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Laboratory for Nanostructured Surfaces and Coatings

Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Physics and technologies for producing materials and coatings

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials

Project objective: Research of fundamental qualities of a new class of materials – topological insulators, finding new classes of topological insulators and developing technologies for their production in Russia. Developing a high efficiency vacuum ion-plasma technology for modifying surfaces of products of complex shapes and creating equipment for enhancing physical and mechanical qualities of materials

The practical value of the study

  • We have theoretically substantiated and experimentally proven new families of non-magnetic topological insulators, both binary and multicomponent. Have studied their electronic and oscillation characteristics.
  • The Laboratory has predicted and research new materials showing giant spin orbit splitting of electron states both in the volume and on the surface and on the interface formed by two materials.
  • Our researchers have found topological surface states in local crevices of topological insulators in the unoccupied region of energies.
  • We have predicted and produced 3D antiferromagnetic topological insulators. We have theoretically and experimentally studied their volume and surface electron structure.
  • We have proven that doping only the surface block of non-magnetic topological materials with magnetic admixtures allows to produce systems with quantum abnormal Hall effect.
  • Our Laboratory has found new families of two-dimensional topological insulators. We have investigated the main factors affecting formation of quantum spin Hall effect in thin films of 3D topological insulators.
  • We have proposed and implemented a method of formation of 2D ferromagnetic systems on surfaces of 3D topological insulators.
  • Our researchers have created a theory that allows to describe behavior of heterostructures formed by topological insulators and films of ferromagnetic semiconductors. This theory allows to forecast conditions in which formation of quantum abnormal and quantum spin Hall effects in such structures.
  • The Laboratory has predicted and studied theoretically and experimentally existence of Dirac plasmons on the surface of topological insulators.
  • We have determined the a universal mechanism of formation of crystalline structure when a topological insulator contacts a magnetic semiconductor or trivial semiconductor during growing using molecular beam epitaxy.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have created a unique ion-plasma setup named «SPRUT».
  • An ion-plasma technology has been created for modifying surfaces of objects having complex shape. The technology is used for modifying surfaces of objects with blind holes and cogwheels, for modifying internal and external surfaces of medical stents that have the form of cancellated cylinders. Processing surfaces of stents made of titanium nickelide involving silicon ions allows for their rapid endothelization of surfaces when implanting stents into organisms, thus reducing duration of interaction between blood and metal.
  • Results of in vivo research in model organisms (minipigs) have show that modifying surfaces of stents allows allows for 1.3-1.5 times shorter time of endothelization. This new technology is unique..

Education and career development:

  • We have created and launched the «Non-equilibrium thermodynamics» course for Tomsk State University students majoring in Physics as well as the «Quantum chemistry» for bachelor students of the Faculty of Chemistry.
  • 3 doctoral dissertations and 6 candidate dissertations have been defended.
  • The Laboratory has organized internships for young scientists younger than 30 at the International Physics Center (Spain) and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Germany). Every year about 10 employees of the Laboratory complete scientific work at the International Physics Center (Spain).
  • We have developed a program for career enhancement «Physical and chemical methods of production and study of nano-dimensional, nano-structural materials, coatings and thin films» (72 hours). 67 young researchers have completed internships at the Laboratory within this course.
  • The Laboratory has developed a master's program «Quantum theory of condensed-state volume and nano-dimensional systems» for students majoring in Physics (the program is lead by professor Ye. V. Chulkov-Savkin).
  • Employees of the Laboratory actively participated in the annual Russian Scientific Student Conference «Solid state physics» in Tomsk, participated in organizing the 24th All-Russian Scientific Conference of Students of Physics and Young Scientists in Tomsk from 31 March to 07 April 2018.

Organizational and structural changes:

In 2001 the Tomsk Materials Science Collective Utilization Center was opened at the Tomsk State University. All the unique equipment purchased within the mega-grant is a part of the Center and is available for Russian employees and is used in the educational process.

