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As of 01.11.2022

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General information

Name of the project: Development of modern biotechnologies for assessment of expression of genes in connection with productivity and resistance to diseases poultry farming

Goals and objectives
Research directions:

  • Creation of modern biotechnologies for assessment of expression of genes related to productivity and resistance of birds against unfavorable factors
  • Development of a system for monitoring pathogenic bacteria at various stages of the technological process of hen farming
  • Assessment of impact of fodder supplements of various types on bowel microflora and productivity of layer farming
  • Development of a system for preventing bacterial pathogens in layer hens based in usage of probiotics and phytobiotics
  • Testing of developed technologies in functioning paltry farms.

Project objective: Complex development of new molecular and genetic technologies for analysis of expression of genes playing the key role in ensuring productivity and resistance to diseases in hens as well as for assessment of bowel microflora and fodder, impact of fodder supplement

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

Our researchers have selected methodologies and protocols for the study of the differential expression of genes related to economically significant features by means of real-time PCR and  a corresponding technology.

We have obtained a set of 34 selected genes that participate in the formation of the features of productivity of egg laying hens. By using real-time PCR and changing  the intestinal microbiome by NGS sequencing, which allowed to assess the impact of feed supplements of various types on the intestinal microflora and the productivity of egg-laying poultry, methodologies have been developed for determining the expression of genes related to the productivity features of egg-laying hens.

Our researchers have studied the relationship between the use of feed supplements, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, the productivity and the level of expression of genes of productivity. We have described the effects of the use of feed supplements (prebiotics, probiotics, phytobiotics and others) on the productivity of hens of the egg-laying cross and on the expression of genes related to productivity and immunity.

We have developed mathematical models of the dependence of productivity on the expression of genes related to it in poultry on the composition of their diet and intestinal microbiocenosis.

On the basis of the results of the development of a system for the monitoring and prevention of pathogenic bacteria by correcting the diets of egg-laying hens using antimicrobial supplements (probiotics, phytobiotics) we have compiled corresponding methodological recommendations containing a description of the developed system.

In 2020–2022 our research was focused on conducting an industrial experiment  on egg-laying hens to study the influence of feed supplements on the expression of the genes of productivity and resistivity.

The optimization of the intestinal microbiota in circumstances of industrial poultry farming is the most crucial direction of research in the field of feeding and physiology of  agricultural poultry. At the same time the role of feed supplements supporting the optimal intestinal microbiota is hard to overestimate. During the implementation of our research within the mega-grant, we have developed scientific approaches and practical techniques for the control of the intestinal microbiota, tested the developed technology in the conditions of industrial egg production and adapted it to the conditions of the modern Russian egg poultry farms. In this study we paid special attention to the organic implementation of the developed technology for controlling the microbiota into already existing technological approaches in egg poultry farming. We paid particular attention to the synergic relationship of various feed supplements and their impact on the intestinal microbiota to maximize the genetic potential of modern crosses of egg poultry.

Implemented results of research:

Over the period of implementation of the project the following developed and found practical applications of:

  • «A methodology for determining the expression of genes related to the productivity features in egg-laying hens», employing real-time PCR has been implemented in the   international Laboratory for Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics with the use of equipment: the analyzer for automated real-time PCR analysis LightCycler 96 Instrument, the mini homogenizer Minilys, the laboratory centrifuge Eppendorf 5424R. It has also been introduced into the education process at the Department of Zoohygiene and Poultry Farming named after A. K. Danilova in the training directions «Veterinary medicine», «Zootechnics», «Biotechnology».
  • «Methodological recommendations for the implementation of the developed system for the prevention of pathogen bacteria by correcting the diets of egg-laying hens and the use of antimicrobial supplements (probiotics, phytobiotics)» has been implemented at the International Laboratory for Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics and in the education process of the Department of Zoohygiene and Poultry Farming named after A. K. Danilova in the training direction «Veterinary medicine».
  • «Methodological recommendations for the use of the foundations of the technology of egg-laying hens ensuring a high percentage of the realization of the genetic potential of roductivity» have been published and tested at the International Laboratory for Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics and introduced into the education process at the Department of Zoohygiene and Poultry Farming named after A. K. Danilova in the training directions «Veterinary medicine», «Zootechnics».
  • «Practical recommendations for the use of feed supplements for the improvement of the productivity and stress resistance of egg-laying birds» have been published and tested at the International Laboratory for Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics and introduced into the education process at the Department of Zoohygiene and Poultry Farming named after A. K. Danilova in the training directions «Veterinary medicine», «Zootechnics».
  • «Methodological recommendations for the use of the created modern biotechnologies for the assessment of the expression of genes related to the productivity and the resistance of poultry against unfavorable factors» have been published and tested at the International Laboratory for Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics and introduced into the education process at the Department of Zoohygiene and Poultry Farming named after A. K. Danilova in the training directions «Veterinary medicine», «Zootechnics».
  • «Methodological recommendations for the use of a feed supplement that passed testing in industrial conditions highly productive egg-laying hens» have been tested at the International Laboratory for Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics and introduced into the education process at the Department of Zoohygiene and Poultry Farming named after A. K. Danilova in the training directions «Veterinary medicine», «Zootechnics».

