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Contract number
Time span of the project
Invited researcher
since December 2022 Minkina Tatyana Mikhailovna

As of 01.12.2023

Number of staff members
scientific publications
Objects of intellectual property
General information

The research of urban agglomerations – metropolises – is one of the most important interdisciplinary scientific problems of our time outlined in fundamental documents of the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the national projects of the Russian Federation «Ecology» and «Healthcare» and national strategies of environment enhancement. Population growth in the largest cities is accompanied by the concentration of of transport, industry, waste, drastic changes to the environment. In major cities, temperature, wind and humidity fields, and the atmospheric radiation regime form peculiar «heat islands» that are starkly different from the surrounding territories in terms of their meteorological characteristics and processes. These aspects also affect other components of the urban environment. All the components of the urban environment – the atmosphere (aerosols, atmospheric precipitation, snow), urban soils, road dust, surface waters – withstand high anthropogenic pressure with the formation of «pollution islands» with radii of tens and even hundreds of kilometres. As a result, the urban environment is a «pollution and heat island». It affects the quality of life in cities, especially in metropolises where millions of people live. In Russia, Moscow is such a megapolis.  

The currently existing approaches, methods and technologies for the study of urban environments operate on the level of single components and are practised mainly within specific fields of studies. At the same time, the complexity of yet not quite explored physical and chemical process of interaction between the components of the urban environment requires the creation of a new comprehensive integrated research technology that would consider cities as peculiar anthropogenic geosystems. This technology is based, firstly, on the integration of modern methods of atmospheric physics, climatology, geochemistry, hydrology, and human ecology in the study of the components of the environment of metropolises and, secondly, on a unified basic research object both in the atmosphere and in the pedosphere and hydrosphere – micro- and nanoparticles that are the main carriers of contaminating substances and determine the essence of many physical and chemical processes taking place in these components of the urban environment as well as influence the health of the population. Such an integrated approach is used for the first time in Earth studies and life sciences.

Name of the project: The metropolis as an island of pollution and heat: an interdisciplinary hydroclimatic, geochemical and ecological analysis

Goals and objectives

Goals of project:

The goal of the project is the creation of the scientific foundations for the interdisciplinary assessment of the state of a metropolis – «an island of contamination and heat» – by the example of Moscow using modern field survey methods of physics and chemistry and numerical modelling. To implement this project, we will create the Laboratory of Urban Environment Quality at the Faculty of Geography of the Moscow State University that will engage scientists from the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University (SIMP MSU) and the Research Computing Centre of the Moscow State University as well as the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia. The Laboratory will be supervised by Markku Kulmala – a recognised world leader in this field of studies. The study of the climate and the ecology of cities is the most important component of geographic and geophysical sciences. The development of a system for the observation and numerical modelling (in particular, using the so-called «seamless modelling» technology) of «islands of contamination and heat» at various temporal and spatial scales in these conditions becomes one of the most relevant problems aimed at the understanding of complex physical and chemical processes of their formation.

The practical value of the study

Scientific results:

  • Within the framework of the project, methodological techniques have been created in the field of studying the atmosphere of the Moscow megapolis, the terrestrial landscapes and surface waters and the technology of integral hydroclimatic, geochemical and environmental analysis of the heat and pollution island.
  • An aerosol complex of the Laboratory of Urban Ecology and Climate was created, combining instruments for continuous measurements of microphysical characteristics (number of particles and mass concentration of aerosols, size distribution spectrum), optical characteristics of aerosols (mass concentration of black carbon) and automated collections with particle size distribution to determine chemical composition of aerosols (heavy metals and metalloids, water-soluble ions and polyaromatic hydrocarbons).
  • For the Moscow region, based on long-term measurement data, archives of total solar radiation from 1958 to 2020, archives of data on aerosol optical depths (AOD) and some other aerosol characteristics from 2001 to 2020, archives of optical aerosol parameters based on satellite measurement data were compiled MODIS spectroradiometer using the MAIAC algorithm for the period 2001-2021. and the MISR spectroradiometer for the period 2017-2021. Detailed databases of meteorological observation series at weather stations of Roshydromet (archives of observation data from automatic weather stations with an initial resolution of 10 minutes), ASKZA Mosekomonitoring and personal weather stations of the Netatmo network (https://weathermap.netatmo.com/) (air temperature series) have been obtained. on 42 weather stations of Roshydromet, 40 ASKZA and more than 1600 personal weather stations
  • Various configurations of numerical experiments were implemented, designed to reproduce turbulence and large structures in the boundary layer against the background of intense mesoscale circulations.
  • A pioneering assessment of the levels of content and distribution, forms of occurrence and migration paths of potentially toxic elements and compounds in microparticles in components of the urban environment - atmospheric precipitation, snow, road dust, soils and surface watercourses was carried out.
  • All this determined the formation of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the migration of microparticles and potentially hazardous elements in the components of the urban environment based on the proposed concepts of pollution and heat islands in the atmosphere and landscapes