Other results:

  • Senior research fellow of the Laboratory T. Menschikova became one of the 10 recipients of the L’OREAL-UNESCO scholarship «For women in science» in 2015.
  • Employees of the Laboratory have become recipients of the award of the Tomsk region in education, science, health and culture in the «Scientific and pedagogical teams» section for high achievements in science and education effectively influencing development of economy and social environment of the Tomsk Region, 2014
  • Our employees D. P. Borisova and A. D. Koroteev received a 1st degree diploma and the gold medal of the Saint Petersburg Technology Fair (2010) nominated for «Best innovative project» and «Best scientific and technological development of the year» for development of «Technology and equipment for formation of high quality reinforcing surface structures of products by magnetron arc plasma flow.
  • A bronze medal of the 41st International Inventions Fair «INVENTIONS GENEVA» (Switzerland, 2013) for developing «Effective technologies for vacuum plasma processing of products in technological units with big vacuum chambers». The medal was awarded to Ye. V. Chulkov-Savkin, V. M. Kuznetsov, D. P. Borisov, P. A. Terekhov, V. I. Romanov, A. V. Kuznetzov.
  • A big gold medal and diploma of the 7th International Biotechnological Forum and Exhibition «RosBioTech-2013» (Russia) for developing «A technology and equipment for applying biocompatible calcium phosphate coatings to implants» awarded to D. P. Borisov, A. D. Korotaev, V. M. Kuznetsov, E. V. Chulkov-Savkin, and A. P. Terekhov.
  • A silver medal and a diploma of the 11-th International Innovations Exhibition «ARGA-2013» (Croatia), for a competition project «Efficient technologies for vacuum-plasma processing of products using technological units with big vacuum chambers».
  • A diploma of the 9th International Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, and Technologies «VacuumTechExpo 2014» for developing «A complex of vacuum-plasma technologies and equipment for enhancing surface qualities of products in various domains of manufacturing ».
  • A diploma of the 10th International Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, and Technologies «VacuumTechExpo 2015» for a vacuum-plasma unit for modifying surfaces of products and applying functional coatings.
  • 1st degree diploma and a gold medal of the International Exhibition and Congress «Hi-tech. Innovation. Investments» (HI-TECH 2017) nominated for «Best innovative project and best scientific and technological development of the year».


  • Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), Kurchatov Institute (Russia), Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Novosibirsk State University (Russia), Higher School of Economics (Russia), Jülich Research Center (Germany), Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Johannes Kepler University (Austria), Donostia International Physics Center (Spain), Materials Physics Center CFM-MPC (Spain), Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Germany), Faculty of Physics of the University of Calabria (Italy), Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry (Azerbaijan), Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg(Germany), Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics — TU Dresden(Germany), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), Hiroshima University (Japan), Wurz University (Germany), Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), Institute for Solid-State Physics of the Karlsruhe Institute and Technology (Germany), Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland): joint scientific research and publications

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Eremeev S.V., Landolt G., Menshchikova T.M., Slomski B., Koroteev Yu.M., … Chulkov E.V.
Atom-Specific Spin Mapping and Buried Topological States in a Homologous Series of Topological Insulators. Nature Communications 3: 635 (1–7) (2012)
Nechaev I.A., Hatch R.C., Bianchi M., Guan D., Friedrich C., Aguilera I., Mi J.L., Iversen B.B., Blügel S., Hofmann Ph., Chulkov E.V.
Evidence for a Direct Band Gap in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 from Theory and Experiment. Physical Review B 87(12): 121111 (2013)
Calleja F., Ochoa H., Garnica M., Barja S., Navarro J.J., Black A., Otrokov M.M., Chulkov E.V., Arnau A., Vázquez De Parga A.L., Guinea F., Miranda R.
Spatial Variation of a Giant Spin-Orbit Effect Induces Electron Confinement in Graphene on Pb Islands. Nature Physics 11(1): 43–47 (2015)
Usachov D., Fedorov A., Otrokov M.M., Chikina, A., Vilkov O., Petukhov A., Rybkin A.G., Koroteev Y.M., Chulkov E.V., Adamchuk V.K., Grüneis A., Laubschat C., Vyalikh D.V.
Observation of Single-Spin Dirac Fermions at the Graphene/Ferromagnet Interface. Nano Letters 15(4): 2396–2401 (2015)
Hirahara T., Eremeev S.V., Shirasawa T., Okuyama Y., … Chulkov E.V.
Large-Gap Magnetic Topological Heterostructure Formed by Subsurface Incorporation of a Ferromagnetic Layer. Nano Letters 17(6): 3493–3500 (2017)
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
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