As of 30.01.2020
Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
Name of the project:
Computer design of materials
Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а
Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а
Project objective: Developing new methods of computer design and applying them to solve a wide range of scientific problems
Research directions: Computer design of materials
Oganov A.R., Saleh G., Kvashnin A.G. (Editors).
Computational Materials Discovery. Royal Society of Chemistry. ISBN: 978-1-78262-961-0 (2018).
Zhang W.W., Oganov A.R., Goncharov A.F., Zhu Q., Boulfelfel S.E., Lyakhov A.O., Stavrou E., Somayazulu M., Prakapenka V.B., Konopkova Z.
Unexpected stoichiometries of stable sodium chlorides. Science 342: 1502-1505 (2013).
Wang Z.H., Zhou X.F., Zhang X., Zhu Q., Dong H.F., Zhao M., Oganov A.R.
Phagraphene: A Low-Energy Graphene Allotrope Composed of 5–6–7 Carbon Rings with Distorted Dirac Cones. Nano Letters 15(9): 6182-6186 (2015).
Niu H.Y., Oganov A.R., Chen X.Q., Li D.Z.
Prediction of novel stable compounds in the Mg-Si-O system under exoplanet pressures. Scientific Reports 5: 18347 (2015).
Wang Q., Oganov A. R., Zhu Q., & Zhou X.-F.
New reconstructions of the (110) surface of rutile TiO2 predicted by an evolutionary method. Physycal Review Letters 113(26): 266101 (2014).
Lepeshkin S., Baturin V., Tikhonov E., Matsko N., Uspenskii Y., Naumova A., Feya O., Schoonen M.A., Oganov A.R.
Super-oxidation of silicon nanoclusters: magnetism and reactive oxygen species at the surface. Nanoscale 8: 1816-1820 (2016).
Kvashnin A.G., Zakaryan H.A., Zhao C., Duan Y., Kvashnina Y.A., Xie C., Dong H. and Oganov A.R.
New tungsten borides, their stability and outstanding mechanical properties. The Journal of Physycal Chemistry Letters 9(12): 3470-3477 (2018).
Kruglov I.A., Kvashnin A.G., Goncharov A.F., Oganov A.R., Lobanov S.S., Holtgrewe N., Jiang S., Prakapenka V.B., Greenberg E., Yanilkin A.V.
Uranium polyhydrides at moderate pressures: Prediction, synthesis, and expected superconductivity. Science Advances 4(10): eaat9776 (2018).
Lepeshkin S.V., Baturin V.S., Uspenskii Yu.A., Oganov A.R.
Method for simultaneous prediction of atomic structure of nanoclusters in a wide area of compositions. The Journal of Physycal Chemistry Letters 10(1): 102-106 (2019).
Niu H., Niu S., Oganov A.R.
Simple and accurate model of fracture toughness of solids. Journal of Applied Physics 125(6): 065105 (2019).
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of topological quantum phenomena in superconducting systems of the Center for advanced mesoscience and nanotechnology (10)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT) |
Physics |
Dolgoprudniy |
2024-2028 |
Laboratory for Crystal Photonics
Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU) |
Physics |
St. Petersburg |
Stoumpos Constantinos
Greece |
2022-2024 |
Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors
Tomsk State University - (TSU) |
Physics |
Tomsk |
Shekhtman Lev Isayevich
Russia |
2022-2024 |