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Contract number
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As of 30.01.2020

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scientific publications
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General information

Name of the project: Optical visualization and spectroscopy, remote non-destructive control

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: в

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Nanobiotechnologies, optical spectroscopy, non-destructive control

Project objective:

- To develop methods of non-destructive control of metal structures of objects of oil and gas industry using optical nanoprobes

- To develop methods of diagnostics of malignant tumor at early stages of their development

The practical value of the study

  • We have developed methods of synthesis, modification of surfaces and conjugation of nitrogen nanorods to produce specific markers for contrasting malignant tumors. We have published an article describing materials of our research in the highly ranked «ACS Nano» journal (IF=13.942).
  • Our team has developed methods of synthesis of gold and copper nanoparticles for contrasting nanodimensional defects on surfaces of metallic materials.
  • We have produced prototypes of devices for detecting nanodefects on surfaces of metals and tumor cells and run tests of these devices on model objects.
  • Our researchers have investigated laws of interaction of laser radiation with gold nanostructures and proposed a mechanism of anti-Stokes photoluminescence of golden nanorods in the presence of excitation by ultrashort laser pulses in the infrared range.
  • A number of ways of visualization of nanodimensional defects on surfaces of metals has been developed. These methods have a capability to detect width defects by sequential applying markers of various dispersibility.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have patented methods of production of metal nanoparticles (patent of the Russian Federation No 2511202), methods of visualization of nanodimensional defects on surfaces of metals (patents of the Russian Federation Nos 2522709, 2581441).
  • We have patented useful models devices for assessment of electrophoretic mobility of nanoparticles (patent for useful model No 137930), substrates for producing spectrums of giant Raman scattering (patents for useful models Nos 161532, 163507).
  • Patented products of intellectual property can be implemented for monitoring corrosion damage in objects of oil and gas infrastructure.

Education and career development:

  • 7 candidate dissertations and 8 masters dissertations have been defended
  • The «Advanced chapters of physical chemistry» course has been developed on the basis of materials of our research.

Organizational and structural changes:

A center for nanodiagnostics has been created. The team includes students, postgraduates and young researchers. In both directions of our research (non destructive diagnostics of defects on surfaces of metals and optical tomography for detecting minor tumors) we have created and launched two prototypes of unique devices.

Other results: We have received the «Archimedes – 2016» golden medal for developing «A device for assessing electrophoretic mobility of nanoparticles».


S. N. Vernadskiy Institute of Microbiology of the Federal Research Center «Fundamental basics of biotechnologies» of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): joint research and publications

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Beskorovaynyy A.V., Kopitsyn D.S., Novikov A.A., Ziangirova M., Skorikova G.S., Kotelev M.S., Gushchin P.A., Ivanov E.V., Getmansky M.D., Itzkan I., Muradov A.V., Vinokurov V.A., Perelman L.T.
Rapid Optimization of Metal Nanoparticle Surface Modification with High-Throughput Gel Electrophoresis. ACS Nano 8(2): 1449–1456 (2014).
Sitnikov D.S., Yurkevich A.A., Kotelev M.S., Ziangirova M., Chefonov O.V., Ilina I.V., ... & Perelman L.T.
Ultrashort Laser Pulse-Induced Anti-Stokes Photoluminescence of Hot Electrons in Gold Nanorods. Laser Physics Letters 11(7): 075902 (2014).
Turzhitsky V., Qiu L., Itzkan I., Novikov A.A., Kotelev M.S., Getmanskiy M., Vinokurov V.A., Muradov A.V., Perelman L.T.
Spectroscopy of Scattered Light for the Characterization of Micro and Nanoscale Objects in Biology and Medicine. Applied Spectroscopy 68: 133–154 (2014).
Ziangirova M.Y., Kotelev M.S., Skorikova G.S., Ivanov E.V., Perelman L.T., Vinokurov V.A.
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles in Organogels. Mendeleev Communications 24(1): 53–54 (2014).
Chefonov O.V., Sitnikov D.S., Ilina I.V., Kotelev M.S., Novikov A.A., Ovchinnikov A.V.
Gold Nanoparticles Modification by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in the Air. High Temperature 53(4): 605–608 (2015).
Other laboratories and scientists
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