Education and personnel occupational retraining:

Advanced training programs have been created and implemented, new disciplines of the master's program: “Urban Ecology” MNOSH MSU “The Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes”, in particular “Ecological Assessment of Water Systems” and “Climate and Ecology of Large Cities”.

Every year during the implementation of the project, 2-3 candidate's theses were defended by laboratory staff, as well as one doctoral dissertation.

From December 1 to December 6, 2022, members of the laboratory’s research team organized and conducted a scientific school on the research topic MEGAPOLIS2022 “Modeling of water erosion, its hydrological and geochemical impacts,” which brought together 119 participants from different countries


Southern Federal University, "HYDROMETENT CENTER OF RUSSIA", University of Helsinki

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Alessandro Zappi, Olga Popovicheva, Laura Tositti, Marina Chichaeva, Irina Eremina, Anne Kasper-Giebl, Ying Tsai, Dmitry Vlasov, Nikolay Kasimov
Factors influencing aerosol and precipitation ion chemistry in urban background of Moscow megacity. // Atmospheric Environment, 2023
Vlasov D., Kasimov N., Eremina I., Shinkareva G., Chubarova N.
Major ions and potentially toxic elements in atmospheric precipitation during the COVID-19 lockdown in Moscow megacity // Urban Climate. 2023. Vol. 48. Article N 101422
Serdyukova, A.D., Vlasov, D.V., Popovicheva, O.B. et al.
Elemental composition of atmospheric PM10 during COVID-19 lockdown and recovery periods in Moscow (April–July 2020). Environ Geochem Health (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-023-01698-2
D. V. Vlasov, J. Yu Vasil’chuk, N. E. Kosheleva, and N. S. Kasimov.
Contamination levels and source apportionment of potentially toxic elements in size-fractionated road dust of Moscow. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30:38099–38120, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24934-1
Shuvalova J., Chubarova N., Shatunova M.
Cloud characteristics and their effects on solar irradiance according to the icon model, cloudnet and bsrn observations // Atmosphere. — 2023. — Vol. 14, no. 12. — P. 1769.
Varentsov M., Krinitskiy M., Stepanenko V.
Machine learning for simulation of urban heat island dynamics based on large-scale meteorological conditions // CLIMATE. — 2023. — Vol. 11, no. 10. — P. 200.
Chalov S, Platonov VP, Erina OE, Moreido VM, Samokhin M., Sokolov D., Tereshina M., Yarinich Н, Kasimov N.
Rainstorms impacts water, sediment and trace elements loads in an urbanized catchment within Moscow city: case study of summer 2020 and 2021 // Theoretical and applied climatology. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04298-9
N. Chubarova, E. Androsova, A. Kirsanov, M. Varentsov, G. Rivin.
Urban aerosol, its radiative and temperature response in comparison with urban canopy effects in megacity based on cosmo-art modeling / // Urban Climate. — 2024. — Vol. 53, no. 1. — P. 101762.
Other laboratories and scientists
Hosting organization
Field of studies
Invited researcher
Time span of the project
Laboratory of Geochemistry of Natural Waters (10)

M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - (MSU)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Konoplev Aleksei Vladimirovich



Laboratory of Macromolecular Design (10)

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University - (Sechenov University)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Kostjuk Sergei Viktorovich



Laboratory «Soil Health»

Southern Federal University - (SFedU)

Earth studies and related Ecological sciences


Wong Ming Hung

, United Kingdom
