As of 01.11.2022
Project goals: Developing new methods of synthesis of C-dots and structures based on them with optical characteristics that are suitable for creating luminescent «green photonics» devices, determining fundamental physical mechanisms laying in the basis of formation of the electron structure of C-dots and responsible for processes of excitation, deexcitation and transfer of charge and energy carriers in composite materials based on C-dots
Project objective: The research of the features of optical and radiationless transitions and the mechanisms of dissipation of energy of elementary excitations in hybrud systems with semiconductor and carbon nanoparticles
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory for Functional Nano-materials Photonics
ITMO University - (ITMO) |
Nanotechnologies |
St. Petersburg |
Demir Hilmi Volkan
Turkey |
2021-2023 |
Laboratory for the 3D Printing of Functional Materials
ITMO University - (ITMO) |
Nanotechnologies |
St. Petersburg |
Kumacheva Eugenia Eduardovna
Canada |
2019-2021 |
International Laboratory for Hybrid Photonic Nanomaterials
National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute - (MEPhI) |
Nanotechnologies |
Moscow |
Rakovich Yuriy Petrovich
Ireland, Belarus Samokhvalov Pavel SergeevichRussia |
2017-2021 |