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Laboratory of Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics of the S. P. Kapitsa Research and Technology Institute of the Ulyanovsk State University

Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

Name of the project: Development of a unified technological platform for laser sources of ultra-short pulses with super-high peak power for avionics, medicine and naophotonics

Goals and objectives

Research directions: Quantum electronics, optoelectronics, nonlinear optics, plasmonics

Project objective: Solving problems on the cutting edge of modern laser physics, in particular, fiber optics:

  • Achieving a number of original scientific results ad technological solutions in the field of laser physics, fiber sensors ad systems for medicine, nuclear power generation and the aerospace complex.
  • Theoretical and full-scale experiments experimental research with participation of specialists of the Research Center for Fiber Optics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Center for Optoelectronics Research (Tampere, Finland), the Research Institute for Nuclear Reactors (Dimitrovgrad) and other prominent research centers for development of a unified technological platform for laser sources ultra-short pulses of super-high peak power for purposes of avionics, medicine and nanophotonics.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  1. We have theoretically described the physical mechanism responsible for self-injection locking in a semiconductor laser in the case of feedback through a ring fiber resonator. It was experimentally demonstrated the narrowing of the generation line of a standard DFB laser in such a configuration to sub-terahertz values.
  2. On the basis of a DFB laser operating in the frequency self-injection locking mode via a ring fiber resonator we have developed an experimental model of a two-frequency Brillouin laser with a width of each of the lines amounting to less than 1 kHz. It was shown that for the stable operation of the system in the frequency self-locking mode simple active optoelectronic feedback is sufficient. Providing stable resonance in the fiber configuration, such a solution allows to avoid using complex active means of stabilization by combining unique characteristics inherent to lasers with double resonance and a simple design of a fully passive self-adjusting fiber system in one module. The achieved results broaden the understanding of the mechanism of self-injection locking in semiconductor lasers and open new possibilities of controlling their properties. 
  3. We have implemented and experimentally tested a phase-sensitive  acoustic detector (OTDR) that uses a simple DFB laser, self-stabilized on the effect of frequency self-injection locking as an optical master oscillator. A comparison with a standard commercial device confirmed the efficiency of the proposed system at a length of the sensitive fiber element of over 10 km.
  4. The Laboratory has proposed a scheme for stabilizing harmonic mode locking in a ring fiber laser using acousto-optical frequency shift. We have experimentally demonstrated a configuration of a soliton laser for the telecommunication frequency range (~1550 nm) at a pulse repetition frequency of more than 10 GHz and a level of supermode noise suppression of about 30 dB. Our researchers have developed and experimentally implemented a powerful amplifier based on conical fiber doped with ytterbium.
  5. We have conducted a biomedical research of the effect of low-frequency laser radiation on cancer cell cultures. Our researchers proposed an explanation of the effect of oxidative stress and disruption of the functioning of mitochondria of tumor cells in such interaction.
  6. The Laboratory has proposed a method for amplifying plasmon-polariton waves in the far IR range by drift pumping current when conditions for phase synchronization are implemented.
  7. We have proposed and studied models of a ring fiber laser with an inter-resonator interferometer and mode synchronization by dissipative four-wave mixing.
  8. For the first time we have proposed and experimentally demonstrated  a configuration of a pulse laser based on Tm–Ho fiber with adjustable length of the generation wave in the range from 1700 to 1800 nm.
  9. The Laboratory has experimentally demonstrated the narrowband generation (< 300 Hz) of a Brillouin laser based on Er-doped fiber with an array of  Bragg gratings.
  10. Our researchers have proposed and investigated a theoretical model of loss compensation, amplification and generation of surface plasmons in single-wall carbon nanotubes.
  11. We have theoretically predicted and researched the generation of Brillouin radiation  in  microresonators              the shift and the intermodale distance of the microresonator. It has been demonstrated that, despite the increasing generation threshold, it is possible to significantly increase the intensity of Brillouin signal compared to  the resonance case.
  12. Our researchers have proposed new methods of decreasing supermode noise and precise adjustment of pulse repetition frequency in a fiber laser with harmonic mode locking that use the injection of radiation from an external continuous laser with adjustable wavelength.

Implemented results of research:

The main applied goal of our research that is of commercial interest is the creation of optical generators that have compact dimensions, low costs and unique customer characteristics. The sources developed within the project should be viewed in the context of the development of Russian element base for microwave photonics. Moreover, new sources are in demand for optical communication systems as well as for distributed monitoring and optical gyroscopes. 

Education and career development:

The Laboratory has organized internships for members of the academic team of the project at leading research centers of Europe.

Courses and programs:

  • «Fiber lasers», special advanced training course for employees of the Laboratory of Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics of the Ulyanovsk State University. Launched on 26 September 2014.
  • «English for Physicists»,  for the specializations 03.03.03. Radio-physics, 03.03.02 Physics, 03.04.02 Physics (master’s degree), High-technology Engineering Physics Faculty of the Ulyanovsk State University .
  • Nanostructure physics.03.03. Radiophysics (bachelor’s degree), 03.04.02 Physics (master’s degree), High-technology Engineering Physics Faculty of the Ulyanovsk State University .
  • Basics of nonlinear optics, postgraduate degree program 03.06.01 High-technology Engineering Physics Faculty of the Ulyanovsk State University.
  • The course for students of the High-technology Engineering Physics Faculty of the Ulyanovsk State University «Nonlinear laser fiber optics».
  • Over the last five years, 7 Candidate of Sciences and one Doctor of Sciences dissertations have been prepared and defended.

