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As of 30.01.2020

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Name of the project: Engineering of multi-layer 3D structures of composite optoelectronic and biomedical materials

Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development Priority Level: а, в

Goals and objectives

Research directions:

- Design and creation of technologies and specialized complexes for three-dimensional synthesis of structures of structures with    elaborate topology from prospective composite materials using laser (micro- and nanostereolithography and supercritical fluid technologies

- Creation of new prospective composite materials containing metallic, luminescent, and magnetic nanoparticles with given optical and biochemical properties including forecasting of properties of materials using supercomputers

- Research of characteristics of created materials and structures using methods of linear and nonlinear optics, as well as research of processes of propagation of optical and terahertz radiation in such structures

- Design and creation of next generation integral optics for high-speed data transmission and processing

- Design and creation of a number of prospective functional materials and devices for photonics, sensorics, plasmonics, and biomedicine based on multi-layer three-dimensional composite structures

Project objective: Creation of a «Laser nanoengineering» laboratory for conducting research and development of new breakthrough technologies for forming multi-layer 3D structures made of composite materials for photon and biomedical applications.

The practical value of the study

  • The Laboratory has created a unique complex for femtosecond laser microstereolithography of multi-layer structures made of polymer-composite materials; it has been shown that bioresorbable scaffolds made of chitosan using femtosecond laser microstereolithography possess high biocompatibility in brain cells and low immunogenicity which makes these materials promising for reconstructive surgery.
  • A new method has been developed for forming matrix structures from aliphatic polyester using three-dimensional printing. The method allows to form three-dimensional matrices with a specified shape, size and structures from 3D computer models. The matrices will not possess cytotoxicity and can be used for engineering soft and hard tissues.
  • We have shown prospective applications of upconverting nanoparticles for high contrast photoluminescent visualization of tumors; we have demonstrated in vivo delivery of upconverting nanoparticles to tumors in model mice with Lewis lung carcinoma.
  • A method has been developed for creating new composite materials for the terahertz (THz) frequency range with controllable deflection parameter through insertion of silicon nano- and microparticles into polymer    thermoplastic; we have produced microstructured waveguide fiber for the THz frequency range.
  • We have developed a new prospective designs of photon-crystal and photon-plasmon waveguides for various appliances and integrated optical devices with THz range data transmission.
  • We have designed and created ink based on upconverting nanoparticles for fast application of anti-counterfeit tags using standard printing devices. Ink jet printing on paper allowed to perform hidden tagging that is not visible in natural lighting.
  • The Laboratory has developed an original technology for laser engineering of microbiological systems and software & hardware complexes for identification and spatial transfer of single bacteria, cells and their aggregates using pressure pulses created by nanosecond laser radiation. It allows to implement highly efficient three-dimensional printing with live microbiological objects, extrude bacteria that are hard to cultivate or non-cultivatable using standard methods. A protocol has been developed for cultivating microorganisms in nutritive media to achieve their spatial separation after minimal destruction of microaggregates, which allows to eliminate a number of causes of non-cultivatability.
  • A method has been developed for thermoplasmonic laser-induced wet etching for efficient and highly controllable microstructuring of sapphires. A mechanism of thermoplasmonic laser-induced wet etching has been proposed, etching speeds have been determined and shall be 100 nm/pulse and higher.

Implemented results of research:

