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Inter-department Laboratory for Advanced Technologies for the Creation of New Materials

Contract number
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Head of the laboratory

As of 30.01.2020

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scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Prospective technologies of creation of new materials

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Powder metallurgy, study of electromagnetic methods of compaction of materials, alloys and ceramics, research of structural and phase state of ceramics  

Project objective: Creation and development of modern research laboratory of electromagnetic methods of consolidation of new materials for research of cutting-edge technologies of spark-plasma sintering, microwave sintering, high-voltage pulse compacting and magnetic pulse consolidation of powders.

The practical value of the study

  • For the first time in the world a methodology for direct multi-scale modeling processes of sintering.
  • We have developed a brand new experimental approach to multi-stage dilatometry under pressure that can be efficiently used for finding out the main mechanism of spark-plasma sintering.
  • Our researchers have clarified the vision of interparticle thermal balance in the processes of spark-plasma sintering and high-voltage compacting.
  • We have proposed original ideas on impact of geometry of interparticle contacts on efficiency of spark-plasma sintering.
  • We were the first to develop fully-connected finite element models of the process of high temperature pressing activated by Joule heating.
  • For the first time in the world practice we have proposed models of mass transfer in microwave sintering under impact of ponderomotive forces.
  • We have described physics of compaction in the process of magnetic impulse pressing.
  • Our researchers have found and researched the wave mode of kinetics of compaction for high-voltage consolidation of powder materials.
  • We have produced experimental samples of biodegradable implants based on the «magnesium – bone substance» composite.
  • Our researchers have developed modes of compaction of specimens made of tantalum powder for capacitors using high voltage electric pulse compacting.

Implemented results of research: Results of research of compaction of current-conducting of nitride ceramics based on TiN, ZrN were used for completing the contract «Technological and materials science research of prospective construction materials» with JSC «High-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after academician A. A.Bocharov» (VNIIM) in 2013.

Education and career development:

  • The Laboratory has organized internships for students and postgraduates at the SinterLand company (Japan, 2012) and the Technical University of Denmark (2013). 
  • We have conducted scientific seminars: CimTec-2014, Montecatini Terme (Italy, 2014), «Prospective Technologies in Consolidation Using Electromagnetic Fields» (Russia, 2012–2017).
  • 1 candidate dissertation has been defended.
  • The Laboratory has developed lecture courses for bachelors, masters and postgraduates: «Cutting-edge methods of usage of modeling of sintering processes», «Modeling technological processes», «Theory and technologies of powder consolidation», «Modern powder metallurgy».
  • The Laboratory has developed the «Powder metallurgy» lecture course for the Coursera online education platform.


  • «Sapfir invest» LLC (Russia): joint research
  • A.G. Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, A.A. Blagonravov Institute of Machine Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, A.A. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences: joint research and grants
  • Don State Technical University (Russia), Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia), N.I. Lobachevskiy Nizhniy Novgorod State University (Russia): collaborative scientific events, joint scientific publications
  • G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University (Russia): works to research of sintering of zirconia ceramics
  • Research&Development Center of Automatics and Instrument Engineering named after academician N.A. Pilyugin (Russia): joint works in production of elements of devices for spacecrafts
  • Elecond OJSC (Russia): collaborative research in research of usage of the high voltage electric pulse compacting method for production of tantalum capacitors
  • Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): joint research for creation of construction elements from tantalum carbide and hafnium

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Rybakov K. I., Olevsky E. A., Krikun E. V.
Microwave Sintering: Fundamentals and Modeling. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96(4): 1003–1020 (2013).
Yurlova M.S., Demenyuk V.D., Lebedeva L.Y., Dudina D.V., Grigoryev E.G., Olevsky E.A.
Electric Pulse Consolidation: an Alternative to Spark Plasma Sintering. Journal of Materials Science 49(3): 952–985 (2014).
Lee G., Yurlova M.S., Giuntini D., Grigoryev E.G., Khasanov O.L., Izhvanov O., Back C., McKittrick J., Olevsky E.A.
Densification of Zirconium Nitride by Spark Plasma Sintering and High Voltage Electric Discharge Consolidation: a Comparative Analysis. Ceramics International 41(10): 14973–14987 (2015).
Savich V.V., Kuznechik O.O., Taraykovich A.M., Grigoryev E.G.
Electrical Pulse Sintering and Conventional Vacuum Sintering of Permeable Materials from Non-Spherical and Spherical Titanium Powders. Metal Powder Report 71(4): (2016).
Zholnin A. G., Kovaleva I. V., Grigoryev E. G., Olevsky E. A.
Production of Superhard Corundum under Spark Plasma Sintering of Aluminum Oxide Nanopowders. Inorganic Materials: Applied Research 7(3): 419–424 (2016).
Other laboratories and scientists
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Field of studies
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Time span of the project
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