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Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Social Neurobiology of the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences

Contract number
Time span of the project

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
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General information

Name of the project: Impact of speech and cross-cultural context on decision making. Multimodal neuromapping using environmentally valid stimuli as a new tool of research of social cognition.

Goals and objectives

Project objective: Creation of a functional model of perception of narratives and video footage in the context of decision making

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

We have developed experiments to study the impact of video content and narratives on the cognitive realm of tested persons, conducted a comparative analysis of the modern neuroimaging methods for the study of the perception of dynamic stimuli. One of the breakthrough alternative algorithms for the analysis of neurobiological data is a method for the study of inter-subject correlation (ISC). The ISC index can be used for determining the similarity of EEG/MEG/MRI signals of test subjects in neurocognitive research. The ISC approach allows to assess the level of correlation between test subjects from one group. High values of ISC suggest a high similarity of EEG/MEG/MRI signals between test subjects, which indicates the consistency (predictability) of signals when these stimuli are presented. The main advantage of this method is the fact that a stimulus can be presented once since there is no necessity to average the data. Therefore experimental devices can become closer to real ones, for instance, when a human views a video, image, listens to a narrative only once. We have adapted inter-subject correlations (ISC) processing algorithms for fMRI, tested an algorithm for conducting research with the use of fast fMRI, ensuring a high temporal frequency of discretization. We have described algorithms of inter-subject correlation (ISC) for EEG/MEG. The Laboratory has conducted an ISC research using EEG/MEG methods. We have created a battery of tests to determine individual differences between test subjects. A principle has been developed for the search for social and ethnic groups with the purpose of conducting research of the influence of narratives on high-risk decisions.

In this project we have studied the brain mechanism of processing dynamic naturalistic information necessary for decision making. Special attention was paid to the research of these mechanisms in the social and cross-cultural context.

Implemented results of research:

We have developed and registered the software program «A package for the automated processing of electroencephalograms using inter-subject correlation methods». The software is designed for the completely automated reading of the Brainstorm workspace and the processing of a prepared array of EEG data using the ISC method.

Education and career development:

  • Over the period of the implementation of the project, young employees of the Laboratory prepared 9 final qualifying works and 2 dissertations in the domain of the project.
  • We have prepared and are implementing the additional training program «Neuromarketing: a user’s manual».
  • In 2021 four postgraduate students completed an intensive internship at Aalto University (Finland) to continue their training in fMRI, EEG and MEG data analysis.

Organizational and structural changes:

The International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, as part of the Institute for Cognitive Neurosciences, participates in the implementation of a large-scale project supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia to re-equip the unique scientific facility of the Higher School of Economics «Automated system for the non-invasive stimulation of the brain with the capability of synchronous registering brain biocurrents and eye movement tracking», which ensures the comprehensive development of the infrastructure for research activity, improving the accessibility level of the unique scientific facility and the growth of the efficiency of its use.


  • Aalto University (Finland): joint research within the mega-grant project and within other collaborative projects, for example, on the topic «Machine learning methods for the study of the cross-cultural aspects of cognition in an environmentally valid experimental context»; student exchanges, joint regular scientific seminars.
  • International Tomography Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): joint research.
  • Turner National Medical Research Center for Children's Orthopedics and Trauma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia: joint research within the project «Cognitive features in children with motor disorders: clinical behavior and neurophysiological correlates» supported by the Russian Science Foundation (implemented since 2019).
  • Institute of Brain Science of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan): joint research within the project «Research of the neurocognitive mechanisms of emotional regulation: a multi-modal approach combining invasive and non-invasive methods of neuroimaging and brain stimulation», supported by the Russian Science Foundation (implemented since 2022).

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iiro p. jääskeläinen, glerean e., klucharev v., shestakova a., ahveninen j.
Do sparse brain activity patterns underlie human cognition? // Neuroimage. 2022. Vol. 263. Article 119633
jaaskelainen i., sams m., glerean e., ahveninen j.
Movies and narratives as naturalistic stimuli in neuroimaging // Neuroimage. 2021. Vol. 224. Article 117445.
gorin a., klucharev v., ossadtchi a., zubarev i., moiseeva v., shestakova a.
MEG signatures of remote effects of agreement and disagreement with the majority // Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 1 . P. 1-10.
gorin a., krugliakova e., nikulin v., kuznetsova a., moiseeva v., klucharev v., shestakova a.
Cortical plasticity elicited by monetary losses: An ERP study // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. No. 21161. P. 1-14.
jaaskelainen i., klucharev v., panidi k., shestakova a.
Neural Processing of Narratives: From Individual Processing to Viral Propagation // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020. Vol. 14. P. 253.
zinchenko o., nikulin v., klucharev v.
Wired to punish? Electroencephalographic study of the resting-state neuronal oscillations underlying third-party punishment // Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 471. P. 1-10.
azanova m., herrojo-ruiz m. d., belianin a. v., klucharev v., nikulin v.
Resting-State Theta Oscillations and Reward Sensitivity in Risk Taking // Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 15. Article 608699.
iiro p. jääskeläinen, jyrki ahveninen, vasily klucharev, anna n. shestakova and jonathan levy.
“Behavioral Experience-Sampling Methods in Neuroimaging Studies With Movie and Narrative Stimuli” // Front Hum Neurosci. 2022; 16: 813684
ntoumanis i., panidi k., yaroslava grebenschikova, anna n. shestakova, kosonogov v., iiro p. jääskeläinen, kadieva d., sofia baran, klucharev v.
"Expert persuasion" can decrease Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food // FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION. 2022.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
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McGlone Francis Philip

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Laboratory for Behavioural Neurodynamics

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Shtyrov Yuriy Yuriyevich

Russia, United Kingdom