  • We have designed and created a number of devices for 3D laser printing using microdrops of gel containing live microbe and cellular objects. The printing technology uses direct laser-induced transfer. The systems are intended for cultivation of microorganisms that are hard to cultivate or non-cultivatable, separating complex microbe associations, creating microbiological microchips for solving cognitive tasks, as well as for creating hybrid biosystems based on a combination of microbe cells and animal and plant cells. The system is currently implemented into practice by groups of microbiologists. Additionally, one of the devices can be adapted for printing using living cells and cellular spheroids for solving problems in the domain of regenerative medicine.
  • Laser systems for printing with gel drops with cellular and microbe objects have been installed and are being used in collaborative works with the S. N. Vinogradskiy Institute of Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Pedology of the Moscow State University, and the Institute for Regenerative Medicine of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
  • We have designed and created for forming layer-wise agglomeration of powder using surface-selective laser-induced agglomeration of biocompatible powder materials using water as photosensibilizer. The device allows to form three-dimensional scaffold from 3D models. The scaffolds can be used for solving problems of regenerative medicine from biocompatible materials that are commercially available and certified for medical applications. We are currently manufacturing small lots of scaffolds for further research.
  • We have designed and created a system for laser microstructuring of solid optical materials (leukosapphires) using pulse laser etching in liquid. A technology has been created for forming microstructured scaffolds made of leukosapphires for problems of cellular differentiation and targeted cell growth. The technology is currently being adapted for the problem of forming microfluid systems based on sapphire glass.
  • We are currently testing the nonlinear femtosecond optical lithography for solving specific tasks for creation of highly efficient and affordable technologies for forming matrix superconductor one proton detectors for their coupling with fiber optic systems.
  • We are currently refining a technology for forming thermally stable (up to 400°С) heterochain polymers by projection lithography. This technology can find its applications in the industry.
  • We are currently refining a combination of adaptive laser technologies for formation of scaffolds for problems of regenerative medicine. Developed technologies and results of their practical implementation in the form of fully functional prototype will allow for creation of a wide range of devices made biocompatible and bioresorbable materials that are in very high demand in medicine.

Education and career development:

  • We have organized internships on the grounds of the Laboratory for 13 postgraduates and young scientists of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University, M. V. Lomonosov M. V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
  • 3 doctoral dissertations and 5 candidate dissertations have been defended.
  • The Laboratory has created and launched 2 lecture courses: the program of the academic discipline «Chemistry and physics of supercritical fluid media» for students of the masters major «Chemical physics of processes under extreme conditions» at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University; program of the academic discipline «Laser biomedical technologies» for students of the masters major «Laser devices and laser technologies» at the Volgograd State University.

Organizational and structural changes: The diagnostic equipment complex as well as the femtosecond microstereolithography system are available for use as part of the Collective Usage Center of the Federal Research Center «Crystallography and photonics» of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


  • Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (Germany): joint research, internships of members of the academic staff, development of scientific base of the Laboratory, joint publication
  • National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland), Nizhniy Novgorod State Medical University (Russia): joint research, collaborative publications
  • Institute for Regenerative Medicine of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russia), Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University (Russia): joint research, internships of members of the academic staff, collaborative publications

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Koroleva A., Deiwick A., Nguyen A., Schlie-Wolter S., Narayan R., Timashev P., Popov V., Bagratashvili V., Chichkov B.
Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 3-D Zr-Si Organic-Inorganic Scaffolds Produced by Two-Photon Polymerization Technique. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0118164 (2015).
Generalova A.N., Rocheva V.V., Nechaev A.V., Khochenkov D.A., Sholina N.V., Semchishen V.A., Zubov V.P., Koroleva A.V., Chichkov B.N., Khaydukov E.V.
PEG-modified Upconversion Nanoparticles for in vivo Optical Imaging of Tumors. RSC Advances 6(36): 30089–30097 (2016).
Timashev P., Kuznetsova D., Koroleva A., Prodanets N., Deiwick A., Piskun Y., Bardakova K., Dzhoyashvili N., Kostjuk S., Zagaynova E., Rochev Y., Chichkov B., Bagratashvili V.
Novel Biodegradable Star-Shaped Polylactide Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration Fabricated by Two-Photon Polymerization. Nanomedicine 11(9): 1041–1053 (2016).
Tsvetkov M.Y., Yusupov V.I., Minaev N. V., Akovantseva A.A., Timashev P.S., Golant K.M., Chichkov B.N., Bagratashvili V.N.
On the mechanisms of single-pulse laser-induced backside wet etching. Optics & Laser Technology 88: 17-23 (2017).
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