Education and career development:

  • 6 Candidate of Science dissertations, 3 master’s degree theses, 3 bachelor’s degree theses on the topic of our Laboratory’s work have been prepared and defended  .
  • The leading scientist Mikhail N. Romanov has developed and delivered education courses in the form of lectures:
  1. For third- and fourth-year students in the training directions «Zootechnics» (bachelors): «Genomics of agricultural poultry», «Molecular markers and approaches for the genotyping of bird populations», «Structure of genes in various breeds of hens», «Mapping and sequencing of bird genomes».
  2. For fifth-year students specializing in Veterinary Medicine: «Effect of feed supplements of various types on the intestinal microflora and the productivity of poultry», «Molecular markers and approaches to genotyping in poultry farming on the example of the research of the University of Kent (United Kingdom)», «Structure of genes in various breeds of hens and molecular markers and approaches to genotyping in poultry farming».
  3. For first-year postgraduate students specializing in Veterinary Sanitary, Ecology, Zoohygiene and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise: «Gene expression in agricultural poultry. A study of genes responsible for resistance in birds with the use of feed factors», «Determining microbiocenoses in the intestines of hens in ontogenesis with the use of the T-RFLP method», «Microsatellites and molecular genetic markers used in the study of bird genomes and population genotyping».
  • For students of universities specializing in Veterinary, Zootechnics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and for postgraduate students, research fellows, participants of additional training programs, professionals employed in the poultry industry  we have complied and published the following monographs on the topic of our research: «Biology and pathology of agricultural poultry» (Ivan I. Kochish, Vladimir I. Smolenskiy, Vyacheslav I. Shcherbatov. Moscow, «Agricultural technologies» publishing house, 2018), «Biology and pathology of agricultural poultry» (Ivan I. Kochish, Vladimir I. Smolenskiy, Vyacheslav I. Shcherbatov. 2nd edition, amended. Moscow, «Agricultural technologies» publishing house, 2019), «Feeding and veterinary aspects of the state of the intestinal microbiota of egg-laying hens» (Ivan I. Kochish, Georgiy Yu. Laptev, Ilya N. Nikonov, Vladimir I. Smolenskiy. Moscow, «Agricultural technologies publishing house», 2017, 182 p. – Gold medal of the «Golden autumn-2018» competition), «Molecular mechanisms of supporting  poultry intestinal health: the role of the microbiota» (Pyotr F. Suray, Ivan I. Kochish and co-authors. Moscow,  «Agricultural technologies» publishing house, 2018, 344 p.), «Preventing free radical abnormalities  in hens in early ontogenesis» (Ivan I. Kochish, Moscow, «Agricultural technologies» publishing house, 2019. ISBN 978-5-604-2808-5-0), «Non-contageous diseases and preventing feeding disorders in modern poultry farming» (Ivan I. Kochish, Leonid I. Podobed, Vladimir I. Smolenskiy, Ilya N. Nikonov. Moscow, «Agricultural technologies» publishing house, 2021. ISBN 978-5-6045650-8-7).

  • We have issued the following works in international publishing houses on the topic of our research project: the monograph «Pigments from Microalgae Handbook» (Pyotr F. Suray, Ivan I. Kochish (2020) Carotenoids in Aviculture / Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Maria Isabel, Leila Queiroz (Eds.). Springer, Cham. P. 515–540. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50971-2_20. ISBN 978-3-030-50970-5. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-50971-2_20), a chapter in the monograph «Heat Shock Proteins in Veterinary Medicine and Sciences» (Pyotr F. Suray, Kochish I.I. (2019) / Part II Poultry Animals 5 Antioxidant Systems and Vitagenes in Poultry Biology: Heat Shock Proteins. Springer, Cham. Р. 123–177. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73377-7), a chapter in the monograph «Recent Advances in Trace Elements» (Chapter 20 «Dietary Food and Feed Supplements with Trace Elements» / Athanasios C. Pappas, Katarzyna Godlewska, and Pyotr F. Suray,, 2018. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019. P. 421–443).


All-Russian Science and Technology Institute of Poultry Farming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine, Volga Region Research Institute for the Production and Processing of Meat and Dairy Products, Molecular genetics laboratory «Biotroph+» LLC.

