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Contract number
Time span of the project
Invited researcher
since February 2023 Mokhov Igor Ivanovich
2021 - 2023 Keenlyside Noel
General information

Name of the project: Climate predictability in Northern Eurasia: from the mechanisms of regional variability to the improvement of forecasting quality

Goals and objectives

Against the background of f record-high global temperatures, July 2020 in the western part of Russia was abnormally cold, while in Europe, unprecedented heat settled in, as well as in Eastern Siberia with wildfires, and the threat of reaching historical high flood levels was hanging over the far eastern part of Russia. Are such phenomena predictable? Will they be more frequent in the coming decades? These questions are critically important for the society and economy and are central for a relatively new domain – climate forecasting. The laboratory's objective is the improvement of the precision of forecasts of the climate and extreme hydrometeorological phenomena in regions of Northern Eurasia on temporal scales from several weeks to a decade.

In the light of such results, the creation of the laboratory is timely and it can help to accelerate the development of improved climate forecasts and climate services in Russia.

The practical value of the study
Projected research results: 

The created laboratory will become a unique platform for the creation of a new field – climate modelling and the improvement of the quality of climate forecasting.

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Laboratory «Soil Health»

Southern Federal University - (SFedU)

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, United Kingdom