  • On the grounds of the Laboratory we have organized a regular (weekly) interdisciplinary seminar.

Organizational and structural changes: 

Equipment of the Laboratory was partially incorporated into the Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment of the Ulyanovsk State University – the Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors. Moreover, employees of the Laboratory are the creators and lead researchers of the engineering centers created in the Ulyanovsk State University, «ProfiLaser» and the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity «Incarnation» created at the Ulyanovsk State University. The Laboratory’s equipment is widely used the work of these centers. 

Other results: 

The Laboratory’s equipment is extensively used in the research work of the medical-biological of the Ulyanovsk State University. 


The Laboratory has been conducting collaborative research with several foreign scientific organizations. Over the last five years, we have published about 50 joint publications:

  • Imperial College, London, UK (Prof. Roy Taylor, fiber lasers).
  • ASTON University, Birmingham, UK (Profs. Sergey Turitsyn, Edik Rafailov, Sergey Sergeyev, random lasers, bio-photonics, mode-locked fiber lasers).
  • University of Mons, Mons, Belgium (Prof. Patrice Mégret, telecom, fiber sensors).
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium (Prof. Krassimir Panajotov, laser dynamics).
  • Tampere University, Tampere, Finland (Prof. Regina Gumenyuk, soliton lasers and high-power fiber lasers).
  • CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico (Prof. Vasily Spirin, narrow-band fiber lasers).
  • École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (Prof. F.F.L. Bentivegna, plasmonic devices).
  • Roorkee Institute of technology, India (Prof. V. Rastogi, fiber tapers and amplifiers).

The Laboratory also actively collaborates with Russian institutes:

  • Research Center of Fiber Optics, Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
  • Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
  • Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk).
  • Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).

  • Research and Production Complex «Technological center» (Zelenograd).

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Spirin, V. V., Escobedo, J. L. B., Korobko, D. A., Mégret, P., & Fotiadi, A. A.
(2020). Dual-frequency laser comprising a single fiber ring cavity for self-injection locking of DFB laser diode and Brillouin lasing. Optics Express, 28(25), 37322-37333.
Korobko, D. A., Zolotovskii, I. O., Svetukhin, V. V., Zhukov, A. V., Fomin, A. N., Borisova, C. V., & Fotiadi, A. A.
(2020). Detuning effects in Brillouin ring microresonator laser. Optics express, 28(4), 4962-4972.
Popov, S. M., Butov, O. V., Bazakutsa, A. P., Vyatkin, M. Y., Chamorovskii, Y. K., & Fotiadi, A. A.
(2020). Random lasing in a short Er-doped artificial Rayleigh fiber. Results in Physics, 16, 102868.
Spirin, V. V., Escobedo, J. L. B., Korobko, D. A., Mégret, P., & Fotiadi, A. A.
(2020). Stabilizing DFB laser injection-locked to an external fiber-optic ring resonator. Optics express, 28(1), 478-484.
Khokhlova, A., Zolotovskii, I., Sokolovski, S., Saenko, Y., Rafailov, E., Stoliarov, D., ... & Fotiadi, A.
(2019). The light-oxygen effect in biological cells enhanced by highly localized surface plasmon-polaritons. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-8.
ribenek, v. a., stoliarov, d. a., korobko, d. a., & fotiadi, a. a
(2021). Pulse repetition rate tuning of a harmonically mode-locked ring fiber laser using resonant optical injection. Optics Letters, 46(22), 5687-5690.
korobko, d. a., stoliarov, d. a., itrin, p. a., odnoblyudov, m. a., petrov, a. b., & gumenyuk, r. v.
(2021). Harmonic mode-locking fiber ring laser with a pulse repetition rate up to 12 GHz. Optics & Laser Technology, 133, 106526.
Khokhlova, A., Zolotovskii, I., Stoliarov, D., Vorsina, S., Liamina, D., Pogodina, E., ... & Rafailov, E. U.
(2018). The photobiomodulation of vital parameters of the cancer cell culture by low dose of Near-IR laser irradiation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(1), 1-10.
Moiseev, S. G., Dadoenkova, Y. S., Kadochkin, A. S., Fotiadi, A. A., Svetukhin, V. V., & Zolotovskii, I. O.
(2018). Generation of slow surface plasmon polaritons in a complex waveguide structure with electric current pump. Annalen der Physik, 530(11), 1800197.
Kadochkin, A. S., Shalin, A. S., & Ginzburg, P.
(2017). Granular Permittivity Representation in Extremely Near-Field Light–Matter Interaction Processes. ACS Photonics, 4(9), 2137-2143.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Advanced functional materials for digital and quantum electronics

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (MIPT)




Laboratory for Crystal Photonics

Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)


St. Petersburg

Stoumpos Constantinos



Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Detectors

Tomsk State University - (TSU)



Shekhtman Lev Isayevich