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Surai P.F., Kochish, I.I., Kidd M.T.
Redox homeostasis in poultry: regulatory roles of NF-κB // Antioxidants (Basel). ‒ 2021. ‒ Vol. 10, No. 2. ‒ Article 186. ‒ DOI: 10.3390/antiox10020186, Impact Factor: 5.014 / https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/10/2/186; Web of Science, Q1.
Laptev G.Y., Yildirim E.A., Ilina L.A., Filippova V.A., Kochish, I.I., Gorfunkel E.P., Dubrovin A.V., Brazhnik E.A., Narushin V.G., Novikova N.I., Novikova O.B., Dunyashev T.P., Smolensky V.I., Surai P.F., Griffin D.K., Romanov M.N.
Effects of essential oils-based supplement and salmonella infection on gene expression, blood parameters, cecal microbiome, and egg production in laying hens // Animals (Basel). ‒ 2021. ‒ Vol. 11, No. 2. ‒ Article 360. ‒ DOI: 10.3390/ani11020360, Impact Factor: 2.323 / https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/11/2/360; Web of Science, Q1.
Surai P.F., Kochish, I.I.
Food for thought: nano-selenium in poultry nutrition and health // Animal Health Research Reviews. ‒ 2020. ‒ Vol. 21, No. 2. ‒ P. 103‒107. ‒ DOI: 10.1017/S1466252320000183, Impact Factor: 3.833 / https://doi.org/10.1017/S1466252320000183; Web of Science, Q1.
Surai P.F.
Antioxidants in poultry nutrition and reproduction: an update // Antioxidants (Basel). ‒ 2020. ‒ Vol. 9, No. 2. ‒ Article 105. ‒ DOI: 10.3390/antiox9020105, Impact Factor: 5.014 / https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/9/2/105/htm; Web of Science, Q1.
Surai P.F., Kochish I.I., Kidd M.T.
Taurine in poultry nutrition // Animal Feed Science and Technology. ‒ 2020. ‒ Vol. 260. ‒ Article 114339. ‒ DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.114339, Impact Factor: 2.778 / https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0377840119305206; Web of Science, Q1.
Kochish I.I., Myasnikova O.V., Martynov V.V., Smolensky V.I.
Chicken intestinal microflora and expression of genes associated with immunity under the influence of probiotic and prebiotic feed additives // Agricultural Biology. ‒ 2020. ‒ Vol. 55, No. 2. ‒ P. 315–327. ‒ DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2020.2.315rus, ИФ: 1.54 / https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42799055 / Scopus, Q3.
Surai P.F., Kochish I.I., Fisinin V.I., Kidd M.T.
Antioxidant defence systems and oxidative stress in poultry biology: an update // Antioxidants (Basel). ‒ 2019. ‒ Vol. 8, No. 7. ‒ Article 235. ‒ DOI: 10.3390/antiox8070235, Impact Factor: 5.014 / https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/8/7/235; Web of Science, Q1.
Surai P.F., Kochish I.I., Fisinin V.I., Juniper D.T.
Revisiting oxidative stress and the use of organic selenium in dairy cow nutrition // Animals (Basel). ‒ 2019. ‒ Vol. 9, No. 7. ‒ Article 462. ‒ DOI: 10.3390/ani9070462, Impact Factor: 2.323 / https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/9/7/462; Web of Science, Q1.
Laptev G.Yu., Filippova V.A., Kochish I.I., Yildirim E.A., Ilina L.A., Dubrovin A.V., Brazhnik E.A., Novikova N.I., Novikova O.B., Dmitrieva M.E., Smolensky V.I., Surai P.F., Griffin D.K., Romanov M.N.
Examination of the expression of immunity genes and bacterial profiles in the caecum of growing chickens infected with Salmonella Enteritidis and fed a phytobiotic // Animals (Basel). ‒ 2019. ‒ Vol. 9, No. 9. ‒ Article 615. ‒ DOI: 10.3390/ani9090615, Impact Factor: 2.323 / https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/9/9/615; Web of Science, Q1.
Surai P.F., Kochish I.I., Romanov M.N., Griffin D.K.
Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant capacities in poultry: the case of vitamin E // Poultry Science. ‒ 2019. ‒ Vol. 98, No. 9. ‒ P. 4030–4041. ‒ DOI: 10.3382/ps/pez072, Impact Factor: 2.659 / https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032579119306959; Web of Science, Q1.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Agricultural Ecotoxicology

Siberian Federal Research Center of Agrobiotechnologies of the RAS - (SFSCA RAS)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Tsatsakis M. Aristides



International Laboratory for the Creation of Means of Prevention of Socially Significant Infenctions of Productive Animals

The Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality - (VGNKI)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Karlyshev Andrey Vladimirovich



Grain Quality Assessment Laboratory

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin - (Omsk SAU)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Koksel Hamit

