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Laboratory for Western European and Mediterranean Historical Studies

Contract number
Time span of the project
Head of the laboratory

As of 01.11.2022

Number of staff members
scientific publications
General information

Name of the project: Methods of implementation of liberal values in regions of the tradition culture in the New Times

Goals and objectives

Research directions: history of countries of Western Europe and the Mediterranean region

Project objective:

Study of historical experience of usage of methods of implementation of liberal values in the regions with the traditional culture by European enlightened elites of the New Times, analysis of social consequences of such practices and various forms of resistance against such from the populations preserving the traditional culture

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  • We have conducted a comparative study of a wide range of methods used in the end of the 18th century and in the 19th century in Western European enlightened elites to implement liberal values in regions with domination of traditional cultures such as France, Italy, Egypt, as well as assessment of social consequences of corresponding practices and efficiency of various forms of resistance against them from local populations.
  • The Laboratory has analyzed verbal practices used by enlightened elites of France to form a liberal discourse about «the Different» with the purpose of affirmation of their own identity and social mobilization to support the corresponding policies.
  • Our researchers have found methods of targeted infiltration of the liberal discourse via propaganda and other forms of ideological intervention in Italy.
  • We have determined methods of political and ideological intervention of enlightened elites into Italy to form social groups that would be most sensitive to the new value system and to elevate the social role of such within the regions with the traditional culture.
  • The Laboratory has investigated methods of forced implementation of the liberal-democratic paradigm in the context of French military occupation of Egypt and assessed efficiency of such practices.
  • We have studied social consequences usage of different methods of implementation of liberal-democratic paradigms in Italy and Egypt.
  • We have uncovered the mechanisms of birth of different forms of resistance of carriers of the traditional cultures against practices of implementation of liberal values from the outside in the corresponding regions.

Education and career development:

  • We have organized 14 internships abroad for students, postgraduates and young scientists at leading research centers of Europe and academic trips to work at European libraries and archives.

  • Our researchers have developed 2 lecture courses and implemented into the education process: «Introduction to the speciality» (for bachelors of the Faculty of History) and «Fundraising» (for masters of the Faulty of History).
  • The Laboratory organized and held the «Age of revolutions 1750-1914 in Western Europe and the Mediterranean region» and «Resistance against New Age revolutions» international scientific schools.

  • The Laboratory compiled a textbook: A. V. Chudinov «The essence of the enlightened absolutism policies» Moscow, GAUGN-Press. 2018. Study guide. «Hard questions of the history» series.
  • Two Candidate of Science and one master’s degree theses have been prepared and defended.


  • Fondation Napoleon (France): joint research and student exchange; a fellowship from Fondation Napoleon granted to a laboratory staff member to conduct research in archives and libraries in France.
  • Cardiff University (United Kingdom): joint preparation and staging the international round table «War and revolution. 1750–1918»; participation of the University’s professors as lecturers in an autumn school organized by the Laboratory (2018).
  • International Commission for the History of the French Revolution: participation of commission members in international conferences organized by the Laboratory - «The Napoleonic wars and the First World War in the memory policies and historical memory of nations: problems of the modern conceptualization» (Yekaterinburg, 2019), «Social and military conflicts in the long 19th century» (Moscow, 2020).
  • Laboratory «The world in the era of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars» of the Institute of the World History of the Russian Academy of Scenes (Russia): joint research and scientific events; the implementation of the joint Russian Science Foundation grant «Propagation of liberal values in regions of traditional culture in the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars: methods and results».
  • N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University (Russia): joint staging of   the international conference «The Napoleonic era: history and image»; implementation of the joint Russian Science Foundation grant «The human at war: the anthropology of the military history of the Napoleonic Era» in collaboration with the Department   of Regional History and Museology of the university
  • Saint Petersburg State University (Russia): joint staging of the of the round table  «Napoleon and Europe in the 19th century».
  • Department of the Modern and Contemporary History of the B. N. Yeltsin Ural State University (Russia): joint staging of the international conferences «Anthropological measurement of the Napoleonic Wars: occupation in the history and historical memory of the Europeans» (Yekaterinburg, 2018), «Jubilees of the Napoleonic Wars and the First World War: the memory policies and the historical memory» (Yekaterinburg, 2018), «The Napoleonic Wards and the First World War in the memory policies and the memory of nations: problems of the modern conceptualization» (Yekaterinburg, 2019); implementing the joint Russian Science Foundation grant «Foreign occupation as an experience of intercultural contact: an example of the Napoleonic Wars ».
  • Ural State Pedagogical University (Russia): joint staging of the international scientific conference «Napoleon and Revolution».
  • State Historic Public Library of Russia: joint staging of the round tables «Revolutionary France and the world» and «New Russian School» in the historiography of the French Revolution: publications of 2019». 

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таньшина н.п.
Самодержавие и либерализм: эпоха Николая I и Луи-Филиппа Орлеанского. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2018. 333 с.
митрофанов а. а., промыслов н. в., прусская е. а.
Россия во французской прессе периода Революции и Наполеоновских войн (1789—1814). М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2019. 240 с.
чудинов а. в.
Забытая армия. Французы в Египте после Бонапарта. 1799—1800. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2019. 383 с.
poghosyan v.
Историки Французской революции. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2019. 580 с.
poghosyan v.
Sur l’historiographie russe contemporaine de la Révolution française et de l’Empire napoléonien. Moscou : GAUGN, 2020. 226 p.
митрофанов а. а.
Французская политическая элита периода Революции XVIII века о России. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2020. 247 с.
бовыкин д.ю., чудинов а.в.
Французская революция. М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2020. 468 с.
гладышев а. в.
Мушка в паутине. Мир глазами феминистки XIX века. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2021. 175 с.
alan forrest
За кромкой поля боя. Жизнь военных во времена Революционных и Наполеоновских войн. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2022. 280 с.
чудинов а. в.
Французские гувернеры в России. История одной семьи. М.: Политическая энциклопедия, 2022. 206 с.
alan forrest
The Death of the French Atlantic. Trade, War, and Slavery in the Age of Revolution. Oxford University Press, Qxford, 2020.
gavin murrey-miller
Revolutionary Europe: Politics, Community and Culture in Transnational Context, 1775-1922. Bloomsbury, London, 2020.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
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Saint Petersburg State University - (SPbU)

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Laboratory «Byzantine Crimea»

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University - (Vernadsky CFU)

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Kazanskiy Mikhail Mikhailovich



Laboratory for Architectural Archaeology and the Inter-disciplinary Study of Architectural Monuments

The Institute of Archaeology of the RAS - (IA RAS)

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Giumlia-Mair Alessandra

Switzerland, Italy
