetics of LOHC: structure-property relationships from network of thermochemical experiments and “in-silico” methods. Hydrogen, 2021, 2, 101-121
s.p. verevkin, r. siewert, a.a. pimerzin
Furfuryl alcohol as a potential liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC): Thermochemical and computational study, Fuel, 2020, Т. 266
abdelaziz a., zaitsau d.h., buzyurov verevkin s.p., schick c.
Sublimation thermodynamics of Nucleobases derived from Fast Scanning Calorimetry, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 838-853.
s.p. verevkin, a.a. pimerzin, l.-x. sun
Liquid organic hydrogen carriers: Hydrogen storage by di-phenyl ether derivatives: An experimental and theoretical study, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020, Т. 144
m. e. konnova, s.v. vostrikov, a. a. pimerzin, s. p. verevkin
Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen storage: biphenyl as affordable Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC). J. Chem. Thermodyn. 159 (2020) 106455.
s.p. verevkin, r. siewert, v.n. emel’yanenko, j.e. bara, h. cao, a.a. pimerzin
Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen storage by nitro-di-phenyl ethers, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2020, Т. 65
al.a. pimerzin, m.e. konnova, s.p. verevkin, a.a. pimerzin
Bifunctional catalysts with noble metals on composite Al2O3-SAPO-11 carrier and their comparison with CoMoS one in n-hexadecane hydroisomerization, Catalysis Today, 2019, Т. 329
s. verevkin, a. pimerzin, d. zaitsau, v. emel’yanenko
Benchmark properties of pyrazole derivatives as a potential liquid organic hydrogen carrier: Evaluation of thermochemical data with complementary experimental and computational methods, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2019, Т. 128
d. zaitsau, v. emel’yanenko, a. pimerzin, s. verevkin
Benchmark properties of biphenyl as liquid organic hydrogen carrier: evaluation of thermochemical data with complementary experimental and computational methods, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2018, Т. 122
v. emel’yanenko, d. zaitsau, a. pimerzin, s. verevkin
Benchmark properties of diphenyl oxide as a potential liquid organic hydrogen carrier: evaluation of thermochemical data with complementary experimental and computational methods, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2018, Т. 125
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Multiphase Precision Systems (10)

Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of RAS - (IT SB RAS)

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Sazhin Sergei Stepanovich

United Kingdom


Laboratory of Metal-hydride-based Power Engineering Technologies

Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the RAS

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Lototskiy Mikhail Vladimirovich

, South Africa


Laboratory of Solid-fuel Power Waste Recycling

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov - (SURPU (NPI))

Energy and rational natural resources usage


Chaudhary Sandeep

